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Reviewer: Natsar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31 Aug 2011 2:34 AM Title: Chapter 74 (1st half)

OK. I have to admit, I could only read 1/4 of this chapter. After I got to the part that Edward was actually going to use Bella's insecurities as a means of punishment for her, I had to stop. Even after Emment's warning, he still was soooo sure of himself that he totally forgot his girl! I will go back and finish this chapter once I have calmed down and hope Edward pulls his head out...

Author's Response:

I hope by now you calmed down...lol...it was a thought he had, and decided against it...that's all it was.

Reviewer: Maria11 Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Aug 2011 12:45 AM Title: Chapter 74 (1st half)

Thanks for the update. This story always is interesting. Can't wait to see what will happen.

Author's Response:

thanks for reading and leaving a comment...louise

Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Aug 2011 12:00 AM Title: Chapter 74 (1st half)

I am sorry that you were effected by Irene. I hope all is well with you now. I have been praying for everyone that was effected by the storm.

I turst you with this story. It is your baby and you know where you it is going. Edward and Bella are both learning. It is definately a fine line there. I can see both Edward and Bella's POV. Can't wait to see what Bella is keeping from Edward.

GREAT GREAT JOB as usual. Can't wait for more. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response:

thank you and the new chapter should be up in a few days...louise

Reviewer: rmcrms5 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30 Aug 2011 11:41 PM Title: Chapter 74 (1st half)

Glad you made it through the storm alright. I wish we could get at least some of that here in Texas. We're in a drought with temps topping 112 and no end in sight.

Can't wait for Bella's pov.

Author's Response:

We had a heat wave the whole month of July and part of Aug...it sucks, actually the heat is ine thing it's tthe humidity that kills me,...

Reviewer: theladykt Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30 Aug 2011 10:22 PM Title: Chapter 74 (1st half)

I can see his point, to a point. but hemay not have yelled, buthe did bark at her when she did try to clarify. I wouldnt want to talk to him about it either.  while some of it is on her, he does need to about/acknowledge his culpability in it to her as well.   glad he realized that his  leaving her alone plan would make things worse. glad em  brought that up to him.

Author's Response:

She didn't ask for clearification she asked "WHHYYYY" in a childish whine...lol...I hate when my kids do that...thanks for reading..louise

Reviewer: lanigirl96003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Aug 2011 8:51 PM Title: Chapter 74 (1st half)

looking foward to the next chapter

Author's Response:

thank you for reading and leaving a comment...louise

Reviewer: VickiShy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Aug 2011 3:22 AM Title: Chapter 73

L - interesting chapter. I loved her introspection of her feelings about Esme, Charlie, and marriage.  I do feel that E is blurring the lines of thier playtime and thier real life and I think they need to go back to some harder set playtimes again.  Yes, E defintely has a bug up his ass.  But from the beginning B has not really understood his assignment.  She (in a wrong way) let her stress about it be known, but E hasn't really understood her problem with it.  First, she is probably way overthinking it but I am surprised he can't see that.  I love this vacation and I know they have to go back to thier real life soon.  BUT, is it wrong of me to want them to take a little break - I want a little more angst in thier life to make sure they realize how much they need each other.  Maybe I just love to put them through hell?!  Later L  Great writing - keep it up.

Author's Response:

lol... you want angst and I hate it.. I will say that there is some coming, because they have alot of issues at home to deal with... thanks for reading...louise

Reviewer: Rgwmnks Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Aug 2011 3:21 AM Title: Chapter 1

I don't think I'm upset w/Edward. Just trying to understand what's going on in his head before you place me there. Make sense. Things always appear one way when you only have half the picture. I totally get the analogy of the crying baby. I recall 3 seperate occasions where I had to do the walking away thing. I think Edward is, in his own way, protecting Bella from himself.
You have never ever let your readers down, even @ the WTF moments so I will always have complete faith that you will grant me the bigger picture. Provide all the necessary details so that I can determine how I feel about it. I learned a long time ago to never react w/o having all the facts.

Author's Response:

yeah .. that's one of things about writing.. I only get to give half the story and usually that puts Edward in a bad light and I have to tell you... I love Edward and sometimes I think he get a bad wrap when in actually he's just misunderstood...lol...and your right he walked away rather then stay and get angry.  It was the only way he could keep himself in control of his temper ..but I'll let him tell the story.. louise

Reviewer: sarah louise Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Aug 2011 6:08 PM Title: Chapter 73

fab chapter.hope the talk goes well she defo has come along way.updte soon

Author's Response:

Bella has grown and the new chapter should be up in a few days... thanks for reading..louise

Reviewer: KeyeCullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Aug 2011 5:45 PM Title: Chapter 73

Wow!  I cannot believe that you have one more week of summer.  This is the second week that my 8 year old has been in school!

