Penname: Robsblueeyes [Real name: Jane
Member Since: 10 Dec 2010
Membership status: Member


My name is Jane and I'm a 44 year old single mum from Manchester in the UK. I'm a stay at home mum at the moment but I'm looking for a job, need to pay the bills. I discovered Twilight when the film came out and everyone was raving about the books. The books weren't well known in the UK at all, in fact, you may have found it difficult to find them at all, the film fuelled their popularity. Anyway, I bought the books for my daughter who wanted to know what all the fuss was about. That was 4 years ago and she's never read the books, not one word...I can hear you all gasping in disbelief...I however, devoured them. I couldn't get enough, completely absorbed was an understatement it was the best diet I've been on. I was so consumed by these characters the bare minimum of housework was done, my daughter reminded me every day that she was hungry and I needed to feed her, laundry was done at the last possible moment and the ironing got done on a need to wear obsession was born.

I'm Team Edward, always have been and always will be but Jasper owns a place in my heart too. After reading the books countless times I found both FanFiction and Twilighted through Twitter, some ladies on there were rec'ing some fics and my curiosity got the better of me. One of the first fics I read was Master of the Universe and I'm sure you've all read that one too, another one was Clipped Wings and Inked Armour, another amazing story and thus began my second obsession. I can't get enough, I'm on both sites every day unless the 'puter breaks then I go into withdrawal. Twilighted feeds my need for RP Fics mainly Rob and Jackson, some Kellan works it's way in there too but I read all types. I love slash and polyamorous stories and I've found that you find more of those on here. I've started to write a story myself, the characters popped into my head one day and now they won't leave me alone. I'm not sure that I'm a good enough writer that I'd ever put it out there for others to read, at the moment I'm just enjoying writing it for me.

So that's me, feel free to ask my anything you want to know, you can follow me on Twitter @Janeybo send a request and I'll follow you back, I usually drop in there every day at some point, sometimes I just lurk other times I'll spout complete nonsense, I don't think my followers realise that Janeybo and Robsblueeyes are one and the same person. All the Robporn on there keeps me busy and of course there's 100 Monkeys, Kellan and Peter Facinelli. I'm beginning to think this all might be taking over my life slightly...what life I hear you all cry...ah well, you have to have some pleasures don't you? I may even say it's a guilty one, my daughter would die of shame if she knew all this. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Jane x

TWITTER - @Janeybo    

Beta-reader: No
[Report This]

Reviews by Robsblueeyes
Summary: Past Featured Story


"Sticks and stones may break our bones... but Bella will surely kill us."


What happens when an overprotective father sends his innocent baby girl to a private self-defense course run by a gay man?  Oh if he only knew what he was paying for!  Edward and Jasper aren't the only ones who have something to teach, seems Bella does as well... the art of patience.

Poly/slash included.

Extended past the June Drabble War entry.

Picks up right after Bella shoots Mike. :)

Beta'd by the amazing texasbella and the beautiful banner made by the ever so talented JA Mash


Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward/Jasper
Genre: Adventure, Erotica, Family, Humor, Romance, Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Love to drive's Stories to read, Love to drive's Stories to read set 2, My Favorite Stories
Chapters: 126 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 25886 Read Count: 408023
[Report This] Published: 22 Jun 2012 Updated: 19 Aug 2012
Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 126: Chapter 126

Lol, I could almost hear their dicks shrivelling up. *snort*  I really loved this story, I couldn't stop laughing all the way through, thanks for sharing.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 119: Chapter 119

Lol, parents along with babies are the best contraceptive ever invented.  Why do parents think they have a right just to barge into your home whenever they like?

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 100: Chapter 100

Lol, I have a vision of Liam sitting on the couch with Charlie, porn tash on his face, beer can in hand and wearing a mini police uniform, hahaha!!

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 83: Chapter 83

"It takes three to tango." LMAO!

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 90: Chapter 90

Lol, Pregzilla rears her head again.  None of us wanna push, we should be made so that babies just slide out when it's time, better still it should be the blokes having the babies, hahahaha!!

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 70: Chapter 70

Oh my God, Mike was the attacker and with shoe fetish.  Lol, karma's a right bitch and Bella's aim was spot on.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 81: Chapter 81

Lol, Bella was jealous of a nine year old.  I liked how she got her own back on them both.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 60: Chapter 60

Oh my God, Edward has no verbal filter.  LMFAO, Charlie stood there with a knife in his hand, Jasper up against the wall clutching a cushion *snort* and Edward on the stairs, lol.  Well at least it's out in the open now and Charlie's illusions regarding Bella have well and truly been shattered.  I think he may need to bleach his brain, hahahaha!!

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Bwahahahaha!!  Well there's a turn up for the books, Bella and Jasper used to date and now it's Edward and Jasper and now, well.........

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 31: Chapter 31

Bwahahahahaha!!  Oh my God.......Charlie, hahahaha........if only he knew, and those two hiding behind the couch, lol. 

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 32


Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Lol, I love this, Bella's so snarky, brilliant.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 40: Chapter 40

I’m a big scary lion, with big scary teeth, I’m scary on the top and I’m scary underneath... - Yeah, not so much, lol.  Oh my God that was classic.  Bella's got Edward so worked all ways, hahahaha!!

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 50: Chapter 50

Lol, Jasper and Edward's plan wasn't working too well with Bella pinned against the training room wall and still being in charge. *snort*  I forgot to mention I love the term blue clit, hahahaha!!

Jane x

Summary: Past Featured Story

Bella Swan works as a nurse at Cook County Hospital in the ER. She's older and desperate for love. It's hindered by her shy personality and plump body. Her father, whom she lives with, teases her relentlessly for being fat and single.

Edward Cullen, thirty-three, is hired as a doctor in the ER. He's getting over a divorce. He moved to Chicago to be closer to his family: sister, Rosalie, and brother, Jasper. Rosalie is younger than Edward by ten years and is struggling with an eating disorder brought on by a heinous rape of her ex-boyfriend. Jasper, twenty-seven, is finishing up his doctorate in history.

Bella is charmed by this new doctor in the ER. He's kind and thinks about his patients and maintains a friendly rapport with the nurses and orderlies. Edward is intrigued by the sad nurse who does her job efficiently but doesn't have a sparkle in her eyes.

Will she allow Dr. Cullen into her life or will she let her insecurities get in the way of her happiness. Perhaps, Dr. Feelgood can write her a prescription. A prescription for love...




Banner created by Recklessangel007!



Banner created by Canan ~ Thank you!

