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Reviews For Weather the Storm
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Reviewer: samekraemer Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2011 8:05 PM Title: Aro's Daycare

Truly loved that. The naked wrestling thing made me crap up. Great fucking job! samekraemer

Reviewer: Humble Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2011 6:06 PM Title: Aro's Daycare

Sonny is such a mini Edward.  So Priceless.


Damion and his love of naked wrestling is so precious.

Reviewer: andiwalker75 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2011 3:12 PM Title: Aro's Daycare

Great chapter. I want to know what the kids ran into. lol.

Reviewer: kittycat218 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2011 2:07 PM Title: Aro's Daycare

Great chapter, love this story. Had to laugh when the kids walked in on Edward & Bella and Dam loves naked wrestling!!! Can't wait for the next chapter. Thanks

Reviewer: culleniwish Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2011 2:03 PM Title: Aro's Daycare

I was kind of wondering if Sonny acted like that with all girls or if it is just Aro's daughter. ha ha I could see him having all the girls following him around with stars in  their eyes. I can't believe Aro didn't call and let them know he was bringing the kids back. I feel bad that his date didn't go so well (cause I want him to find someone that makes him happy) but I guess the night wasn't a total bust. 

Reviewer: randomly_mad Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2011 8:23 AM Title: Aro's Daycare

This was a good chapter. Aro has been a major character since the beginning so it is kinda nice to see his point of view once in awhile.

Reviewer: Mary Mary Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2011 6:32 AM Title: Aro's Daycare

I wonder if there are any females Edward didn't screw?   Well as long as he stays with Bella and resumes their sex life. 

Reviewer: farmergirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2011 6:00 AM Title: Aro's Daycare

That was a fun chapter!

Reviewer: MarilagML Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2011 5:02 AM Title: Aro's Daycare

Alec...didn't Aro kill Alec?

Reviewer: VampireReaper13 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2011 6:13 AM Title: The Twilight Zone

You make me laugh!

You make me cry.

You make me laugh!

You make me smile.

I LOVE this story!

Thank you so much!!!


Reviewer: VickiShy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05 Dec 2011 3:37 AM Title: The Twilight Zone

Lex - I feel like I was cockblocked in this chapter - you had me laughing and frustrated all at the same time!  Great job with it.  You started out by saying they would never win parents of the year - great job getting things back on track.  I agree wiht Bella that both Es and Lau are shifty and not to be trusted.  Till next time babe!


Reviewer: VickiShy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05 Dec 2011 2:52 AM Title: Chapter 22

Great chapter.  yes, the Aro thing and the words that he spoke to Edward really bothered me.  Aro knows better -really and I am worried that he is really pushing it.  I am glad that you have brought the family back together.  I know Edward wouldn' cheat and I am thankful for that.

What was up with hte disrespect from the waitresses and the dancers?Was Cauis at the party -  I consider him a guy to be watching.  And the nun?  Weird.  I am with you for the long haul.  Can't wait to see where you take me.



Reviewer: Temporary Exile Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Dec 2011 5:56 AM Title: The Twilight Zone

I love this story. Your chapters are so long and meaty. Not just a bunch of fluff.

Just ignore all of the haters. You are awesome!!!!!!

Reviewer: tiffanyt84 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Dec 2011 7:07 AM Title: The Twilight Zone

I really really love this story and the first one!!!!

These two stories bring out more emotion in me than most books I buy at the store. And I love how not everything is sunshine and daisies. Life never is. 

Where did you get the inspiration for these stories?  And do you have to get into like a mind set to write them?

Reviewer: sonogal Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Dec 2011 9:59 PM Title: The Twilight Zone

I love your story and if I were you I wouldn't worry about the people who can't keep up. Mayby they should go back and read the first part and see how it all started. It is a gritty story, but it is so good. I look forward to each update. I never have a problem when you change POV. Maybe some people aren't intelligent enough for the story. Keep up the great work and don't let the haters stress you.