Emmett begging for the baseball tickets was too funny.

How did Bella get the tickets?  Have you said and I missed it?  A friend?

Oh my gosh, can you hear your fans screaming "out-take of what happened with Esme and the Skank in the bathroom?"  I can!  *dies laughing*

Oz-born?  LMAO!

Love this:

As long as they have clean clothes, hot food and a responsive body in their bed, they are happy. And once they always have those three things they will give their undying devotion to the woman who provides them with it.”

Yeah, well, you just have to be around a man that you want to have sex with....that is the key, isn't?

Like this line:

“And if you have enough energy to meet another women, you let me know, I’ll be more than happy to help exhaust you.”  


“That’s the first time I ever took my pants off after sex.”

Or both:

That sounded like a marriage or a D/s relationship

What burr is up Edward's butt about Jane and Bella's conversation?  Geez....control freak much?

Huh....wonder what Carole's assignment is for Bella.

Yes, I am glad that she went out on the balcony to talk to Edward.....I just cannot wait to read the conversation!  LOL!!!


Author's Response:

Hi Keye... Actually my kids are going back to school a week early. They don't usually start until the Tuesday after Labor Day..and they get out around June 15th (something like that) ... Emery gave Bella the tickets when they were in Forks...She asked him to get them and Edward was standing there ((at the prade)) when Emery gave them to her...There is going to be an Esme OT...((there was always one planned I just needed to wait until the right moment and that's coming up really soon))...thanks for reading and I'm glad you liked the chapter...talk to you next time...louise

Reviewer: amwine Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Aug 2011 3:02 AM Title: Chapter 73

Wow...Edward is really taking this conversation with Jane hard.  I love how Esme took care of the "skank".  That was priceless!  Great chapter....thanks so much!!!

Reviewer: Nona Cuddles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Aug 2011 8:27 PM Title: Chapter 73

Well the beginning of the chapter was funny..  and oh my god Emse.  fantastic..  Mamma Bear..

I have to agree Bella not accepting help did put her in a lot of danger..  But it did not mean she was selfish..  She just care for her dad and did not want to bother him..  Which in the long run was a bad mistake. 

Which now seeing she is doing the same to Edward.  It hurts that you can't ake for help or won't accept it..     She will learn...  The whole assignment was for her..  she just made a mountain out of a mole...   Sad..

and yes she has come a long ways and lot more to learn to forgive herself..  until then.  she still has self dount.. 

Awesome chapter..  My heart broke for them both at the end.. 

<3 Leona :)

Reviewer: sonogal Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Aug 2011 7:22 PM Title: Chapter 73

Bella needs to remember that there are many ways to have children. Edward has stated over and over that he want a future with her. He comes from a marrying family. She should not be surprized that  he wants to marry. She is the one that has issues about family. Edward loves his family. She needs to realize that family is important to Edward. Bella has been talking to others instead of him first lately. She has also been in her own head a lot more lately. She hasn't been as forth coming. She is suppose to tell Edward everything and she hasn't been.

Author's Response:

And you have won the Golden Onion!!....beacsue you got it right...but I'll let Edward tell you in the next chapter, which shuld be up in a few days...thanks for reading...louise

Reviewer: kalenaa Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Aug 2011 6:50 PM Title: Chapter 73

Great update! You were missed!

Author's Response:

Thanks for being patient while I took care of r/l...louise

Author's Response:

Thanks for being patient while I took care of r/l...louise

Reviewer: farsidelady Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Aug 2011 3:46 PM Title: Chapter 73

Somehow Bella seems resigned about something ... why is Edward being such a dickward!!  He sometimes seems jealous that she talks to someone outside of their relationship...he shloud be very careful about that, Bella needs Jane to make this work for her and seems to react harshly to it.  She gave him such a great gift for his birthday and now he acts all sullen, what a moody guy he is being.  Will Bella allow her self to think about marry him and maybe children or is she closing that door?  This story is so very very good and I can't wait for the update.  Thanks for writing!!

Author's Response:

Ummm ... wow .. that's a lot of questions there... I'm going to reserve my answers and let you read about it in the next chapter, which should be up in a few days... i will say this...Edward is a man who always has a reason (good or bad) for everything he does... thanks for reading...louise

Reviewer: samolly Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Aug 2011 2:42 PM Title: Chapter 73

hurry? I love this story!!

Author's Response:

I'm trying ...lol.. new chapter should be up in a few days...louise

Reviewer: famaggiolo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Aug 2011 7:01 AM Title: Chapter 73

Wow, I thought I had missed a chapter when you posted this, I was used to you poting weekly... you spoiled us!

