Reviews by iloveedwardandrob
Broken by ysar Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 103]
Summary: Past Featured Story

I wasn't like the women in those movies.  You know, the ones you catch on the Lifetime network when you're channel surfing over a pint of ice cream at two in the morning?  Everything was perfect.  My grades were good, my college was paid for, and the future of my dreams was set.  Until it wasn't.


Banner by FrozenSoldier

Categories: Twilight, All Human
Characters: None
Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 33666 Read Count: 15692
[Report This] Published: 27 Jan 2010 Updated: 13 Dec 2011
Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 12 Sep 2010 Title: Chapter 1: Age of Innocence

   Wow, this sounds really interesting. I'm very curious about it all, and where it goes, and I can't wait to read more!


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 12 Sep 2010 Title: Chapter 2: Paradise Lost

   Wow, I'm totally lost here, but my heart is pounding and I need to know what happened and what's going to happen and why it happened. Talk about a rush. I don't even know who "he" is. Was the bite on the neck because he's a vampire?? Or is that an all-human story? I'm just so confused, but I guess that's the way it was meant to be, huh?! And how did she get saved? Or did she? Boy, I really need to go read more now!


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 12 Sep 2010 Title: Chapter 4: The Idiot

    My god, poor Edward! I feel so bad for him! Three times he falls for someone, only to find out it's not the same for them? I'm not surprised he's ready to give up on true love. I've been there myself, so I know how he's feeling. I guess we're about to find out if he's wrong, huh?


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 12 Sep 2010 Title: Chapter 5: Return of the Native

   Okay, I'm trying to figure out if he's still a nice guy, or if his failed relationships have turned him a bit cold. I guess we'll see. I hope he's not too jaded and has turned into a jerk. Moody and in pain is one thing, but being a rich, show-off surgeon is another. Guess I'll find out soon. Wish there were more chapters done, though, cuz I can tell I'm going to love this story already.


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 12 Sep 2010 Title: Chapter 6: Resurrection

   So, James went to prison for what he did, and now he's out. This story gets more and more interesting. The question now is, has James learned his lesson and gotten help? Or is he going to come after her? And how does Edward feel now that he's had a chance to get to know her a little? Hmmm... Wish there was more already. I'm dying to know what happens next.


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 16 Sep 2010 Title: Chapter 8: Dead Souls

   Hmmm...  You've definitely got me wondering on this whole thing. I'm assuming James isn't going to be all regretful and asking her to forgive him and that he hasn't really changed. Wonder if he's going to cause trouble for her, or become violent again? I'm pretty sure she shouldn't trust him. He definitely shouldn't have approached her, not after what he did to her. I just hope she doesn't let him back into her life.

    As for the mysterious Mrs. Shaeffer, well, I haven't figured that one out at all. It's definitely possible she's just being nice to a little old lady, but there's obviously more to it than that, right?! Will have to think about that as I wait patiently for another chapter to be posted. Hope it's soon, though, cuz I'm getting very curious about where this all is going...


Breathe Again by ysar Rated: M starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 149]
Summary: Past Featured Story

You know those fics where Edward doesn't come back and Bella forgets about him and five seconds later she's in bed with Jacob and none of it makes any damn sense?
Yeah, this isn't one of them.


This story picks up from the moment in New Moon when Jacob has driven Bella home after the cliff diving incident, right before he catches the scent of Alice. Only in this telling, Alice wasn't looking, so there's no sudden appearance at Bella's house, no Rosalie calling Edward and sending him on a suicidal mission to Volterra, and no reason for Bella to do anything but believe that Edward didn't love her anymore. This is simply a story of what might have happened if everyone stayed mostly in character and Edward's return was delayed. Yes, delayed. Because we all know that he was "this close" to coming back on his own anyhow.
So what would have happened if Bella had tried to move on with her life?  Would she have found happiness with Jacob?  And would Edward be too late?

* First in a series of stories that tell of Bella and Jacob during Edward's absence, Bella's start at college, and the Cullens' eventual return.