Reviewer: samekraemer Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Dec 2011 5:29 PM Title: The Twilight Zone

That shit with Damion was priceless!  "Came back for the late show"  HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!  Great chapter!  Lisa

Reviewer: cullenetc Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Dec 2011 1:43 PM Title: The Twilight Zone

Don't let those complainers hate on you. Your story is amazing, and it is just that YOURS! Which means it can go any way your little heart desires. I love your Bella and Edward and the way that they interact with each other. Your Edward is so unique. His tough exterior with a little sweetness that you don't get to experience very often. I also really enjoy their interactions with the kids. Having Damion catch tem having sex was awesome! I was just saying the other day that very rarely happens in stories and I think it is hilarious. I really am looking forward to Aro's pov next time. I love his character and his interactions with Bella. If I didn't truly believe that E would kill him, I would say they should have an affair. Keep up the fuckawesome writing, because I am always waiting anxiously for you next update. Thanks, RaLynn

Reviewer: nancy123k Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01 Dec 2011 3:53 AM Title: The Twilight Zone

I am soooo happy that Edward finally pulled his head out of his ass!!!  Yes, its not all about sex, but it helps and women we do have needs ya know.  Especially being around Edward in general.....how did she last a month without, masturbation don't cut it sometimes and after a while even that gets old.   Great chapter!!!!

Reviewer: giannakylie Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 11:33 PM Title: The Twilight Zone

I am so glad Edward and Aro are good again. Thanks for updating so soon! Loved it as always

Reviewer: Alabastdelf Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 10:48 PM Title: The Twilight Zone

Keep going we`ll follow.Very intriguing how you managed to postpone a talk about "mommy and daddy time alone".Nice.

Reviewer: crystanroten Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 9:22 PM Title: The Twilight Zone

yay! so excited when i saw the updates...loved finding out about what when on when edward found the blond wig in esme house...and esme hmm she could be trouble wonder if she will try and get edward taken out...and poor bella glad her and edward finally are reconnecting!! cant wait for more!!!

Reviewer: vamp_luvor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 8:16 PM Title: Blondie

I had a feelin it was Esme that did it . I think they should Ice her !!!!! Great job honey uou are awesome !!!


            ;]   Vamp_luvor

Reviewer: dazzledmom Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 7:51 PM Title: The Twilight Zone

I just love your story and what you are doing with the characters!  It's raw...it's angsty...it's hot...it's scary....it's sweet....it has it all!  I'm sorry that you are catching so much flack from some readers.  Your story is a mob story....what did they expect?  LOVE IT!!!!!

Reviewer: jamiebaker68 Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 5:52 PM Title: The Twilight Zone

Another great chapter, and i cant wait to read more. Im glad their working it out....... Hope to read more soon, if not i hope you have a great Christmas and a great New Year

Reviewer: Humble Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 4:15 PM Title: The Twilight Zone

So funny:



 "I had no idea what to do."

I nodded. "So . . . once he learns what sex is, he's going to think it's cool to do it while the broad sleeps?"

Reviewer: randomly_mad Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 3:58 PM Title: The Twilight Zone

Great chapter.

Love the way you have them dealing with the issue of sex. It seems the way that a normal couple would deal with it, deny and avoid until it explodes in your face. As far as the parentng thing, you are doing great. Like you said, this Edward and Bella are a Mob family so they wont react to things they way a  white bread couple would. Good Job Lexi.

Reviewer: amanda29 Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 3:08 PM Title: The Twilight Zone

I loved the chapter. Im glad that  Bella and Edward seem to be back on track cant wait for next chapter

Reviewer: akemp17 Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 2:32 PM Title: The Twilight Zone

Loved it.  Can't wait for the next chapter.

Reviewer: lovingit3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 1:27 PM Title: The Twilight Zone

Laughed so hard at the late night show part! Great stuff!

Reviewer: culleniwish Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 1:22 PM Title: The Twilight Zone

had fun reading Aro and Edwards bonding time. It was nice to see them "have fun" (even if it was to shoot someone ha ha). I'm glad Bella was finally able to get Edward to talk to her. Still loving the story. 

Reviewer: dsccc Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 12:51 PM Title: The Twilight Zone

Whew! Can I hope they are over that hurdle?! Please!!! Aro pov sounds fantastic! I love your Aro!!!