I have to agree with you, Bella has come a long way, but I thought she would have confonted him before she wrote in her journal.  But I am glad that she is.  I dont think she should give up on her dreams.

As for Edward, he expects Bella to be forth coming when she has a problem, maybe he should do the same.  He should tell her when something is bothering him instead of dwelling on the situation and making her feel like she has done something to wrong him.  I understand he could not do it at dinner, but as soon as they walked in the door he could have told her,

I feel next chapter is gong to be intersting!

Author's Response:

No you didn't miss anything but I do thank you for being patient...ummm.. for the most part Edward addresses a problem immediatly.. in this instance well it's kind of like a screaming baby...sometimes it's better to walk away from them rather then get more frustrated and do something you will regret ....anyway thanks for reading ...louise

Reviewer: Teri Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Aug 2011 4:14 AM Title: Chapter 73

I wonder if Edward was jealous that Bella turned to Jane rather than to him. Don't know why he is so upset. Stand your ground Bella. Great chapter. Hurry back.

Author's Response:

You almost got it... but don't worry the next chapter should be up in a few days,,, thanks for reading ...louise

Reviewer: cjrich Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Aug 2011 3:20 AM Title: Chapter 15

REALLY enjoying your story!

Author's Response:

Thanks... I glad that you are enjoying my little story of love and lust ....louise

Reviewer: sophdrea Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Aug 2011 2:59 AM Title: Chapter 73

Super great chapter! I loved how Esme took care of the skank and stood up for Bella. I agree that Bella has come a long way, but I still feel so sorry for her sometimes. She just can't help but feel so insecure, and I can see why she would feel that way about Edward sometimes. I don't always understand why he does some of the things he does or says. I know you will work everything out in the next chapter. He is still one of my favorite Edwards of all. Thanks for the fun read. I'm always so happy to see an update from you in my inbox.

Author's Response:

Bella is getting there, at least she's not dwealing on the insecurities and Edward well....Edward is a man who always has a reason (good or bad) for everything he does... thanks for reading...louise

Reviewer: cullenetc Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Aug 2011 1:13 AM Title: Chapter 73

I love Emmett, he cracks me up. Go Esme, I like that she admitted thatnher and Carlisle have sex everyday. Even though Alice didn't want to hear it. Edward and Bella still have a ways to go, but they are getting there. You are doing a great job with them.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading and leaving a comment...louise

Reviewer: linelia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Aug 2011 12:26 AM Title: Chapter 73

Missed you .......... awsome chapter loved it.

Author's Response:

thanks for being patient ...the new chapter should be up in a few days...louise

Reviewer: bella71 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2011 11:53 PM Title: Chapter 73

another awesome chapter I love that you put October 28th in there lol its mine and hubby 's anniversary .... Oh oh cant wait to read the conversation on the balcony ....

Author's Response:

I'll have to remember the date... and the new chapter should be up in a few days.. thanks for reading ...louise

Reviewer: farsideomoon Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2011 11:27 PM Title: Chapter 73

Yes, I think Edward does have a bug up his ass. Could it be that Bella is so gaurded in what she shares with him? She seems to have to formulate everything in her head before she can share things with him, which in my opinion is not indicative of being trusting as a submissive would, of course she's still learning.

Thanks for the update, can't wait to find out what comes of their talk, go Bella.

Author's Response:

Bella's editing is part of the problem,,,and the other thing is that Edward is a man who always has a reason (good or bad) for everything he does... thanks for reading...louise

Reviewer: artri Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2011 10:55 PM Title: Chapter 73

Does he ever...looking forward to seeing what has got up his butt.

Author's Response:

Edward is a man who always has a reason (good or bad) for everything he does... thanks for reading...louise

Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2011 10:16 PM Title: Chapter 73

I want to know what happened in the bathroom bvetween the shank and Esme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is Edward's problem????? Why does he have a problem with Bella asking Jane for help????? Can not wait till your next update!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!

Author's Response:

Edward is a man who always has a reason (good or bad) for everything he does..and I am going to be doing an Esme OT... thanks for reading...louise

Reviewer: Maria11 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2011 9:00 PM Title: Chapter 73

Good job bells you believe that Ed loves you! Wht up Ed?

Author's Response:

Edward is a man who always has a reason (good or bad) for everything he does... thanks for reading...louise

Reviewer: Celebrityhound Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2011 8:18 PM Title: Chapter 73


Author's Response:

New chapter should be up in a few days... thanks louise

Reviewer: theladykt Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2011 8:01 PM Title: Chapter 73

Go mama Esme.  Gotta love her.     lol for grovelling Em......at least for a little while.

hmmm does seem that Edward has a bug about something.