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: I Whitlock's read , Drive's Stories to read that are Completed and Not completed, Can't wait for an update, Stories Read by CNYBella, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu, Stories I've Already read, Edwards Paradox Completed Favourites, Lilyellacullens want to read list!, My Favorite Stories, Dumbi's Most Wanted, J's Read and Loved Stories, Bella 84's To Be Read List, Stories I've read, My favs past present and future , Read & Enjoyed, Tufano79 Stories
Chapters: 35 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 331720 Read Count: 419485
[Report This] Published: 24 Jun 2012 Updated: 02 Aug 2013
Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 23: Chapter 23

I hope Jasper's sincere, he seemed it but as Bella said there's a lot of trust to be built between them, only time will tell.  Awww Garrett and Alice are official, so sweet.  Did Bella give Alice that letter?  I'm glat that regardless of what stunt Royce tries to pull next a ruling will be made and Rose will get her closure.  I'm really glad as well that Bella will be going back to school to get a doctorate so that she can head up the new unit, that is the perfect job for her.  I'm looking forward to Oahu, I've never been but I have my sunglasses, sun cream, hat and fruity drink at the ready.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Oh my God!  I feel so sad for Bella, I want to grab hold of her and give her a big hug then I want to keep telling her that she's not fat and lazy, that she's worth so much more than the way she's being spoken to and treated.  She's going to have to learn to stand up for herself, I know it's difficult especially when you feel worthless but even just a little step will help build her confidence.  Don't even get me started on Charlie, there aren't enough words in the world to describe how I feel about him.  He deserted his daughter when they needed each other the most, well now it's time she deserted him and let him fend for his own fat arse, if Bella's so fat and lazy he won't miss her will he.

This is a really good story, I know I've only read this chapter but you have made so many emotions come out of me that I know this is really good.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Awww, Edward is such a good brother.  I think Rose wants to do well for Edward but she needs to do it for herself just like Bella's the only one that can stand up to her dad and the bullies at work.  It's going to be Edward though, that gives them the courage, confidence, love and support to change.  He's such a caring person he couldn't have a better profession than being a doctor.

Lol, Irina's the female version of him, if I was Rose or Jasper I wouldn't be able to ever stop laughing about that.  Tanya certainly has a type, hahahaha!!  I'm glad they can still be friends though so many marriages end nastily.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Woohoo!!  Bella's standing up for herself with a little help from Edward and some staff policy changes, oh and let's not forget that she now has a witness to what Jessica has just said.  Those two are skanky bitches and they need sacking their behaviour is beyond unacceptable.

As for Charlie, well I'll hold him down whilst you shove one crutch up his arse and then you can hold him down whilst I shove the other one up there, lol, let's see how abusive he wants to be towards Bella then. *dusts hands off*  I'm glad that not only is she standing up for herself at work but that she's also taking the first steps in getting away from her dad.  Maybe not having Bella there will make him face up to his grief and problems and he'll get help.......or maybe I'm just living in cloud cuckoo land, lol.

Were Esme and Edward arguing and if so what about?  I know you're not going to tell me but I thought I'd ask.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

God Bella can't catch a break from anyone can she.  Kids can be really cruel but when they're old enough to know better then they should apologise and I'm glad that Evan eventually did.  I wonder if Victoria now wishes she'd swallowed her pride and apologised rather than taking it further in the ladies room with Bella.  

I love how Edward and Bella's relationship is developing and even if Edward's not ready to admit it yet, Alice is spot on, he does like Bella and it's slow burning but more than just a friend.  Lol, I loved her reaction to Edward's news about his ex being a lesbian, hahaha!  I'd have done exactly the same.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

It's a good job I'm sitting down because I'm swooning to death here. *sigh*  Edward is such a good man, so kind and loving.  I love that he's made his intentions clear to Bella and told her that he'll wait for her and that he made her look at herself whilst he pointed out all the positive things about her.  Edward knows that nobody's perfect and pointed out his own flaws.  Bella knows this but I think she's lost sight of it from all the derogatory remarks and treatment she's endured over the years.  All of those people who say things or treat her badly, they may look beautiful or, for want of better words, 'normal' but they all have ugliness inside them.  Bella's so much better than any of them, hopefully one day, she'll not only realise that but believe it too.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 26 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Oh I'm swooning again, I think I'm going to be in perpetual swoon throughout this.  I have to find myself a Dr Tattward.  Rosie's met Emmett, she's so interested, I hope this gives her some motivation and takes her mind off Royce being out of prison a little bit.  I can't believe he was let out like that for good behaviour, any fucker can be good in prison, the law is an arse.  Oh and Jasper's met Alice, lol.  'Come to Mama, studmuffin' bwahahahaha!!  So funny.

Way back in the dark ages when I was 18 I went out with this guy, he was 6' 2" slim and toned, dark brown hair and blue eyes, he was gorgeous.  I was on the bigger side, always the fat friend and I still am but I asked him why he preferred to go out with me rather than one of my friends with a gorgeous slim body, he told that no man wants to spend their lives cuddling up to and holding on to skin and bones.  It didn't work out between us but for a while he gave me confidence, showed me I was worth loving and made me feel beautiful.  Ultimately you have to learn to love yourself even if you just start with one tiny thing like your eyes, you should tell yourself every day that you have beautiful eyes, start to build confidence, people will see it and they will remark on it.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 27 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Still swooning, lol.  I'm so glad that Bella's getting help and that Rose has found a reason to get better and get some help, she really should want to do this for herself to prove that she can't be broken but it's a step in the right direction.

I think Bella's going to be up and down with her self esteem for quite a while.  Undoing fourteen years of abuse is going to take a while and, of course, there are always people around her willing to knock her back down on her arse.  I hope she can hold on to the good thoughts about herself and kick their arses.

I loved the date, it was so romantic and perfect.  Oh my God the car!  I'd cream myself over that car too, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 27 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

I like that they're making the staff attend an ethics course, it needs to be drummed home not just how to treat colleagues but people in general.  It's sad that they couldn't actually grow up and realise for themselves that you don't treat people that way.

Awww, Edward's said I love you, swoon-a-rooni, lol.  I was seriously annoyed at Bella that she wouldn't let Edward explain and how irrational she was.  I can understand her reaction to what she saw due to her insecurities but still, most people would want if not, demand, an explanation as to what was going on but Bella just shut down completely.  She has a lot of work ahead of her.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 27 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Bella said that the reason she didn't stay to listen to Edward and ran away instead was because she didn't want to be hurt anymore.  What she did by running was hurt herself a lot more than she needed to, if she'd stayed to listen to Edward and talked to Rosie then she would have realised the truth so much sooner and, I think, built up a little bit of trust with Edward, she certainly wouldn't have spent her afternoon being cold, miserable and crying.