Reviewer: dsccc Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 12:01 PM Title: Blondie

Hmmmm. Esme isn't stupid, so did she really think she would go undetected? I am not sure what she is playing with Aro, but I do not trust her!

Reviewer: amandaolsson Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 9:49 AM Title: The Twilight Zone

Good Chapter......

Reviewer: L-Anne Cullen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 9:41 AM Title: The Twilight Zone

FINALLY!!!  I thought Bella was gonna have to spike his drink

with the little blue pill again!! lol

YEAH Aro pov!!!! :o}

Reviewer: L-Anne Cullen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 8:45 AM Title: Chapter 22

Loved it, like ALWAYS!!!!

If people REALLY need you to explain, they are NOT WORTH your time and

energy!  I swear some people are idiots!!! lol

I can't wait for the next update!!!! :o}

Reviewer: culleniwish Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 5:00 AM Title: Blondie

Aha that filled in so many gaps. I can't believe Esme was trying to get Aro to take out Edward. She's a lot crazier than I even thought. I'm surprised Edward is taking that so lightly if it was anyone else she'd be dead already. 

Reviewer: nancy123k Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 3:56 AM Title: Chapter 22

:) Thanks fot the AN at the bottom. Even though I get cnfused sometimes, that makes great writing. Keeps all of us on our toes and thinkin a little!!!

Reviewer: Humble Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 3:12 AM Title: Chapter 22

Best Part:


"He touched my stuff?" He banged his fists down on his thighs. "I can't believe—"

"Honey," I massaged his shoulder, "if you're worried about what he found under your bed . . ." I let that hang there, cringing at the conversation I had with my husband earlier in the week. Along with six hundred dollars cash, Sonny had a slingshot, a bottle of wine—which hadn't been opened—a decent-sized pocketknife, and a picture of a pair of small tits—it was a Polaroid, and my bet is that they're Katie's breasts. Edward said he wanted to poke his eyes out with a spoon after he saw it.

"Your little treasure chest?" I couldn't hold it in and found myself giggling. "Daddy found it days ago." Overall, Edward thought it was hilarious, too—having that "boys will be boys" attitude.






I would love to see an EPOV outtake on this....pretty please

Reviewer: Humble Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 3:07 AM Title: Blondie

I hope Carlisle ends Esme.  She has been obnoxious since the beginning.


I would love to see an outtake of Edward finding Sonny's chest of valueables...

Reviewer: farsidelady Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 2:48 AM Title: Blondie

This was a fantastic chapter!!  Poor Carlisle - he has the worst of it.  You are writing a great story and I love that your characters have flaws.  Marriage is hard and they aren't perfect but they love each and that is what makes this so good.  YOu let them be human and get real mad at each other, but not for long.  I really enjoy each and every chapter and have gone back a reread your first story.  Thanks again.

Reviewer: jamiebaker68 Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2011 2:33 AM Title: Blondie

Now the last chapter, makes more  sense. lmao, great chapter btw, cant wait to read more

Reviewer: vamp_luvor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Nov 2011 10:31 PM Title: Eclipse

you are so great  to hell with the flamers tell them to re read the whole thing then they might remember how they are with each other . I know it hurts but sweetie don't give in to them you are to good ...please excuse my errors my Beta is not checking this ....lolol.... listen I know where you are comming from I get them to  but tell them where to go sweets you are great



Reviewer: bellawant2be Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Nov 2011 4:51 AM Title: Too Many Movies

Oooh!  Esme!!!!

Reviewer: bellawant2be Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Nov 2011 2:21 AM Title: Eclipse

Since I am normally a lurker, I felt I had to review this chapter based on your A/N.  I totally get how the last chapter played into the story. I think sometimes people forget that this is not TWILIGHT/NEW MOON, ETC.  This is a new story very loosely based on those characters - plot line has been completely changed as well as the TRAITS of each character.  Just as it should be, otherwise we would just be reading Twilight installment number 5.  I for one greatly appreciate you as an author and A Quiet Storm/Weather the Storm is my favorite story running.  I selfishly hope you don't let the negative, narrow minded people chase you away.  You are a great writer and have developed very unique Bella/Edwards.  Thank you for writing!