Author's Response:

Edward is a man who always has a reason (good or bad) for everything he does... thanks for reading...louise

Reviewer: jessee03 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2011 6:35 PM Title: Chapter 73

I hope we don't have to wait till we find out what Edward's problem is. I have a few ideas of what could be up with him but you could easily suprise me.

Author's Response:

No edward will be giving his POV next chapter which should be up in a few days.. thanks for reading and leaving a comment...louise

Reviewer: Rgwmnks Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2011 5:58 PM Title: Chapter 73

I am wondering what is going on in that big head of his. I've racked by brain but can't come up with anything other than the Jane thing. He's being ugly to her w/o being directly ugly & I honestly don't understand that. I am hoping that he is not consciously punishing her. I am proud of her for both honoring her promise to put it all down in her journal but even more proud of her for wanting to address this w/Edward directly. Looking forward to the next time.
L you never have to apologize for having a real life. Yes we all have one even though we would all love to crawl into twificland & stay there for a while, alas we cannot. We readers really do understand & greatly appreciate whatever amount of time you have, whether large or small.

Author's Response:

Edward is a man who always has a reason (good or bad) for everything he does. all I can say is that sometime (like with a crying infant) it's better to walk away then to stay and get more frustrated ...((does that make sense))  and I would like to ask that you at least give edard the benifit of the doubt until after you read the next chapter, then if yor still upset with him, you let me know... thanks for reading...louise

Reviewer: Twifan1228 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2011 5:27 PM Title: Chapter 73


So very glad to know all is well and that you are back!!! Funny tning I started over with the story last night or early this morning I guess, anyway, I was so happy to see this chapter.  Em and Vinny are always a treat to read and quite comical...... Yes Bella has certainly come a long way, and I'm not sure truthfully why Edward is upset with Bella ... I am very perplexed or puzzled and will be re-reading the chapter about her assignment...... I found it very very enlightening about how Bella saw her relationship with Charlie that was very interesting.. I truly enjoy how you get into her mind and Edwards as well... It pains me to sense that Bella would like to have children yet because of the actions of that careless Monster or should I say devilsh calculating monster she may not be able to conceive and carry a child.... hopefully this will be some miracle in the story IF thats the way you have it planned...  okay have a good ome and take care...  Laters BB Kathy xoxoxoxo

Author's Response:

Thanks for being patient while I took care of what was happening in my r/l and I have to tell you that while I was away i too went back to re-read my story...the next chapter will be up soon and then you'll get the whole story of why edward was so upset... thanks for reading Kathy ,,,louise

Reviewer: ageise02 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2011 4:45 PM Title: Chapter 73

Yeah, I kept wondering what was up with Edward!

Author's Response:

Edward is a man who always has a reason (good or bad) for everything he does... thanks for reading...louise

Reviewer: Balti K Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2011 4:14 PM Title: Chapter 73

I think the most important thing for me in this chapter was the insight Bella gained in allowing Esme to stand up for her, and that she had robbed Charlie of that for years. Maybe this will give her a chance to address some things with Charlie and clear the air, letting them both love each other in a more honest way appropriate to father and daughter. It may also let her rely more on Edward, to be her rock, and sometimes her pack mule. Sometimes we need a kick in the face to be shown that others will be there to catch our falls, or at least help us back up.

I think Edward obviously has a lot going on in his head regarding Bella's conversation with Jane, but he seems to be waiting until he has all the information before reacting, which is good. I just hope he doesn't overreact to something that should be a non-issue.

Cheers, Balti K

Author's Response:

hmmm..you're right about Bella, the insight she had about Esme made her realize what was lacking in her the relationship with her father...i think that Edward needed to walk away before he lost his temper...thanks for reading ..louise

Reviewer: rmcrms5 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2011 4:14 PM Title: Chapter 73

I loved Momma Bear Esme! Hear her roar! I was so happy to have an update to read over my coffee. I went to sleep with Amishward from In Your World and woke up to Domward. Really it's the best of both worlds!!!

Author's Response:

Yeah ,,,now if we could only have the real thing..lol..

Reviewer: lisab Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Aug 2011 2:28 PM Title: Chapter 72

loved this chapter and am loving the family dynamic!  glad jaspter is coiming around.  curious how long you think this story will be?  i could just keep reading and be happy!  so much left to do...a proposal, resolution with jessica? family coming in town, golf with emery, etc.....looking foward to reading more.  such a great story, this edward is just the best...

Reviewer: sessa Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Aug 2011 10:56 PM Title: Chapter 72

Sitting on pins and needles waiting, please send me teaser and let me know when you update, please

Reviewer: amwine Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Aug 2011 5:51 AM Title: Chapter 72

I love it!  It is so good to see them all having a great time together.  Great job...thanks so much!!!

