Stories by EdwardsMate4ever
Defiance by EdwardsMate4ever Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstar [Reviews - 3]
Summary: Past Featured Story


Twilight KinkFest Submission


Original Prompt: I want some wolf lovin' between Leah and Jake in wolf form. They have the mind reading thing, their human thoughts, but their overpowering wolf instincts when they phase. Is Leah in heat? Can Jake just not take her attitude anymore? Or can they not hide their attraction when their minds are open that way? It's up to you but I wanna see two wolves (NOT a wolf/human combo). Bonus points if you have pack members "watching" thru the link without them knowing.



Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Jacob/OC, Leah/OC
Genre: Angst, One-Shot, Supernatural
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: 108.9
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1844 Read Count: 515
[Report This] Published: 19 Jun 2012 Updated: 19 Jun 2012