Lol, Bella was so embarrassed by all the sex talk on the girls night out.  They're right though she has to learn to pleasure herself and find out what she likes, she's going to miss out on so much if she doesn't give oral a try, lol, I couldn't believe she didn't get the Sqweel, I have one of those, it's soooo goooood!!

Writing that letter to Jacob seems to have released something in Bella and I'm glad she ended up in Edward's arms.  On a different note, is James going to start causing problems for the girls?

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 27 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Lol, I love that on your blog you've got Daniel Craig as Carlisle, you're a woman after my own heart, I effin love him.

I love that Edward describes Bella as curvy, I don't like the word 'heavy'.  Jasper was a dickhead, he made assumptions about Bella based solely on how she looks and behaved at the New Years Eve party.  She's doing a lot better now since she started her therapy and wrote that letter to Jacob, I think that was a real break through for her.  Everyone's falling in love with Bella and that's because her beautiful personality is just shining out of her.

Newton and Crowley need rockets up their arses for the way they go on about Bella.  It's a pity that they can't turn it around on them, pick something different about them and then bully them about it until they feel like Bella, let's see how funny they find it then.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 28 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Charlie's an absolute fucktard and I hope that Bella goes through with pressing charges.  He's mentally abused her for fourteen years, ignored her and destroyed her self esteem.  Now things are a little tough for him he's come to find her at the hospital to humiliate her further and get her to pay his bills when previously he couldn't get out of his chair to make himself something to eat.  I would say, for Charlie, that things have improved without Bella being there, he's had to move his lazy arse and start doing things for himself.  Bella's an extremely caring and sensitive person but if she caves in to Charlie now then I don't know if she'll ever fully recover her self esteem.  Throw the book at him and forget him, that's what I say, he's never deserved Bella as his daughter and it's time she realised that.

I loved their lemon.  They're getting closer to each other and Bella's fighting her body's desire for Edward.  She's still a mix of sexy minx and naive school girl, lol, I'm surprised Edward's not walking around with a permanent hard on.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 28 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Wow, Bella really regressed didn't she.  I think she's actually worse than when the story started.  It's one step forward, two steps back with Bella.  This is going to take her a long time to get over, it could potentially take years before she actually believes what people are telling her and that they love her just for being her.  I think that she should use what she wrote in her journal about deserving love as a mantra that she has to repeat to herself every day and when she's feeling insecure about anything.

I feel sorry for Edward, he loves her so much but he just keeps being shut out and his heart trampled on.  I hope he can hold on.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 28 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13

This new surgeon wouldn't be Jacob by any chance would it?  Why is Jasper so stuck on Tanya as the ideal type of woman for Edward?  Why does it matter to Jasper if his brother wants to be with a curvy girl who is loving and kind?  I'm sure he'd have an issue with Edward if he was to start having a go at Alice for being small and slim.  I understand that Jasper wouldn't go for a girl like Bella but it doesn't mean he has to be disrespectful towards her.

I loved their lemon.  I'm so glad that Bella's got over her aversion to oral sex and rather spectacularly, I'm taking it that Bella's a squirter, lol.  Did you know that your vagina is cleaner than the inside of your mouth?  Well it is.  I can't believe Edward's such a germaphobe, he's so funny, at least it doesn't stop him going down on Bella......he probably knows that little fact about the vag, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 28 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14

What did I say?  One step forward, two steps back.  Bella's doing really well, she's gained so much more confidence and is trusting Edward more, in fact she's pulling herself together very nicely and although she's mentioned it with the impetus of Edward, ultimately for this to work she has to do it all for herself.  I'm looking forward to her session with Emmett, I think it will help her channel her feelings more and give her more confidence, lol, pad up Emmett.

Who does Charlie know that's willing to put up his $250,000 bail?  Something fishy's definitely going on.  I hope he breeches his bail conditions and ends up on his arse back in prison.

I feel sorry for Alice and, I have to say, for Jasper.  Don't shoot me, I'm sorry but I do feel sorry for him.  So he's always been a bit vain, so what, we all are about something.  What is it that makes him so prejudiced about Bella's weight that he can't see past it to the beautiful person she is?  Did something happen to him?  Has he been bullied about being different and now he's transferring that experience?  Is he scared of getting fat himself?  Is it just Bella he doesn't like because she's with Edward or would he be the same with any fat person?  I feel that there's more going on with this because he knows it's wrong and it's cost him his relationship with Alice but still he can't stop himself.  It's sad and that's why I feel sorry for him.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 28 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Bella may not have really laid into Jacob but she made and amazing start and that was a really big start for her.  The more she stands up for herself the confidence and self esteem she'll get back, it's onwards and upwards for Bella, woohoo!!

Oh my God!  LMFAO, Mr Pecker, Woody, with an erection problem, seriously? Bwahahahahahaha!!  I'm still laughing, I'm no better than Mike but that name and that problem......well I'm reduced to being a teenager, lol.  If they're not careful half the ER are going to be sacked for harrassment.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 29 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16

The only two people in this story that could afford to bail Charlie out that would possibly want to hurt Bella as well are Jacob and Jasper.  Now I'd hate to think that Jasper would stoop so low and be so cruel so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the didn't go there.  Jacob's a different kettle of fish but at the time it all happened I don't see why he would be bothered about Bella.  I'm beginning to wonder if Jasper's on drugs, he's been pulling some long hours working on his doctorate.  Has he been taking something and it's affected his personality?

Dr Sexward is the man, lol.  Bella's one lucky girl to have Edward make love to her, treating her right. *sigh*  He can come to my house any day of the week and give me three orgasms and a massage, hahaha!!

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 09 Dec 2012 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17

I can't believe Jasper.  Why does he have to be such a dick?  His apology to Bella and the reason for it was sketchy at best and Bella picked up on that. Does he suffer from middle child syndrome, is that why he believes he has to manipulate everyone and every situation?  Like I've said before there has to be something more behind his behaviour.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Bella doesn't let Jasper affect her relationship with Edward.

Now, how many people is Jacob going to be allowed to kill before he's sacked and has his licence to practice taken away from him?  

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10 Dec 2012 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Awww.  Edward's such a romantic.  I'm glad that Bella said yes.  Rose should definitely stay close to home for the time being, she needs her family and friends around her.  She's really made some great strides in her recovery but I don't think she's quite strong enough to go it alone.