Reviewer: amwine Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Aug 2011 4:53 AM Title: Chapter 70

I love the baseball game.  Vinny is so cute.  I am glad that Bella realizes that Esme likes (loves) her.  The floating fairy idea is cool.  I can't wait to see what Bella thinks about the names on the certificate.  Great job...thanks!!!

Reviewer: KeyeCullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Aug 2011 6:15 PM Title: Chapter 72

*dies laughing at this*

It was my own fault I told her to start at the beginning.

If he only KNEW what the girls talk about:

Is that a normal lunch conversation? And why the fuck is Alice telling Bella about Jasper’s balls? 

Edward and the cost of the dress ponderings was flippin' hysterical!

Great joke played on Emmett.  He fell right into that didn't he?

Go Esme!:

I think I just discovered where my Dom tendencies came from.

Great chapter....I cannot wait to read Edward and Bella's conversation about what happened with Alice, the dress, the kid reference and all that!


Reviewer: Wascas Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Aug 2011 12:15 AM Title: Chapter 72

Wow I just read your whole story in 6 days and there are so meny things I could tell you that are awesome about your story......your Edward is just amazing I read slot to ff but you Edward just might be my new favorite :DDD ....... Ant to be honest (seriously, I'm not just saying this to be nice) I think your wrighting has great balence you your not over wordy but you use enough words hat it makes sensand I think this story has a great balence of sadness, smut, love, and a litle bit of d/s th "spice things up" lol can't wait until you update :)

Reviewer: charming vamp Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Aug 2011 8:06 PM Title: Chapter 72

Loved this chapter.  Loved the family time.  Children say the darnest  things.  Emmett will learn quickly once his little one is born and starts talking. 

Reviewer: Girlfat5 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Aug 2011 1:40 AM Title: Chapter 5

awsome awsome story from what i've read so far

Author's Response:

Thank you, sorry it took so long to get back to you, i hope that you continue to enjoy reading my little story of love and lust...louise

Reviewer: sonogal Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2011 12:57 PM Title: Chapter 72

These kids see and hear way too much. It is amazing that the kids dont get in trouble more for in appropriate words or behavior. The adults need to be careful around the liitle ones. I love the openess, but I am careful around the kids.

Author's Response:

Esme is right, children hear enough garbage from other children...the school bus and playground is a breeding ground for information so it's hard to keep them innocent for long....but as a parent, that's what we try to do...thanks for reading ...lml

Reviewer: trixielou Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2011 1:14 AM Title: Chapter 72

I think I laughed most of the way through. Good Chapter.

Can't wait for the next update. They should be heading home soon right?



Author's Response:

the chapter was fluff and family time and yes they only have one more day of vacation which should be two chapters worth, then they go home to face what has been happning, they meet with Mr weiss (the PI) the weekend playtime and the 25th Anniversay at the club...oh and Uncle Marcus and Aunt Didyme arrive --- that should be interesting....

Reviewer: VickiShy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2011 12:11 AM Title: Chapter 72

Louise - this was so much fun to read.  great update.

Author's Response:

I think family time should be filled with lots of laugher...laughing is a bonding agent that keeps the relationship strong ...

Reviewer: jessee03 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Aug 2011 11:37 PM Title: Chapter 72

I'm loving the things that come out of little vinny's mouth!

I think Bella needs another maintenance spanking... you know just for maintenance purposes lol.

Author's Response:

lol... I don't know if her ass can take another maintance spanking...not yet anyway...but a nice warm up my buns spanking - that's a differant story...lol...

Reviewer: RAH07890 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Aug 2011 10:03 PM Title: Chapter 72

Wow, that was amazing :)  Really loved it so much :)

Author's Response:

The fluff was fun and family time should include alot of laughing,,,,

Reviewer: dsccc Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Aug 2011 11:12 AM Title: Chapter 72

I love when people portray children accurately and you certainly do! They are hilarious and I love Vinny! The whole family needed this bonding time. A little fluff is always good! I am curious about Alice's comments about a baby!

Author's Response:

I know it was many chapters ago, but do you remember when they were all at the cabin, Bella told Rose and Alice about not being able to have babies? (it was Chapter 33) Anyway Bella told them that James had caused damage to her and Bella said she would never be able to have babies, Alice replied "Yes you will. A girl with curly brown hair, green eyes and her middle name will be Alice" ...Bella doesn't want to believe her but she also can't help but to hope...(now I told you part of what Bella is going to tell Edward) see you just got a sneak peek..  :)  Thanks for reading and leaving a comment...louise

Reviewer: Snuffy10 Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Aug 2011 2:41 AM Title: Chapter 72

Great!!!! Thank you!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading ....