~I thought of Jacob’s warm arms wrapped around me, his infectious laughter, and his ability to keep me from falling to pieces again… The pain choking my heart relaxed and I could breathe.~


~“More than anything,” I whispered, not caring what I'd just agreed to. When it came to Bella, it didn't matter what the question was. I just wanted.~

Winner of:

Best Author, Most Romantic, Favorite Jacob, Most Suspenseful, & Best WIP in the Wolfpack Awards | Best Non-Canon Pairing (Incomplete) and Best WIP in the Moonlight Awards | Best During the Series in the Razzle Dazzle Awards | The Storyteller Award in the Shimmer Awards | Best JacobxBella in the Silent Tear Awards | Best Jacob Point of View in the Twilight Twins Awards

Categories: Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: None
Genre: Romance, Young Adult
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: A Blazing Sun, 108.9, Jacob Black Wins the Girl
Chapters: 76 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 163880 Read Count: 36032
[Report This] Published: 28 Jan 2010 Updated: 12 Sep 2010
Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 27 Aug 2010 Title: Chapter 70: Honesty: Jacob's POV

   Okay, so I have a confession to make. Here I am, on chapter 70, for god's sake, and this is my first review. I'm very ashamed to admit that, but I had to stop and do it now. I normally review on every single chapter of any fic I read, but I didn't on this one, and here's why. First of all, I found myself so caught up in the story, I couldn't stop, which, I know, is no good excuse, but true. Also, I guess I was a little surprised at myself that I was loving this story so much. Not that I had any reason not to, except that I'm pretty much a diehard Edward/Bella lover, so the fact that I found myself so caught up in a Jake/Bella story was very strange to me. I guess I should also say that I was thoroughly prepared to hate it, and very surprised when I didn't! That would be due to your incredible writing talent, by the way. You had me from the very beginning. Your take on Jacob is pretty spot-on, which impressed me so much. While I'm firmly on Team Edward, I've always liked Jacob, too, and it was refreshing to read a story from his viewpoint. 

    I originally found your story by browsing through the stories available on the site, and for some reason, I decided to give it a try, and I'm really glad I did. Like I said, I love Edward, and to tell the truth, I was reading this story and finding myself enjoying it in spite of that, but I really keep waiting for Edward to return. This far in, though, I really like Jacob, and hate the thought of what it would do to him when/if Edward comes back, which, I assume, is going to happen at some point, since you've alluded to it more than once. It's going to be a tough thing for me, though, to hope that she chooses Jacob. I mean, I adore Edward, and we all know why he did what he did, even if we don't agree with it, so I'm really still on his side. But after reading this story, I'm the closest to hoping she chooses Jacob that I've ever been, which is pretty astonishing to me! That is all due to your talent. You've managed to portray a Jacob that I can root for, that I can see Bella with in the long term.

     So, I'm really looking forward to the sequel. I still have that hope that Edward will come back and she'll realize he's her true love, and while I know it would devastate Jacob, I still hope that's what happens, though I won't be mad at you if you write it otherwise! I do think there will come a time when Jacob will imprint on someone and Bella will be left out in the cold like Leah was, so in that sense, I hope she chooses Edward. But I hate the idea of Jacob getting hurt. Just thoroughly hate it. Even moreso than when I read the books, now that I've read your story!

  Okay, I'm off to read the last few chapters, and then I can look forward to the sequel. I'll try to be better about reviewing.



Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 12 Sep 2010 Title: Chapter 75: Diversion: Bella's POV

    Curiosity? Hmmm... I would think she'd be a little annoyed that he'd lied to her, but I guess not. I only hope the surprise comes off as planned. I've missed this story, and am looking forward to their little dinner date. I do feel for Bella, though. Spending a day shopping like that is not my idea of fun, but at least she got to know the girls a little more. I would've felt pretty awkward talking about Jacob in front of either of them, though, so I'm glad she didn't answer their questions, though I guess there's not a whole lot to tell yet, anyway!

    I'm really enjoying this story.


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 12 Sep 2010 Title: Chapter 76: Diversion: Jacob's POV

    Well, my opinion is that the more, the better, so I'm for separate Bella and Jacob POV's! I always enjoy hearing what they each think, and how they interpret what's going on.

    It was really nice of Jacob to go with a Quil when he was upset, though I wasn't surprised. Jacob's just a good guy, and his friend was hurting. I do think it was interesting for Jacob to get more of a firsthand look at imprinting. I'm still wondering if that's going to happen to him. He's pretty sure Bella's it for him, but who knows? I'm surprised he hasn't thought about that specifically.