I hope that Jacob isn't going to be a to wriggle his way out of what he's done. I'm thinking that Lauren or Jessica gave him or made a copy of a key for him or maybe even Britney.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10 Dec 2012 Title: Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Jacob will definitely be back and I think his main target will be Edward with Alice a close second.  Now the best way to hurt Edward is Bella so she really needs to be extra vigilant and keep doing those kick boxing lessons with Emmett.  Does nobody think it odd that both Mike and Jessica are off together?  I do, they could be moving out of town.

Poor Edward having to write Bella's reprimand, she's right though he should have done it at the time like she said, at least she's going into a sulk about Edward having to do this.  

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 20 Dec 2012 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Bwhahahaha!!  Did you hear Edward's chin hit the floor?  I did, lol.  I loved his birthday, Bella's given him the perfect day and now she's about to give him the perfect night, I can't wait.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Wow!  Edward's birthday *phew* I needed a lie down after that one, lol.  Ten times in 24 hours, no wonder Bella's cooter was barking and Edward was icing the family jewels, I'm surprised they could move at all.  I'm already in love with Garrett and if there's any chance that Alice decides she doesn't want him 'cause it'll ruin their working relationship or something, then I'll glady step in, hahaha! Newton killed himself, not too sad about that.  Lauren let slip some interesting things during her apology, Jacob and Charlie in cohoots.  I'm looking forward to the next chapter. *grins*

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 12 Jan 2013 Title: Chapter 22: Chapter 22

I'm suggesting beach sex, sea sex, pool sex and seeing as though the angst is coming, well sex, sex, sex and more SEX bwahahahahaha!!! *cough* Just needed to get that out of my system, lol.

Can we trust Jasper?  He seemed pretty genuine, it sounded like he'd been doing some serious assessment of his life so far, he's finally realised he needs to act his age instead of behaving like some spoiled teenager, so for now, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.  I think Bella's going to be a tough nut to crack though, just as she should be.

I'm looking forward to Garrett's party and Hawaii, in case you hadn't noticed, lol. I think Bella should go and do her Masters and become a Nurse Practitioner, it will give her more satisfaction and, like she said she'd still have time for Edward, their family and friends.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17 Feb 2013 Title: Chapter 24: Chapter 24

Well Edward got a result after complaining about that flight attendant, four free vouchers, woohoo!!  He should still get her arse sacked though, that was totally inappropriate and really slutty, she should have more self respect.  I'm loving their holiday, it's like Edward's become a different person with his obsession for public sex and now Bella's promised him it'll happen, lol, I can't wait to see how she masterminds this one.  Holiday lemonade is the best, I think it's the lack of stress and the sense of freedom and relaxation that does it.  God I need a holiday.

Jane x

Wild Child by FluffyLiz Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 756]
Summary: Past Featured Story


Just months away from inheriting a fortune and the family business, 17 year old orphan, Bella,  is out of control – a wild child with a platinum card and a killer bod.  Can Edward, as her legal guardian and CEO of Swan Publishing, rein her in and prevent her from ruining everything he’s worked for?  AH.  Rated M for a reason.

Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Drive's Stories to read that are Completed, G8or Favor8s Read, Lady Luciole's Favorites TwiHu, Stories I've Already read, Lilyellacullens want to read list!
Chapters: 39 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 212285 Read Count: 153219
[Report This] Published: 25 Jun 2012 Updated: 29 Oct 2012
Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 28: Chapter 28

It seems Edward may have actually just found his missing heart. I'm glad he didn't mention selling her shares but then bloody Jane chimes in, literally. What will Bella think and do now?

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 27: Chapter 27

Woohoo!! Good for Emmett, good things happen to good people. Now let's hope that something good happens for Bella. I want to be friends with Jess and Lauren, they're hilarious and Lauren's imagination knows no bounds, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 26: Chapter 26

=/:)#=;!__$@>*]]°¢°°< »^®<<>*¡%¢¿~£*°|¥}€

He'd better not do what he's thinking of doing, stupid arsehole. Bella, dear God, Bella's too vulnerable to deal with this fuckery right now. I hope Uncle Jon is keeping his eagle eyes open and his ear to the ground and stops her doing anything stupid if she puts herself in that position. Maybe Rose will work it all out, that girl's savvy.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Edward is an effing using bastard! How's that one? When he 'attacked' Bella in his room I was willing her to push him away and walk off but of course she wouldn't because she loves him. She needs her friends right now and a family surrounding her. As for graduation, well if I was Bella there'd be no way I'd be e-mailing him about it.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 39: Chapter 39

Oh wow! What a fantastic ending. Their ceremony was beautiful and so them and now they can be together and get on with living life.

I've really loved this story, even when it was angsty and Edward was being a complete tool, lol. Thank you for sharing.

Jane x

Author's Response:

Hi Jane

Well, you made it to the end!  I cannot say 'thank you' enough for all your wonderful comments - it's always great to get reviews when a story is still posting as a WIP, but to get a chapter-by-chapter commentary once it's complete is really rare, and I am inordinately grateful for all your wonderful feedback.  This was my first multi-chapter piece of wriiting and it has many, many flaws, so your response to it has been doubly welcome.  Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words.


Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 38: Chapter 38

After all the drama and the angst I'm so happy that things have finally turned out right for them. Edward buying the rings was perfect as was giving them to Bella on her birthday. They've both come a long way since Bella's school suspension back on March. Who would have predicted that it would lead them to this point.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 37: Chapter 37

Lol, Edward was getting really frustrated. How the tables turned first Bella and then him, it's a good job Jane's dead I don't think Edward could cope with his balls getting any bluer. I hope Bella doesn't let what happened with Jane overwhelm her and pray on her mind, of course she's bound to be upset she's a compassionate person which bitch features wasn't, she wouldn't have cared less if she'd killed Bella or Edward. Thankfully the law supported Bella in this case, woohoo!!

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 36: Chapter 36

I loved these two lines in this chapter: She was magnificent. And she was fucking livid. I could feel Edward's awe, pride and love for Bella in those. Thank God the bitch is dead, please say she is, Bella will get away with it, it was clearly self defence and actually Jane committed suicide by under estimating Bella. I can't believe their drunken arises didn't close the patio door properly.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 35: Chapter 35

Woohoo!! He told her, finally. I'm so happy for them now they have a starting point to carry on and talk properly.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 24: Chapter 24

Oh God, I don't know how much more of this I can stand, you've made me cry and Edward's still being a twat of Michelin Man proportions. *sob*

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 34: Chapter 34

Finally she's awake. The Minge-keteers will ride again, lol, yes I did just say that. Will Bella blame Edward for what happened. I think what happened with Jane would have happened anyway, the woman is a psycho, Edward's involvement with her just brought things to a head sooner rather than later. It seems that Bella's been looked after by her mum and dad whilst she's been in her induced coma and they sent her back to Edward, well that's what I like to think anyway.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 23: Chapter 23

Oh Bella, my heart goes out to her. She has from now until when, about October time to make Edward fall in love and admit it to her before Uni starts.