Reviewer: belizeanbella Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Nov 2011 7:15 PM Title: Too Many Movies

i knew it!!!

Reviewer: culleniwish Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Nov 2011 4:10 AM Title: Too Many Movies

oooh this is going to be good. Wonder what he'll do if/when he finds that wig. More than that I wonder what Carlisle would want done about it. Looking forward to the next update. 

Reviewer: nora yar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21 Nov 2011 1:46 AM Title: Too Many Movies

Before I will place my thoughts about this chapter ( chapter 19) I need to tell something about what I learned from Lexi’s comments about flamers. Otherwise I will explode and we do not want that. Judging from intensity of negativity of their “reviews” I am absolutely sure that we deal not with conventional bellicose arrant fools or envious a..holes but with one (or more) numerous cases of Personality Disorders described in forensic psychiatry. Most likely this is malignant stage of emotional sadomasochism or one of branches of narcissism. In any Case thorough psychiatric evaluation highly recommended. Are we going to allow mentally disturbed people to mess with our emotions? F..k NO. I stick out my little cute middle finger and put it next to Lexi’s little cute middle finger. Vaffanculo, disse la principessa italiana! And I am with her.  

Love you Lexi

Chapter 19. Unbelievable , Lexi, your ability to create extremely complicated plot and make it feel like real life never fail to amaze me. Little comical bits, like Carlisle bathroom activity with IV rolling out in front of him or “There, resting in his linguine and clam sauce, was John's head”. Just a cherry on the top. Thanks’

And Bella! Viva Bella! Good girl.

Chapter 20

I have no idea what should happened to Esme.  She is mother too. Her girls need her. But I would rip her head off.

Reviewer: anoble12 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Nov 2011 1:36 AM Title: Too Many Movies

I kinda want to see Bella and Aro together. Part of me feels like Edward deserves to see what happens if he doesn't get his stuff together. (ie. Checking out that Stripper in Quiet Storm, Going to Jail, raping Bella...) Just saying, Aro could treat her pretty good...

Reviewer: samekraemer Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 7:45 PM Title: Too Many Movies

Wow...Esme?  Man, she must be outta her freakin' mind to do that shit...Great chap as always.  Can't wait for more!  Lisa

Reviewer: cellibelli85 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 5:51 PM Title: Too Many Movies

Thanks for the chapter. Looks like Esme is the culprint. Why am I not surprised?

I wonder whats going to happen next. Thank you for getting these chapters out so fast.

Reviewer: amanda29 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 4:54 PM Title: Too Many Movies

Love the chapter,

Reviewer: MissKay Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 4:03 PM Title: Too Many Movies

OOO I did't see that one coming haha...Esme is in trouble :)

Reviewer: Emma Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 11:51 AM Title: A Tight Fit

I love your story, have from the start; I love the fact it is realistic, I don't know anyone who has that perfect life or family, and I'm sorry you have to defend your story from people who don't have anything better to do. :D :D :D 

Reviewer: SugarSweet82 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 10:18 AM Title: Too Many Movies

amazing as always :-) 

Reviewer: Ragdoll_777 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 8:47 AM Title: Too Many Movies

I knew it was her!! sad really cause Carlise did fuck around on her but then she stayed and put up with it. I hate her personality anyway I hope Bella or Carlise get her good. I'm loving your updates if life lets you keep them coming pleaseeee, your very talented writer.

Reviewer: Emmettsown Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 7:13 AM Title: A Tight Fit

I don't review very often but I felt like i needed to for this. I live this story and yes it is a little hard to read at times but most of the best things are.  Keep on writing and don't listen to the naysayers although that  is easier said then done.  Keep on writing and I will keep on reading.

Reviewer: step5604 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 6:30 AM Title: A Tight Fit

I never really read A/N but i read this one do people really wright the kind of shit to you if so thats fucked up well just rember one thing a haters job is to hate so if you got some haters hating on you you must be doing something wright


Reviewer: magilin19 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 5:17 AM Title: A Tight Fit

I loved how u wrote these past chapters they were awesome! Still a fan!:)

Reviewer: fangrl Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 4:34 AM Title: Too Many Movies

Wow, Esme has really done it now. 