Reviewer: hilndgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Aug 2011 2:34 AM Title: Chapter 72

LMAO at the end when Vinny got Emmett again. It took me the better part of the day to get through the chapter but that's because I kept getting interrupted. It was well worth the wait. Esme is awesome pulling the mom card, and that IS what moms do (speaking as a mom).

I kept waiting to see what Emmett's "punishment" would be and that ice water in the cone was great.

If Bella's bag wasn't that heavy, could it be that she wasn't carrying it properly to give her a sore neck?

Thanks for a great read to date.

Author's Response:

And just like he said he would ...Emmett is trying to blame it on Bella...

Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Aug 2011 2:03 AM Title: Chapter 72

I busted out laughing at the end of this chapter. I love the girls getting back at Emmett that was funny. GREAT job with this whole story. Loved Edward putting Gina in her place.

Author's Response:

I'm glad you liked it ...lml

Reviewer: theladykt Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Jul 2011 10:01 PM Title: Chapter 72

Sweet chapter.    LOl for them getting back at Em and him ratting out B at the end

Author's Response:

It was good famil time... thanks and i see that you are all caught up, see you next time...louise

Reviewer: sophdrea Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31 Jul 2011 3:30 PM Title: Chapter 72

What a wonderful chapter! I loved seeing Bella interact with Edward's family. And as usual, you made me laugh out loud. My husband thinks I'm crazy because I'm sitting there laughing at my computer. I tell him he just doesn't understand how really good the author I'm reading is. You can make me laugh, cry and feel wonderful all in the same chapter sometimes. Thanks once again for an amazing read.

Author's Response:

 I laugh when I'm writing and my husband does the same thing,,,lloks at me like i'm nuts...poor men, they just don't know what they are missing,,,,lol...thanks for reading...lml

Reviewer: farsideomoon Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Jul 2011 2:07 PM Title: Chapter 72

cute, thanks for the update;D)

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading ...lml

Reviewer: Teri Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Jul 2011 5:40 AM Title: Chapter 72

THIS WAS HYSTERICAL. Very funny chapter.

Author's Response:

Thanks i wanted to show family interaction...

Reviewer: Nona Cuddles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31 Jul 2011 2:19 AM Title: Chapter 72

I loved it..  I have to admit being a mother and a chlid care giver. I have heard lots of stuff come from children.  It is not easy but they will learn from some were and it is our goal to teach them that the words are not to be used.  Em is right just because he slippes does not mean vinny has the right to use them.  But he  needs to let vinny know that they are bad words.  Which he does not do.  but hopfully he will now if they slip again.  Were all human.    I should know.  hhaha.  I have a lot of horror stories I wish I would have just crawled in a hole and died because of my son.  hahaha.  But it was part my fault..  I would watch what I said at work.  But at home I was free..  So fudgicals became my favor it word or surgar.  haha.. 

Author's Response:

mine was mother-humper ...lol ...still not the best but a lot better then what I hear other people say. your right about kids, and I think that both esme and emmett was right in what they were saying. and anyone that has kids has been mortified by something they had said because they have no filters...lol....Anyway, thanks for reading ...lml

Reviewer: Twifan1228 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31 Jul 2011 12:59 AM Title: Chapter 72

Louise, Louise 

Poor little Vinny is so darlin but I didn't say nooky!!! LMAO!!!!  Gina dsmn woman that was just skanky.... Loved the conversation about the Gucci dress.. 60% off making it $800, yes that was perfection...  So curious about Janes phone call can't wait...  Oh and did I ever love the retelling Bella gave to Edward about what actually happened with Vinny and the micro fiber unders....

Till next weeks update  please take care.. Laters BB Kathy  xoxoxoxox

Author's Response:

You knew he would say it sometime...I mean really you can't tell a kid not to say something and then expect them to listen...lol....thanks for reading...lml

Reviewer: Celebrityhound Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31 Jul 2011 12:46 AM Title: Chapter 72

A+ cute chapter

Author's Response:

Thanks, they needed family time...lml

Reviewer: Maria11 Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jul 2011 10:57 PM Title: Chapter 72

oh bella you are in trouble.. em you are a piece of work!!  why is alice being so mean to bella?  anyway can't wait for more

Author's Response:

Alice wasn't being mean, she just didn't understand how Bella could pass up 60% off designed clothes, becasue she would bought it....don't be bad at Alice, she loves Bella, it was just a difference of opinion....thanks for reading ...lml

Reviewer: rmcrms5 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30 Jul 2011 9:56 PM Title: Chapter 72

I laughed so hard at this chapter my husband came to check on me from across the house. I had to read the part where the girls got Emmett to him. He told me to tell you, that's just mean. LMAO!!!!

Author's Response:

lol...I agree it was mean, but Emmett deserved it...

Reviewer: tiina Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jul 2011 8:25 PM Title: Chapter 72

A really nice chapter. I wish I had such a family !