I can't believe Edward, I could push his stupid face into the back of his head. I hoped he'd turned a corner but no he still had to shit on Bella again the next day. I would say she should leave him so he'd realise what he was missing but the stupid loon would probably just accept it for the best. God he's such an arsehole.

I loved the Jonathan Harker reference, it made me laugh which is more than Edward did, the dickhead.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 32

So it was Jane in the car, it's a shame she didn't go over the side of the mountain whilst making her escape. As for the police, well either Charlie and Renee were killed and they were bribed to cover it up or they were paid off to not escort Bella to the crash site so Jane could get her hands on her. Funny how she turned up at Bella's door not long after her conversation with the inspector. I hope Edward gets there soon, Jane is so going down for this at least I hope she is, she can't get away with attempted murder.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 33: Chapter 33

There's nothing like a life and death situation to make you realise your feelings and appreciate what you might lose. I hope that that Jane bitch loses control of her car and dies. Please don't let her turn up at the hospital to finish the job. I'm thinking Rose might have been better contacting the British Embassy. That police inspector is as much use as a chocolate fireguard, he has to be corrupt.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 22: Chapter 22

I can't believe that Edward spouted all that crap at Bella about their marriage and their wedding night being a colossal mistake, she should have lamped him one. Lol, your story is making me violent. Is he denying his feelings to protect himself? Does the fact that he's now taken Bella to his bed mean that he's accepted he has feelings for her or is he just going to shit all over her again in morning? He has the power to destroy Bella at this point more thoroughly than she could destroy him.

Jane x 

Author's Response:

Hey Jane

Just thought I'd respond to your latest review, as you asked a question.  The fact is that Edward is absolutely terrified of his feelings for Bella and of letting himself fall for her.  All the important people in his life have abandoned him - his father, by his cold detachment, his mother by deserting him, and Charlie and Renee by dying.  It's why he's been incapable of forming a proper relationship with a woman, preferring to stay with someone like Tanya, who he could never love, and thus could never be hurt by her.  Bella's presence in his life and his growing attraction to her has completely stunned him, and he's flailing about in unknown waters.  It doesn't excuse his deplorable behaviour, but it does go some way to explaining it.

As ever, I'm immensely grateful for all your great comments, and am thoroughly enjoying reading your reactions as you read.


Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Bwahahaha!! Child-proof container, oh God that's a new one on me, lol. I love Jess and Lauren, they're comedy gold especially when it's all three of them together.

See this is what happens when you go from 0 to 60 in five seconds flat. They may know each other sexually but they've missed the getting to know each other on a romantic dating level. They need to do that and talk, say what they feel instead of trying to read one another's minds.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 31: Chapter 31

Who's the inspector calling? Was there something suspicious about Charlie and Renee's accident? Please tell me the person following Bella is Edward.

Poor Jules, in another life he and Bella would probably be perfect for one another.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 30: Chapter 30

Thank God Lauren has been able to, somewhat, convince Jess that Edward is being truthful. I'm so glad that they've taken it upon themselves to try and get Edward and Bella back together. Edward has been a monumental dickhead, if it was an Olympic event he'd win the gold by a mile. I suppose it's hard to open up to love when, for most of your life, you've felt unloved and rejected. Maybe there was too much damage already done to be repaired before Emmett's family and Charlie came on the scene. Edward's always chosen the wrong type of woman to protect himself from feeling and rejection. He's still a huge dickhead and he'd better not fuck this umpteenth chance he's been given up, of course Bella has to communicate with him in some way for this to work.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Wow! I need a fan, that was hot. Definitely a first time to enjoy and remember. It was sad that Bella thought Edward was going to leave her in bed on her own all night, they really do need to talk, it's no good Edward talking to a stranger in the bar. I loved Edward's smugness at his recovery time and hard on, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 29: Chapter 29

I'm putting dibs on Lauren to be my best friend. That whole exchange between her and Edward made me laugh so much, I really needed that. I hope Edward doesn't tell Jane where Bella's going on hols, I have visions of her tracking her down to put the frighteners on her or bump her off. Edward needs to watch his step with her as well. I can't believe that Edward has got himself into this position, as Lauren said so well, he's supposed to be the piggin' adult.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 04 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Mrs Banner's right, Bella is lonely and needs attention. Trouble is Edward's lonely too, it seems he spends all his time working. I'm not sure who's in for the bigger shock when they spend some quality time together, Edward or Bella, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Bella's certainly screaming for attention and who can blame her after what happened. These two are the victims of circumstance. I think during this time together they need to call a truce, which is easier said than done with a teenager, and start from scratch. Edward needs to dump Tanya because as he said he only likes her, he doesn't love her. What's the point of being together if you don't love them? It's just friend with benefits, plus I think she'll monopolize Edward's time. The feelings both Edward and Bella have for each other cannot be ignored.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Hahaha! I love Jessica's and Laurens nicknames but Bella's is priceless, lol. Okay, it's official, I love Harriet and Lynda but I hate Kate. Harriet is exactly what Bella has been missing from her life. Edward would do well to realise quickly that Bella doesn't need flowers and chocolates, she needs his time and affection, I hope he gets there soon. Kate, urgh, she's after Edward and she's a complete bitch. If I was Bella she'd be on the sacking list or maybe demote her to be Lynda's assistant, lol. Of course she'll have to wait for that opportunity but maybe she could have some fun at her expense in the meantime.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

I love that they call themselves The Three Minge-keteers, bloody brilliant. I also love your Author's Notes, as a Brit I follow them perfectly and really have no need to read them but they're so entertaining, your American readers must think we're crazy, lol.

Bella raised a good point, what if Edward deviates from his promise? He can't put the success or failure of this onto Bella, he has to realise and accept he's played a major part in what's been going on.

