Favorite Authors
1. Alyscia
2. bee1982
3. blueeyedcherry
4. ButterflyBetty
5. Chloe Masen
6. compass54
7. Emotion Masen
8. ericastwilight
9. eternally addicted
10. fallenforthecullen
11. FFLoverLaura
12. glassbug
13. greenbabie1289
14. heartfortwilight
16. irishchicka
17. Jadalulu
18. JRFaab
19. judo_lin
20. Karen Cullen Grey
21. Kikiblue

Not sure if you see my other comment. Love this story, dieing to know how it all ends. How ofter do you update it? I am waiting on pins and needles - Melany

22. krazyk85
23. kyla713
24. LillianBroderick
25. Lolo Eighty-Four
26. Lost Twi Sisters
27. louanne61
28. LovinRob1
29. meteoronamoonlessnight
30. MinaWritesFanfiction
31. mkystich
32. My-Bella
33. Myagrace
34. Nolebucgrl
35. Nyddi
36. OzellaMarie
37. Redtini
38. robsessed73
39. Robshandmonkey
40. Sarges Girls
41. Shadow Masen
42. she_viking
43. smmiskimen
44. SukiH
45. suzie55
46. tufano79
47. WeeKittyAndTAT