Author's Response:

They do have a lot of fun, and they are close ...thanks for reading...lml

Reviewer: mahitabelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jul 2011 8:04 PM Title: Chapter 72

Total *GiggleSnort*
Great chapter!

Author's Response:

Hahahhahah...You Snorted!!!....

Reviewer: FlSunshine Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jul 2011 7:47 PM Title: Chapter 72

great update !!!  wish you had gotten to the phone call from Jane thou.  please update soon

Author's Response:

It's coming...It's coming...that is a conversation for Bella and Edward to have in private...

Reviewer: twilightmenrhot Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jul 2011 6:15 PM Title: Chapter 72

Emmett and Vinnie both have learned something, seems Bella needed to as well!

Bella sure is awful snugly with their neice! Could it be that Bella is feeling that magic pull?? Perhaps she wanted all the chances possible by buying Edward new underwear...  Maybe she should revisit her doctor and be checked out. Perhaps there is a chance for her.

Author's Response:

It was Bella's job to take the kids out of there, and besides who wouldn't get snuggly with a 2 year old? I mean awee,,, they are so cute...and if ((a big if)) Bella can have children it will not be easy...

Reviewer: dwright Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jul 2011 6:00 PM Title: Chapter 72

I love this family! Another great chapter. Thanks for writing.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading...lml

Reviewer: Balti K Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jul 2011 4:47 PM Title: Chapter 72

Looks like Jasper is starting to get it. But the brothers are going to let the cat out of the bag regarding a proposal if they're not careful. Emmett's got a big mouth. At least Alice is subtle.

Loved the trick, it was hilarious. Just shows how well Bella fits in to the family.

Esme is an awesome mom, her speech to Emmett shows that. He'll get it someday.

Cheers, Balti K

Author's Response:

Bella is accepted, which is something she has never totally been...tanks for reading...lml

Reviewer: hilndgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Jul 2011 11:35 AM Title: Chapter 1

Tried to leave a review the day I finished chapter 71 but looks like there was a hitch in something. Anyway, I'm not into the scene (to each his own) but that's not to say I'm not enjoying your story.

While I can't empathize with Bella's fears not knowing what's she gone through, I can definitely understand them.

I love the way Edward loves her...he's not pushing her by using the fears that developed because of James.

I can't wait to see what the girls have in store for Emmett. It'll be good I'm sure.

And for the record, thank you for being one of the few authors who has not made Emmett look like a complete baffoon.

Thanks for a great story.

Author's Response:

Hi, sorry it has taken so long to get back to you, but I just wanted to say that I agree with the Emmett thing. I think he can be funloving and a jokster but still have depth of character...

Reviewer: samolly Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jul 2011 7:50 AM Title: Chapter 35

drenched!!! LOL

Reviewer: sessa Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Jul 2011 3:44 PM Title: Chapter 71

I loved this chapter, you have me hanging to find out whats next, I check out facebook, thanks for the befriending me, Keep up great work girl. Do you have any stories you can offer to read while I am waiting for your next chapter. Thank you so much for such a great story.

Reviewer: xXCicadaXx Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 24 Jul 2011 6:37 AM Title: Chapter 50

I really love the DitR and I know I am so late to the fic -- but I've been trying to power through the story as quickly as I can so I am up-to-date. I've read a few D/s  fics over the last couple of years but I have to say you offer up quite a bit of detail and understanding (so thanks! *w/cheesy grin). But I have a couple of questions... B and E are in a part-time D/s relationship and he has control of her anything pertaining to her body, safety and overall well-being. And yes, play time is play time and respect must be shown and given but is B allowed to just have a bad day --- attitude and all. For example, when B and Leah get into it why is it necessary for E to reprimand B for her response when he gets an attitude with his family members? It's two sisters fighting and honestly you never want to get in the middle of that. :). Wouldn't B be entitled to this since they're not in play? Also, does B have say in the decisions even they're not in play? And are they allowed any regular ole vanilla B/F time without in it turning into an oppty for E to tease and B? I am sure you have probably answered these questions before so sorry if I am repeating --- but girl you've got over 2500 reviews and its hard looking for those answers! So any insight to for this late comer would be awesome. Ok, I'm off to read the rest of the fic....thanks! 