Reviewer: Team Switzerland 2009 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 4:31 AM Title: Two Weeks Later

So, I cried when I thought Aro was dead. I'm so glad he isn't :)

Reviewer: farmergirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 3:47 AM Title: Too Many Movies

Love it! We all knew it!! Ha! Esme that no good rotten bitch. I hope Bella takes her out.

Reviewer: VickiShy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 3:45 AM Title: Too Many Movies

Wow, you totally threw me there.  Es - really?  I suppose after she had the night with Aro, she thought she was finally going to get to where the grass was greener like he was giving her a sign or something.  Great chapter.  really wish E and B were together again.  E really needs her - ya know?

Reviewer: L-Anne Cullen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 3:42 AM Title: Too Many Movies

i knew esme was behind the shooting!!!!!!!!!   what a fuckin' bitch!!! death to esme. slow and painful. oh, and let bella have her fun with the backstabbing slore!!!!! (skank+whore) lmao

Reviewer: giannakylie Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 2:26 AM Title: Too Many Movies

Thats crazy! Great chapter as always!

Reviewer: nancy123k Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 2:26 AM Title: Too Many Movies

This just gets better an better....Esme never crossed my mind, but it fits together now.  Esme caused a lot of deaths, Carlisle loved her, just wasn't in love with her. He never would have been with Jane on his wedding day if he was, now wait till he finds out Esme had Candace iced, the real love of his life!!!

Reviewer: lovingit3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 2:07 AM Title: Too Many Movies

Amazing chapter as always! Shocked that it was Esme! I cannot wait to see what digging around Edward will do, and what he is going to do with this information!

Reviewer: crystanroten Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 2:02 AM Title: Too Many Movies

holy shit!! so esme wanted candace dead so that she and carlisle could raise anthony together and thought she could get away with it bc of jersey...ohh i hope edward tells bella...bella should get to kick esme ass bc that little boy ost his mom then i think carlisle will end up killin her but maybe not though bc of the kids...hmmmm cant wait to find out!!!!!

Reviewer: amandaolsson Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 1:34 AM Title: Too Many Movies

Good Chapter.....

Reviewer: Sleeping_Beauty247 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 1:26 AM Title: Too Many Movies

Ohhhhh....I totally had a feeling it was Esme! Just knew it! That Bitch!!

Go get her Edward!!

Thanks for the update! You have totally spoiled us this week!!

Reviewer: VampireReaper13 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 1:03 AM Title: Too Many Movies

Like father like daughter. Marcus should have just trained Esme for the job!

You are starting to scare me. I didn't even get the last chapter read and reviewed before you posted this one. Don't get me wrong, this is great! I love being able to read new SexyLexi everyday, it it awsome! I'm just afraid that you are trying to finish up (of which I am glad) and quit. (of which I'm very sad, if that is the case.)

I understand this could be a hard story for some to read, but it is original, new and yes it is raw. It is also refreshing, horrifying, but very entertaining and at times humorous.

As you said, shouldn't it be just as horrible that Bella raped Edward. I appreciate what you have done with the story. You entertain me. That is MY point of reading it.

I am not sure I like where you are going with Aro, but hey, you don't usually go where I think you are going to go anyhow, so we will probably be ok. Haha.

Can Edward take out Esme for almost killing Carlisle? I mean is, or would that be considered acceptable? Or will it be more of a hand slap type of thing? Or will he just let Carlisle take care of it? Can't wait to find out.

I am still loving your stuff and I thank you SO, SO MUCH for sharing your talent and wonderful imagination with us.


Reviewer: MarilagML Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 12:44 AM Title: Too Many Movies

Gosh!  Esme didn't have guts to clip the mistress herself.  If it were Bella, she wouldn't have batted an eyelash.

Reviewer: longtobeme Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 12:14 AM Title: Too Many Movies

Great chapter! I think Carlisle may kill Esme when he finds out that Esme put a hit on Candace!