    I also enjoyed reading about his shopping with Emily and the subsequent mess he made in the kitchen! I don't know if all men are that way (messy), but my husband sure is! Not that he can't cook like Jacob, but he sure makes a huge disaster when he does! It was nice of Emily to clean it up for him, though. I think she could tell he was getting a little freaked out about it all, and she wants his dinner to go well with Bella. Oh, and it was really sweet what he did when they were in the grocery store and the people were staring. He has a good heart.

    I can't wait to read the sequel and see where this all goes. I've really enjoyed it. I think I've told you I've never really read a Jacob/Bella story and liked it before, but I'm glad I've read this one. It's actually made me like Jacob more, though I never disliked him before, I just believe Bella should be with Edward! But it's still been interesting to read, thanks to your great writing, and I'm looking forward to more.


Summary: Past Featured Story




One Bet. One Week. No Rules.

Bella bets Edward that after a week of some raw sexcapades he won’t want to stop. He bets her otherwise.

A slightly tongue in cheek smutathon and my first fan-fic.


Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human, Alternate Universe
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: My To Read List, Ageise02's Read Stories, Twilight - Read, G8or Favor8s Read, To Read
Chapters: 26 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 137672 Read Count: 315926
[Report This] Published: 09 Feb 2010 Updated: 13 Sep 2010
Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 24 Aug 2010 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14 - End Credits

  Okay, I have a confession to make. As I've been reading this story, I haven't stopped to make a comment until now. That's very unlike me, and I want to explain why. Normally, when I read fics, I review at the end of every chapter. This one, however, I didn't, but not because I wasn't enjoying it. I mean, I was in the mood for something light and, yes, I'll say it, naughty. I'd just read a really angsty story and was just ready for something different, something more fluffy, you know? Well, I started reading and after the first chapter, I figured it was just going to be a sort of sex-filled romp, with a bunch of kids who have no clue about life, and just live to party and have meaningless sex with anyone who offers.

   Yes, that's exactly what it started as. And to be honest, I nearly stopped reading early on. I felt like it was almost too meaningless. But something kept me reading. As the chapters flew by, I started to realize that this wasn't going to be one of those stories after all. These kids were doing what they were doing for deeper reasons, and I was dying to find out what they were. Maybe Edward wasn't a total jerkoff with no feelings for anyone but himself, and maybe neither was Bella, even though that's how it began. Now, this many chapters in, I have to say I'm really, really impressed with how this story is going. It's always nice to see people get to really know themselves, to realize what they truly want, and to change their own reality, even when there's all the reasons in the world not to. So, I'm realy glad I kept reading, and I'm sorry it took me this long to stop and tell you so. Now I'm going to go read the next chapter, cuz I'm finding myself really caring about these characters.


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 24 Aug 2010 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15 - Destroy Everything

   So, Edward does the whole disappearing act again. I was very intrigued to find out exactly what had happened at their first meeting. I had hoped he hadn't fucked her, and was very glad to find out that not only had he not, but that he'd been a gentleman. It was a pleasant surprise to find that he had that in him. It explained a lot, too. Why he'd been treating her the way he had. But now, I suspect he's running from himself. He's gotta be freaking out about the feelings he's beginning to have for this girl. I mean, for a guy who's basically looked at girls as a means to an end (getting off), it's gotta be pretty damned scary. It's one thing for those things to happen in the dark, but in the bright light of day? Probably scared him shitless.

    And so we meet Esme. How nice! I'm glad to see Carlisle isn't only the playboy I'd been expecting. And Alice and Jasper. Hmmm... I was wondering if/when that was going to happen. I love Jasper, and Alice, too, so this is intriguing. Not the usual love-at-first-sight thing, so that's refreshing. I do think Bella's going to be happy for them eventually, though I guess it's going to take her a while, since she's so screwed up right now. Hopefully, she truly is a good friend and will realize that Alice is happy, though that might not happen until she's a little happier herself, huh? And what's going to happen with this date tonight, hmmm?? Is she going to go through with it to piss Cullen off, or is she going to realize that she doesn't want to see anyone else? Well, even if that happens, she'll be too afraid E doesn't feel the same, so she'll do it anyway. I keep wondering if Jake is just bored with Nessie or if he's trying to live out some romantic fantasy from his past? I'd hate to see Bella screw with him or he with her, and have it mess up their chances with the ones they truly care about. Of course, maybe Jacob really does care about her. And is Edward going to get all jealous and interrupt their date? Guess I need to go read and find out.