I'm still laughing at Jessica falling out of bed and the whole morning after scene, the bad language and close friendship they share, happy days. It brings back so many of my own memories which just goes to prove that teenagers never change.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Uh-oh! What's Edward going to do? More to the point what's Bella going to do? If he agrees they both get something. Bella gets a part of what she wants but not what she needs and Edward gets what he needs but not what it's slowly dawning on him that he wants. What a pickle.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Urgh! Tanya's here and suspicious of Bella. I get the feeling she's going to try and make Bella's life as miserable as hell whilst she's here. It's getting harder for Edward to ignore his feelings for Bella and did I actually hear him stick up for her....yes, I think I did. Edward better get his arse into gear if he doesn't want Bella to catch him ogling her, the perv, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Hahaha! Bella's comeback was brilliant, no wonder Edward was nearly choking. I don't know how he can still think of Tanya as one of the two most important people in his life when he previously listed her shortcomings and purposely avoided sex with her. His feelings for Bella are increasing by the day and Tanya's really not that stupid, he's going to have to face how he's feeling soon.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Tanya's increasingly being left out and ignored by Edward, how long will it be before she completely blows her top? She spent all that time working on herself and changing and still nobody likes her, well apart from her dad. I dread to think how awful she was before she became this version. Please tell me Edward's going to dump her soon, he can't even be arsed to go to bed with her.

I love the old black and white films, especially Cary Grant.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Why didn't Edward just tell her that they were finished? He had the perfect opportunity to do that. It doesn't matter anymore when he dumps her because she'll always blame Bella and accuse Edward of sleeping with her. At least he can't ignore his feelings anymore. Have I said that before?

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10

I think they've had a breakthrough, they're actually communicating with each other without screaming, this is definitely progress. Now how is Edward going to actually deal with his ever growing, in more ways than one, feelings for Bella, lol. I hope it's not Tanya buying up these shares either directly or indirectly.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11

I love Emmett and Rose, no nonsense and fun loving. Edward really lets his guard down around Emmett and I think Rose saw a different side to him. They both definitely saw what passed between Edward and Bella, lol. Even though they're not admitting it to one another it's becoming obvious to those around them.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Bloody Tanya, so insecure in herself she has to resort to threatening and belittling a seventeen year old girl. It looks as though Bella's asserting her independence and booking herself into a hotel. It's really not the right thing to do, I mean she wants to be treated like an adult, not a child and yet she's choosing to punish Edward by disappearing, very childish. They're both so full of conflicted feelings they really need to talk properly.

Jane x

Author's Response:

Hi Jane

Just wanted to let you know that I'm really enjoying your reviews of Wild Child, and that I really appreciate that you're taking the time to comment on each chapter.  You've now seen Bella act out in a very foolish way, and I should probably warn you that this won't be the worst thing she does.  As for Edward, I'm pretty sure you're going to want to punch his lights out as the story progresses (everyone else did LOL!) but hope that you'll hang on in there while he works out how to extract his head from his arse!

Thanks again for all your great comments.


Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13

I have to say I'm feeling sorry for Riley in all of this. He's going to be hurt and probably angry when he finds out how old Bella is, not to mention that he doesn't even stand a chance because of Edward. There's no way Bella can move on when she feels the way she does for Edward, it just won't work. Thank God Angela spotted her the night before or else who knows how long this would have gone on for. Now is Rose going to read her the riot act or what?

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Okay two steps forward, one step back. I think they're both as bad as each other, neither of them are blameless in all of this but being the full grown adult, Edward has to take responsibility for most of it. But then how do you reconcile the fact that you're falling in love with your ward and feeling guilty about that because she's his ward, only seventeen, the daughter of one of his best friends, his father figure and the girl he affectionately called belly button? How do you do that?

Edward went beyond in his rant at Bella implying she was a slut and a whore. That really was unforgivable and I really don't know how Bella didn't slap his face or kick him in the balls. Now he needs to be grovelling for an apology for those insinuations.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Edward certainly made his point about Bella staying out but using her parents to do so was extremely cruel, he should have left them out of it. I know Bella scared him to death and what she did was also cruel but who's the adult here, two wrongs don't make a right. Lol, I could sulk for Britain at Bella's age and I would have stayed in but then I would have cut my nose off to spite my face in those days. I know it served no purpose but to ultimately hurt myself but I couldn't give in. Bella's a better person than I was.

Is this woman at the bar Edward's friend?

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Oh my God! I can't believe she's doing this, and Vegas. Noooo!! This is beyond monumentally stupid this could be personal and financial devastation. This is where Bella truly shows her age and how much growing up she has to do. Please tell me Edward reaches her before she either does something stupid or is forced into it.

My eyes nearly fell out of my head twice at the end of this chapter. I'm glad I don't have to wait for the update.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17

What about talking to the police a nd explaining what's happened, that Bella's under age, surely that counts for something. Maybe ringing around the wedding chapels and telling them if Bella turns up she's under age. I take it she's not old enough to marry without Edward's consent? God, I hope they find her before money grabbing James get the chance to do anything.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Thank God they found her, I really thought they weren't going to make it. Will Bella marry Edward like this or will they both come to there senses. I know Edward loves Bella, even if he's only just admitting it to himself, but I think he's doing this out of desperation to protect Bella and her interests. They should talk about it first.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Jul 2014 Title: Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Condoms, he's gone to buy condoms, lol. Rose is a good friend and I'm glad she spoke to Bella to make sure that she truly wanted to be with Edward, what she doesn't realise is how Edward feels about Bella and how he's been trying to battle those feelings because he didn't think they were right. I really hope he tells Bella before they sleep together, she needs to know he's doing this out of love and not obligation. I think on some level she realises this from all the mixed signals Edward has given her.

Jane x


See how it all started. What did Bella do once she laid eyes on Edward Cullen to make sure he was hers. Watch as shy Bella stops at nothing to get her man. All Human, canon couples, a bit OOC.

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 28487 Read Count: 2297
[Report This] Published: 29 Jun 2012 Updated: 17 Aug 2012
Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

I'm intrigued, I can't wait to read more.

Jane x

Author's Response:

Ohh thyat is the plan.. get you all intrigued!!



Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 2: Summer- Junior Year

Double clicked her mouse....bwahahahahaha!!  Oh my God, I love this story it's so funny and witty.  Alice has two Barbies now, Bella and Malibu, lol.  I have this picture in my head of the girls sitting in Rose's bedroom, Alice and Rose obssessing over boys and sex whilst Bella's chin is permanently on the floor, lol.

If I was Edward, which clearly I can't be, but if I was I would have slammed Bree's bedroom door and run off just to make her wonder and panic about who'd caught her just to mess with her head a bit, lol.  I loved Edward's text message, boys will be boys but she deserved it.  Poor Edward, but now it's on to better things.