Reviewer: akemp17 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2011 12:06 AM Title: Too Many Movies

Loving it and getting spoiled with the fast updates. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Reviewer: Twifan1228 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 11:41 PM Title: Too Many Movies

                      **clapping hands in applause, you are A-frickin-mazing**  

Holy hell, I just knew it the second that Enzo told E that it was a woman it was Esme!!! See we have to remember that when all is said and done she is Marcus Misone's daughter and she wanted payback for Anthony, first I'm not sure that in her wacked mind she wasn't thinking that she was entitled to be the only woman to bear "C" children and definitely a son should have been her right, if you will...or if she was having Candace taken out to hurt "C", either way she hurt him, but she hurt little Anthony the most in all this, poor little guy lost his mother and the only constant in his life.....I still love that Bella pulled the drugging her man for some wild ass romp...but she did need to prove to him that they could be "them" again...I don't know how to say it, but my mind knows what I mean...so I get why she did it, just like I got Edward's reactions to Aro and Bella...not that anything truly happened on Bella's part other than total committment to a beloved family member and that is what Aro has always been for her....

Thank you once more my friend for another wonderful chapter and hope your having a fantastic day!!!!

BD was wonderful!!!!  loved so many parts of it but perhaps the most original additons, which was also pretty comical was all of the toasting at the reception... not toally sure which was my favorite though...LOL!!!  Well aside from the totally demolished room the morning after.. Holy Hell yes Vampire Sex...

Reviewer: jamiebaker68 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 11:28 PM Title: Too Many Movies

Another great chapter, cant wait to read more. oh by the way i just finished all your other story.... ur a incredible writer dont let any one else tell u diffrent.....

Reviewer: duke4life3443 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 9:59 PM Title: A Tight Fit

thank you for staying with this story and finishing it. I love this story!!!

Reviewer: smiling_in_pink Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 9:49 PM Title: A Tight Fit

eeeeeeeeeee ;pvomg ot:) thank u so much for aro still being alive and i love how weverything is going now and i just want to know how it will be aro being around bella now??

Reviewer: longtobeme Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 5:55 PM Title: A Tight Fit

I loved this chapter! Bella knows how to get what she wants and Edward needs! I am so excited to get 2 chapters so close together! You are spoiling us readers with this gift!

Reviewer: longtobeme Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 5:21 PM Title: Eclipse

I loved this chapter. As with the two prior chapters, all of these things needed to happen. We need to see things in the POVs of Edward, Bella and Aro. I can't wait to see what happens at the dinner meeting! It cracks me up that Bella cut her hair! Talk about FEISTY! Also, I am glad that Bella finally understood what Edward was talking about with Aro's feelings. Bella now can see things clearly. She will always love Edward and be his, but this moment in the hospital was a reaffirmation of their love.

Reviewer: xtina Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 4:20 PM Title: A Tight Fit

this Brooklyn chick plans to finish her story, guns blazing, while I wave my middle-finger out to you haters...PRICELESS!!!!

LOVE LOVE LOVE every single one of your stories. Don't let the haters get you down and keep up the good work. Can't wait until your next update!

Middle finger flying high to the haters with you!!

Reviewer: Ragdoll_777 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 8:02 AM Title: A Tight Fit

I really enjoy your chapters, I just read the last 3 in a row. I love your Edward but it's a about time he got to feel jealousy with Bella. He gets to be around strippers all the time cause of work, and use to be a player. It's not hers or Aro's fault that he fell in love with her, it was a sad situation for everyone, I hope Aro and Edward can still be friends it's sad that Bella has lost that friendship now. I cannot believe people were offended by Edward's sexual behaviour with Bella while fighting. As you have mentioned if you can read Quiet Storm how can you be so shocked. They have an intense relationship it's raw and passionate they dont just love they are in love. I would not take those reviews seriously especially when it gets personal thats just immature. Remember for every 1 bad review there are 10 that love your story telling.

Reviewer: Rassgulla1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 7:52 AM Title: Knee-Jerk Reaction

I can't believe Bella didn't make a bigger deal about Edward giving Sonny wine!!  She needs to grow a backbone! She yelled once when he threw up and that's it?