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 24 Aug 2010 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16 - Trav'lin' Light

   Okay, yes this could've been an outtake, but I'm glad you included it. It's a great part of the story, and explains so much. Talk about a fantasy! What girl wouldn't dream of something like that? I know I would! I'm so sad that they felt the need, though, to go back to the status quo when they returned to Forks. I mean, I would've hoped they'd realized in NY what was happening. Guess it always comes down to being too scared to try. I think I would've killed him when I found out he'd already been with Rose the first day, and then that little threesome with Rose and Edward at her party? Jeez. I mean, yes, I know they're guys, but please! Can't they say no once in a while?! Poor Alice. After such a beautiful week together, she must've felt like shit seeing him like that. But I do want to know what happened when they got back to her place. I mean, yes, the limo was delightful, but what about their actual night??! There were quite a few hours in between the limo and the next morning when Bella so rudely interrupted them! I want to know what was said and done! I know, I'm being nosey, but still, I hope we hear the rest.


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 24 Aug 2010 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17 - You're the Storm

    Ahh, Emmett. What a big, huge idiot he is! I'm not surprised E punched him. He really needs a good whooping, doesn't he? I do have to laugh at him, though, he's pretty funny, when he's not busy being such a dumbass.

    I loved the whole scene with Carlisle and Esme and Edward. I had a feeling that's how he'd react, and I'm sure Carlisle did, too, though, like him, I hope that E will get it through his head that his dad deserves to be happy. And I'm sure it would make Carlisle really happy if Edward gave Esme a chance. Guess it's all about growing up, huh? Realizing that things don't always have to be so awful and depressing. Sometimes, life can be good, if you just let it.

     Okay, so that is the big question, huh? Does B sleep with Jacob? I seriously hope not, for everyone's sake. Off to find out, though, cuz I can't wait any longer.


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 24 Aug 2010 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 18- Edge of Joy

   Wow, just when I think I've got it figured out, you throw me. I kind of thought Jacob was going to go for it with Bella. I'm really glad he didn't, that he was decent and didn't just take what he could get with her and then dump her for his girlfriend. I'm afraid to say that I'm not sure she would've stopped if he hadn't. I like to think she would have, but I'm not sure.

   I wasn't surprised when Edward showed up, though I do wonder how he knew where she was. Or maybe it was coincidence that he was at the same bar?? And what did poor Jake do when he came back to find her gone? Can't think he'd be too thrilled to find out she was with Cullen, but I'm sure he'd have been worried if he couldn't find her. He's a good friend. Gave her some good advice. Wonder if she'll take it...


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 24 Aug 2010 Title: Chapter 19: Chapter 19 - Roll Away your Stone

   Oh, no! I don't want there to only be two more chapters! You got me hooked, and now it's nearly over? I was really hoping for more, but I guess I'll have to live with what I can get. Hope these last two are amazing, and I'm sure I won't be disappointed. Seems like these two are finally ready to admit what they really feel. About damned time, I say.


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 24 Aug 2010 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 20- Jigsaw

   I'm so relieved that there are a few more chapters left! I'm not ready to be done with these characters yet! I'm really glad they didn't shut up so quickly! I'm off to read more, so I'll shut up for now.


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 24 Aug 2010 Title: Chapter 21: Chapter 21- Perfect Hands

     It's about fucking time!! I couldn't quite understand what they were waiting for, though I have to say, I thought it would be him who made the first move (publicly), so I was pretty surprised when Bella grabbed him like that. Go Bella! I'm actually glad that didn't drag out for weeks, with them pretending they didn't mean anything to one another. I mean, why did they even care what anyone thought? It's not like the people they care about, the few true friends they have, would care. They'd be happy for them. The others? Who the hell cares what they think? So, now they're official, I guess? This oughta be interesting.


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 24 Aug 2010 Title: Chapter 22: Chapter 22- The Lines Begin to Blur

   Wow, an actual date? Who expected that?! But maybe it's time they started at the beginning, since it seems they've gone about this whole thing backwards. Sex isn't usually the first step in a relationship! Not that it isn't hot as hell, but if they want this to be more than that, they need to spend time together doing other things, too! Really get to know one another, not just fuck constantly. Not that I blame her. I mean, if I had him, I'd probably do the same damned thing!