Jane x

Author's Response:

Yea.... I just love that phrase... I can sooo see Bella looking like that as they said that.. I mean.. its an odd phrase if ya think about it!!!

Yes... to Barbies... the Orginal and Malibu.....


Ahhh Edward.... Yea.... I think Iwould have stormed in there as well.. but.. I think he handled it well...dont you?? But you are right...better things are on the horizon!!


Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 13 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 3: September- Junior Year

Could Bella be any more naive?  Dear God, I'm tempted to say she's like a twelve year old little girl but even those are interested in boys, lol.  I can't believe she's shoved that vibe in a drawer, so not where it's meant to be, hahaha!  I can only think that once Bella does stumble across Edward that she'll be struck by lightning and Bella will be needing to replace the batteries in that vibe at least once a week. *snort*

I can appreciate Bella's confusion about the girl code, I mean she does seem to have been living under a rock or in a book but there's nothing to say that she can't tell Alice that Jasper really likes her, get her to notice what's a plain as the nose on Alice's face. Mwahahahaha!!

Oh, by the way, I'm salivating over Edward's six that wrong of me?  He is legal in the UK. Lol.

Jane x

Author's Response:

Ahhh yes... she is naive.... a very very late bloomer..... and like you said.. she's been in a book... been keeping to herself.. so all of this is new.. A the vibe.... dont worry... we haven't seen the last of it!!! hehe give her some time... her journey is gonna be too funny!!

The girl code can be tricky..... but like you said she is new to this... she will learn and Alice will school ya.....


Girl.. amaze over the abs hun.. its ok.....we all want to do it!!

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 4: October Junior Year

Awww, Edward is so hurt.  He says he's back to his hockey routine and it's comforting, but that's just it, he's closing himself off and using his comforting hockey routine to get through.  Have Jasper and Emmett noticed what their friend's doing or are they just being unobservant guys?  They need to help him get back into life again, it doesn't have to involve a girl, ahem.  Bree wants him back.  The only reason for her apologising is because everythings gone pear shaped, she's realised she's made a huge mistake and wants Edward back.  I'm glad that Edward didn't fall for her little game.  Jog on Bree, jog on.

Well, the vibe made it out of the drawer and eventually even to the promised land, lol.  I think Bella needs to either turn it up a notch or use something like those links Alice sent her, after all she doesn't want to hurt the vibes feelings now does she, bwahahahahaha!!  Bless her, she'll get there.  I had to laugh at the staring contest she was having with it. 

Love and lust *sigh* such a tricky subject but as teenagers we do mistake lust for love.  It's such an all or nothing time and everything is either magical or devastating and then we grow up.  I feel sorry for Charlotte and of course, Rose is right, Riley doesn't have the first clue what he's doing so it has to be Charlotte's fault.  Riley will probably always be that 'wham bam, thank you ma'am' guy or the two pump chump, call it what you will but that will be him, lol.

Jane x

Author's Response:

LOL.. I think you give his friends a bit too much credit.. but I think they are giving him his space... he will come out... just give him some time. Plus... he really doesn't want the school to pity him. He's soo over her.. so he's just ignoring the pity..thats all.

Yes..the vibe made it out..and well it hard tosay who won and who lost.. lol.. I thinkshe wants tpo feel normal.. but not freaked out by how the vibe feels.. its a scary thing to try the first time!!

Lust is tricky and they mistake the two all the time.. but I guess live and learn!!

Thanks for a kick ass review!

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 28 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 5: November Junior Year

And so the sexual awakening of Bella begins, woohoo!!  I had to laugh when Bella mentions she knows Edward's schedule and has a sudden interest in hockey, then she wonders why she's in such a tizzy about Edward, lol, lust Bella, pure unadulterated lust and now she's being led around by her clit, hahahaha!!  I'm surprised at Alice and Rose not reading more into Bella's questions about Edward, was she really that good at hiding her interest?

So Edward's back, easing himself back into general population, walking around with his eyes closed......wonder how long that will last now that Mike has mentioned Bella, a little seed has been planted in his brain and little does Edward realise but Bella's on a mission, especially after her first 'O' so glad that happened for her.  Bwahahahaha!!

Jane x

Author's Response: has begun!! Bella had her first O and she has her obsession!!! But like the Bella she is.. she is resisting it all.. trying to make sense out of lust and well..sometime ya just need to ride that for all its worth!! As for Rose and Alice..wel.. Bella is good at hiding it.. she's kinda stealthy!!

Edward is back....and the seed of Bella has been planted... I have a feeling he is gonna be a stubborn boy!! But it will all be better for the chase..right??


Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 6: December Junior Year

Bwahahahaha!!  Stalker - much?  Oh my God, I'm reliving my teenage years.  Lol, Bella's made a scrapbook and a bit of spy file on Edward, yeah well let's hope that doesn't fall into the wrong hands.  Now she has her campaign to get up close to Edward but still keeping a little distance in the process of which, she's now graduated to full on stalker by nicking his t-shirt, hahaha, I take it she'll be sleeping in that. 

She's right there is no reasoning for all of this, it's just something you have to do. *snort*  Like I said I'm reliving my teenage years and my mild (compared to Bella's) stalkerish tendancies of a boy in the year above me called Chris.  He had the low rise jeans thing going on before it was even trendy (we're going back some years here) and would actually speak to me.......sometimes. *swoon*

Jane x

Author's Response:

Ohh Jane.. your reviews make me laugh!!

Yea.. I think if ya look up stalker.. Bella's picture would be right there.... lol.. but you are right.. I think on some level it a common thing for teens to do!! I sorta kinda did it as well... I just have Bella going to the EXTREME!!

glad I could helpyou relive your teen years with a smile!!

Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 7: January Junior Year

Lol, Edward knows he has a stalker and thinks it's Jess, hahahaha isn't that lucky for Bella.  Yuk, I can't believe she's taken sweaty socks and a sweaty towel, well I'm assuming she popped into the changing room after she spoke to Alec, like you do, maybe sniffed and cuddled his t-shirt before grabbing the towel and socks and legging it out of there.  I now have a vision of her wearing Edward's t-shirt she nicked previously, his sweaty socks and the towel wrapped around her I going too far?  I'm starting to worry myself a

Imagine if Chief Swan had to get a restraining order out on his own daughter, ohh the shame.....*snort*

Jane x

Author's Response:

Yea.. the socks and towel may be over the line.. but Bella is a bit crazy!!! Hmm I think Bella would more be the type to put them in plastic bags to preserve the smell.. lol....