Reviewer: VickiShy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 5:48 AM Title: A Tight Fit

I really liked that Bella stayed behind with Edward.  Her children were seperated from her, but they were safe.  I liked this chapter - again - these two persevere through so much.  It's gritty and dirty and not perfect, but thank god that you write characters like this.  Lex, don't let the flamers get you down.  I have read everything you have written and loved it.  Including these two stories.  You are talented.

Reviewer: VickiShy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 5:16 AM Title: Eclipse

I don't know how to feel about Aro.  I mean his memory came back and he tried  anywy?  He knew better.  Wow.  I can't wait to see where you take them now.

Reviewer: VickiShy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 4:49 AM Title: Two Weeks Later

LEx - I don't know when you posted this but it was really well done.  Screw the negative reviews.  This has become one of my favorite fics.  The characters are dark and flawed.  The chapter was intense but in line with the characters you created.  My question though, is she pregnant?  I mean she has been sleeping a lot - is that from stress and depression or pregnancy.

Loved mob boss wife Bella throwing her weight around with Lauren as well.  I mean she took her children and then abandoned them.  If Aro was Aro, there is no way he would put up with that.  Great job. 


Reviewer: nancy123k Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 4:21 AM Title: A Tight Fit

  As a avid faithful reader of Quiet Storm and this story (as well as all your stories, I love all!!!)  have a RESPECT for you I had before but this is different. After your AN a few chapters back I decided to not respond, but think about what I wanted to say. First I am so thankful you decided to complete this wonderful story. Its yours and all of us are thankful you even share this withus. This is more a real world story not fantasyland!! The haters, yes you know who you are, should be ashamed. This author has chosen to write and share this, you don't have to read it, you write your own story the way you want it to go!!! Shame Shame. This reader is proud to tell ALL her friends about author, SexylexiCullen. As her stories are great, now I will get off  my soapbox and read. Second, once again, thank you for continuing this story in full, I hope you include Sonny growing up and maybe taking over, not that is how you give a author a suggestion!! :)

Reviewer: anoble12 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 4:19 AM Title: Eclipse

I read your note at the beginning of the chapter.


Although I was one of the people displeased with last chapter, I hope the comments I left did not make you feel bad. That wasn't MY intention. I can't say I like that part of the story or agree with it. But, it is your story and you should write it as you see fit. I'm just hoping that your reasoning becomes a little clearer as we read on.


That's all. 

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Reviewer: orion03981 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 3:09 AM Title: A Tight Fit

I loved it. I look forward to your updates always.

Reviewer: SandraaMasen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 3:03 AM Title: A Tight Fit

Great job on this chapter thought it was amazing! The whole Viagra in the coffee brilliant lmao! Keep up the good work & hope to see a update soon! Xoxo

Reviewer: farsidelady Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 2:21 AM Title: A Tight Fit

I love your stories ... I hope you don't let the haters get you down.  You rock as a writer!  Thank you for such an entertaining and real story.

Reviewer: Carusangel Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2011 12:52 AM Title: A Tight Fit

No need to defend yourself baby. Tell all those classless hypocrites that have the nerve to consecend and ridicule you - to go fuck themselves!

I just want to pass along that this series is one of the best fucking set of stories I have read in this fandom. I have read the first story 4 times in the past two months alone! The writing is superb, the character building is phenomenal and you make me see the Stephanie Meyer version of Edward and Bella in a completely different yet believable way.

All of those worthless haters who think they are clever should be ashamed of themselves. I hate hypocracy, but what I hate even more are cowards. Worthless waste of space if you ask me. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but what's funny about opinions? They are like assholes and everyone's got one. Some are just bigger assholes really...

You keep your head up and be proud of what you have written here. Its real, honest, raw, empowering and above all fantastically written. I could see this as a published story outside of this fandom, and anything you continue to write I will be there to read it.

Thank you for listening to me rant - my apologies for potentially irritating anyone else who may read this. But I honestly cannot stand cowardice of this nature. It simply pisses me the fuck off. I also have to say that I agree with you...I'd rather laugh than cry.

Thank you for writing this story. I truly appreciate your efforts and appreciate your talent.