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 24 Aug 2010 Title: Chapter 23: Chapter 23- Hologram

       Nope, didn't see that one coming, and I have no clue how she's going to react. I sure as hell hope she doesn't fuck him, cuz you know as soon as she does, Edward is going to walk in, and there goes that. I totally understand why Bella's acting the way she is--hurt Edward before he can hurt her--but man, I hope he doesn't fall for it. I hope he's smart enough to understand why she's lashing out. And I sure as hell hope Rose is just being a big, jealous bitch. God, if he's screwing around on Bella, I'm not sure she's going to be able to handle it.

      Okay, off to read more, cuz now I can't stand not to know what happens.


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 24 Aug 2010 Title: Chapter 24: Chapter 24- Never Think

    Wow, she's really leaving, huh? And without him? I really am starting to feel sorry for him. Even when he screws up, I feel bad for him, cuz it's obvious he really loves her, even if he didn't say it back. I think that's when she decided to leave once and for all, when she opened up to him, and he didn't say it back, even though she believed she didn't want him to. These two are so perfect together, yet still so screwed up. It breaks my heart.


Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 25 Aug 2010 Title: Chapter 25: Chapter 25- Echo

   Wow, only one more chapter, huh? That's so sad! I really would've loved to see more. I'm still counting on that HEA you promised us, though. I guess I'm just glad that they're finally going to see one another again. It's obvious they're not over one another. I mean, they're still missing one another after all these months, right? They're meant to be together. Let's just hope they finally realize it. I guess we can't convince you to do an epi or two? Pretty please? You have to tell us what happens in their future. You can't just leave us hanging! 

   This story has affected me so much more than I ever thought it would when I began reading it, and now I'm going to be really sad to be done with it. Now that I've caught up with you, I guess I'll just have to wait like everyone else for the update. Hope it's soon, cuz I'm dying to find out what happens!


All by Chloe Masen Rated: M [Reviews - 1]

Thoughts of a man in love. Shared. Spoken.

Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Genre: Poetry
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: When he speaks...
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 126 Read Count: 86
[Report This] Published: 06 Nov 2011 Updated: 06 Nov 2011
Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 06 Nov 2011 Title: Chapter 1: All

This is simply beautiful! I'm sure we all wish and hope for someone to love us like this--so fully and completely. I hope that you wrote this from experience! It really is lovely. Oh, to be so loved...

I'm looking forward to reading more of your work.



Author's Response:

Thank you so much! Unfortunately, not from any experience I've had... I was wring my next chapter for Clear and Bright, and it just sort of came to me. Thinking about Jaimin's love for Claire takes over my being. I suppose it's a bit of him.



Unanswerable questions about the tragedy of December 14, 2012. And hopes for the innocent children we lost.

Categories: Original Fiction, Poetry
Characters: None
Genre: Angst
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 368 Read Count: 143
[Report This] Published: 15 Dec 2012 Updated: 15 Dec 2012
Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 15 Dec 2012 Title: Chapter 1: Silence and Noise

I'm in tears, as I have been all day. Your words are beautiful, and while they're written to express your thoughts of today's tragedy, they perfectly reflect mine, too. All I kept thinking about as I listened and watched in horror was those children, and how frightened they must have been, and I hoped and prayed that the end came quickly so they didn't suffer for too long. Thanks for posting this. I think we all need a way to deal with the intense disbelief and anger and sorrow and grief we're all no doubt feeling, and your writing surely is a start.

FIGHT CLUB by beatlerosie Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstar [Reviews - 23]
Summary: Past Featured Story



I fight. I f**k. I bleed.

Occasionally blackout and then I don't remember

what the f**k I've done and with whom...



Categories: Twilight, Canon Pairings, All Human, Alternate Universe, Crossover
Characters: Bella/Edward
Genre: Angst
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 299 Read Count: 30055
[Report This] Published: 20 Mar 2013 Updated: 07 Nov 2014
Reviewer: iloveedwardandrob Signed
Date: 05 Dec 2014 Title: Chapter 1: Welcome to my life

Can you tell me what happened to the rest of your story?? I've been so busy with the holidays, I just came to check on the story, only to find it gone everywhere. Are you continuing it? Reposting it somewhere else? I'd really love to read the rest!