Ohh could even imagine if the Chief had to arrest her!!?? OMG.. too  funny!

Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 8: February Junior Year

Oh poor, deluded Jasper 'she keeps to herself' lololololol.  Edward's finally noticed Bella, well how could he fail not to, she's stalked him relentlessly since September and schemed her way into his life, lol, just your average normal teenage behaviour.  I bet she nearly wet herself when he sat next to her in English and then to be assigned the seat next to him in biology....well I'm surprised she could word vomit about that shit call in the game, I'd have been so tongue tied.  She's gone from knowing nothing to being the uber fact girl on hockey stats and plays......well I suppose something good had to come from the stalking, lol. 

I'm so glad that Jasper and Alice are finally together.  Will Bella's planning turn out the way she thinks it will?  Time will tell.  Rose was very wise with her words and friendships can survive boyfriends especially if you don't neglect the friendship in the first place. 

I know Bella's wondering now what she actually wants to happen with Edward now that she's actually getting closer to the prize.  I'm beginning to wonder if Bella's getting a little scared that this is just a pure obsession and she might not want anything further, I mean she's not told her friends anything and usually your friends know who you're obsessed with and become your enablers, or she may be getting scared that she might actually have to do something and we all know how inexperienced Bella is.  Of course, I could be reading too much into this as well, lol, at least I make you laugh. *grins*

Can't wait for the next chapter, I love this story.

Jane x

Author's Response:

Edward did notice Bella.. and now the funcan begin!! She was a bit besides herself with all her good luck... hence the word vomit.. I think she wanted to impress him..and she at least left a good imnpression!!


We will see how Bella processes everything she is feeling... and along the way.. we willsee how Edward reacts to her!!





The boys are ready to start their future together, drama free and full of toys. Having said their ‘I do’s’ they are headed to Greece for their 3 week long honeymoon. What antics can they manage to get up to in a foreign country?

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Edward/Jasper (slash)
Genre: Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Romantic Comedy
Series: Can't wait for an update
Chapters: 18 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 28328 Read Count: 34783
[Report This] Published: 30 Jun 2012 Updated: 22 Oct 2012
Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Oh my God, what's Edward cooking up now?  I'm amazed they didn't break the suspension in the car, lol  At least it wasn't one of those little Fiat cars, they'd need to be contortionists to both get on the back seat of one of those, hahaha!!

Jane x

Author's Response:

lmao, too many visions! hehe

tb & true


Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 27 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Sod the ring pull, lol.  Good job they like cold eggs.  I have visions of a very red faced realtor in the boys near future. *smirks*

Jane x

Author's Response:

Hehehe, good times to come with house hunting :D

True & TB xXx

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 17 Sep 2012 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Perfectly pink puckered portal......Bwahahahahahaha!!!  Oh dear God, I'll be needing the oxygen tank never mind Jasper or Edward, lol.

Jane x

Author's Response:


Just breathe! hehe

tb & true


Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 03 Sep 2012 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Oh these boys brighten up my Mondays no end, lol.  I almost don't want them to go home.

Jane x

Author's Response:

But just think of the adventures that await them there!  Thanks for reading!


tb and True

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 09 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Unidentifiable shapes, bwahahaha!!  This is going to be one hot and interesting honeymoon.

Jane x

Author's Response:

Oh yes it is hehe

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 09 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Kinky Kate, lol, not that we're all kinky in the slightest, bwahahahaha!!  That's the best flight I've ever experienced.

Jane x

Author's Response:

Nope, we're totally innocent hehe

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 09 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Just how many toys did Edward pack in his hand luggage?  Is that all he had in there? Lol.  They are going to be so knackered.....bwahahahaha!!

Jane x

Author's Response:

Erm, I think he had one case for toys and Jasper had a case for both their sets of clothes lol

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Lol, I love the blow up vibrating dildo, genius and boy did Jasper love it too. Hahahaha!  Did Edward pack any clothes with his toys?  Working in the shop together is going to be interesting.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Jane x

Author's Response:

Aren't toys fun? LOL!  Edward got some clothes in there, though not much... we think he figured he'd be naked most of the time!

Thanks for reading and enjoying!



tb and True

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 23 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Lol.  I think Edward will be glad of Jasper taking all those photos, when they get back home he'll be able to see all the sights he missed whilst he was ogling Jasper, bwahahahahaha!!

This makes me want to go on holiday. *sigh*

Jane x

Author's Response:


TB & True x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 30 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Awww, they love each other so much and when you love someone with that intensity there are no words that adequately describe the feeling, but words and actions go a long way together.  Lol, the hot tub had the opposite effect of being relaxing......ooooooh those bubbles, hahahahaha!

Jane x

Author's Response:

bubbles bubbles bubbles!  (oops sorry, drifted into the land of Nemo...hehe)

thanks for reading and reviewing!



tb and true

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Oh God they can't run out of lube, lol.  I hope they use plenty of that sunscreen they packed, we don't want any burnt delicate bits now do we, bwahahaha!!

Author's Response:

We'll make sure they're all covered up so they don't get burnt hehe

True & TB xx

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 15 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

I swear these two are going to starve to death.  Lol, they'll have had so much sex and not much food that they'll be shadows of their former selves walking back through that airport.  Grandbabies, trust Esme, lol.

Jane x

Author's Response:

Nah, they're making sure to eat.... even if it's protein shakes!  LOL.  Thanks for reading!



tb and True

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 20 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

'Fancy a swing, Sir?'  Bwahahahaha.  Jasper thinks he's beginning to recognise the twinkle in Edward's eye, well he'll definitely know what he's up to in future.  Lol, 'It stings.'  I'm not bloody surprised.  God, I hope these two don't get arrested, hahahaha!!

Jane x

Author's Response:

Oh, but think of them in the cuffs! lol

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 11 Sep 2012 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Lol, my daughter went on a school trip to Italy this summer with school.  When she came home she was full of tales of visiting the brothel in Pompeii and all the murals on everything, hahaha, I think it opened her eyes.  I must add, just in case, that she is 15.

Could you imagine poor Mr Papakota's face?  Lol, I could.  These two are becoming quite the exhibitionists, I love it.

Jane x

Author's Response:

I'll bet that did!  Thanks for sharing the story :)  and of course, thanks for reading!



tb and True

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 24 Sep 2012 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Lol, there's no stopping these two.  I think you need to change the title of the story to Toysper Does Greece, lol.

Jane x

Author's Response:

Ha ha ha, I love it!

tb & true