Reviewer: Sleeping_Beauty247 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18 Nov 2011 11:46 PM Title: A Tight Fit

Oh Lex...your story could never be boring!

I am glad you are taking the high road and not giving up or letting these miserable no life fuckers get to you! They only say hateful things because they have no life and don't seem to grasp the understanding that THIS IS ONLY FANFICTION NOT REALITY MOTHERFUCKERS!!

It is entertainment...not a fucking true story...HATERS!!!

Your writing is brilliant and I absolutely love every single chapter from the very beginning of Quiet Storm!!

Keep on doing you!

Great chapter as always and anxious for more as always!!


Reviewer: L-Anne Cullen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18 Nov 2011 11:21 PM Title: A Tight Fit

I LOVED IT!!!!!  Loved that she laced his coffee with the magical blue pill!!! lol


Just thought you should know!!!  :o}

Reviewer: Alabastdelf Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Nov 2011 10:39 PM Title: A Tight Fit

First of all allow me to thank you for your writing.Because I enjoy reading stories with a subject like yours.Second,I believe that laughing is good too, it makes the entire body feel more,be relaxed and, most important, when I laugh I see that life in general can be beautiful.Third, I should encourage you to always follow your heart, but I know that you will do that anyway.What I wish for you is to take a deep breath of fresh air.Sometimes it`s enough.

Reviewer: solarbabe Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Nov 2011 10:14 PM Title: A Tight Fit

I love reading your stoires, Quiet Storm and Weather the Storm are some of my fav. in fanfiction world. You are an amazing author and im sorry that some people are to close minded to understand that this is fiction and you can write whatever you want. I dont understand why people feel the need to flame authers when if they dont like what the read....DONT read it!!!! Keep up the amazing chapters, because thoses of us who love you will do so, no matter what you write!!!

Loved the viagra trick!!!!


Reviewer: xxlovexx Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Nov 2011 9:10 PM Title: Eclipse

I feel the end is near.. Please say its not true, i feel this way everytime a story has a big climax, please please say the end ist near... Or , i kno u might say know but.. Possible third sequal? Please? .. Also ignore the haters, its always the ones with no stories written that gives the harshest reviews, btw can u or someone else explain the answers and the dream in last chap? I ws way to caught up in the intensity to realize wat every thing ment at the end of the chapter

Reviewer: randomly_mad Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Nov 2011 8:20 PM Title: A Tight Fit

I think the Viagra thing was a good move. Edward would see it as Bella getting even and it would most likely get him past his guilt by evening things out in his mind.

Again to the people who are having issues with Lexi's story, MARRIED PEOPLE DO FUCKED UP SHIT TO EACH OTHER.....they then work through it.

Great chapter Ms Lexi

Reviewer: culleniwish Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Nov 2011 8:14 PM Title: A Tight Fit

Wow what a way for the fued to end. I did not see that coming. I really liked Bella and Edward pretending to meet as strangers. It made me smile. I'm so happy Bella's back with her babies my heart was hurting for her having to be away from them for so long. I love how Anthony seems to fit right in with them all. Ok I have to say I'm still thinking that Esme had Carlisle's girlfriend killed and maybe even tried to kill Carlisle too. I wasn't bothered by the whole Viagra in the coffee. Bella found a way to get him over his troubles. I just want to say I really am enjoying your story for what it is... A story. Would I agree with some of their actions if they were real people? no. I mean Edwards a murderer I wouldn't like him at all in real life. I probably actually be pretty afraid of him, but in this I actually love their characters and maybe if I read that Bella was sad about the situation she's in it would bother me more but, she's actually happy so I can be happy with her. Good job

Reviewer: crystanroten Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18 Nov 2011 7:52 PM Title: A Tight Fit

loved it and goo bella edward needed to et his head outta his ass about having sex with her.. cant wait for more!!

Reviewer: samekraemer Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Nov 2011 6:44 PM Title: A Tight Fit

Hey, I thought the viagara thing was hysterical.  Loved it, and am glad that maybe the war is over.  Pretty funny that John's goomah shot him.  Women are funny that way!  Great job.  Can't wait for more!  Lisa

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