Author's Response:

Hi ... I just wanted to answer some of your questions. !st yes your right they are only part-time D/s, however Bella signed a contract that said she would abide by all the rules which included her eating, sleeping and exercise habits. It also talked about always showing him respect. Most of what she agreed to was a stardard agreement between Edward and his other submissives. What I mean by that is with the other two (collared subs) he only really saw them during play time. So it didn't matter how they interacted with others, he wasn't there to see it and no one told him any differant. With Bella she is around all the time and he's sort of feeling his way through this. There are times that Bella has yelled at him (with rightous anger) and he understood. When he found out what happened with james in her kitchen, he started treating her differantly and she down right yelled at him, in fact I can tell you that she was very close to slapping him. But give our guy some time, he's still trying to manouver his way through the Bf/Gf aspect of this whole thing. And as the chapters go on you will see him coming to terms with that. He still has his expectation of constant respect and there is a way of voiceing your opinion (loudly..lol..meaning fighting) while still respecting the person you are upset with...those chapters are coming. One other thing, you said that he gets an attitute with his family. Edward is the Dom in their relationship and with that title comes a lot of respsonsability but it also comes with a lot of perks. So theirs is a 'do as I say, not as I do' relationship. however you will see that when it's needed he allows Bella to stand her ground and fight her own battles...anyway I hope that answers your questions, thanks for reading and I'm glad you are enjoying my little (long) story of love and lust...louise

Author's Response:

Hi ... I just wanted to answer some of your questions. !st yes your right they are only part-time D/s, however Bella signed a contract that said she would abide by all the rules which included her eating, sleeping and exercise habits. It also talked about always showing him respect. Most of what she agreed to was a stardard agreement between Edward and his other submissives. What I mean by that is with the other two (collared subs) he only really saw them during play time. So it didn't matter how they interacted with others, he wasn't there to see it and no one told him any differant. With Bella she is around all the time and he's sort of feeling his way through this. There are times that Bella has yelled at him (with rightous anger) and he understood. When he found out what happened with james in her kitchen, he started treating her differantly and she down right yelled at him, in fact I can tell you that she was very close to slapping him. But give our guy some time, he's still trying to manouver his way through the Bf/Gf aspect of this whole thing. And as the chapters go on you will see him coming to terms with that. He still has his expectation of constant respect and there is a way of voiceing your opinion (loudly..lol..meaning fighting) while still respecting the person you are upset with...those chapters are coming. One other thing, you said that he gets an attitute with his family. Edward is the Dom in their relationship and with that title comes a lot of respsonsability but it also comes with a lot of perks. So theirs is a 'do as I say, not as I do' relationship. however you will see that when it's needed he allows Bella to stand her ground and fight her own battles...anyway I hope that answers your questions, thanks for reading and I'm glad you are enjoying my little (long) story of love and lust...louise

Reviewer: samolly Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jul 2011 3:02 AM Title: Chapter 16

Ummmmm... pass the rope and grab the Edward please :) 

Reviewer: samolly Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jul 2011 12:31 AM Title: Chapter 13

OMG!! so hot!!! While reading this I was listening to my Pandora station and this was playing by AZ Yet... http://youtu.be/_FsgQwIszYI it is a beautiful song and so fitting to where this is heading. I just started reading this late this morning and going right through... just getting interrupted with stupid laundry... shoot... I have no idea why my family thinks they need clean clothes! Don't they know how to prioritize!!! I mean really! FF before anything right?!?!?

Reviewer: lisab Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Jul 2011 6:17 PM Title: Chapter 51

i love this story!  so so good!  love a feisty bella and this edward is perfect...

Reviewer: Balti K Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Jul 2011 11:25 PM Title: Chapter 71

Glad things are cleared up a bit for Jasper. It's good to have someone looking out for Bella, but not to look down on what they're doing together. And it was a good analogy to use, comparing it to Jasper's reenactments.

As for the talk with Carlisle, I can understand C's pov, in wanting his son to carry on tradition. But wouldn't he rather his son were happy? Perhaps he's always thought Edward was taking the coward's way out, afraid of failing, and that's why he's kept pushing. Maybe now it's clear for him? But I can't argue with Edward's reasoning.

Can't wait to hear what happened during Bella's busy day!

Cheers, Balti K

Reviewer: sonogal Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Jul 2011 10:53 AM Title: Chapter 71

You would think Bella would have learned after the first morning of vacation.Bella needs to learn to check and see if Edward's family is around before speaking. She also needs to dress if Edward is not in bed when she get wakes up in the morning. It must mean the family is around or he would be in bed with her.

Reviewer: farsidelady Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Jul 2011 7:01 PM Title: Chapter 71

Underwear - that when you know that a relationship is real.  I redid my now hubby's wardrobe about 8 months after we were dating when we planning a trip to the Bahamas and I got a look at his horrible summer clothes.  He was fine with it and now 16 years later I still "take care" of clothing items except for hunting & fishing clothing & "junk" like that.  This was such a great chapter and I love how Edward explained things to Jasper - now on to Emmet!!

Reviewer: dsccc Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Jul 2011 6:48 PM Title: Chapter 71

You certainly know how to fill a chapter! Wow that was a ton of content! I think the girls will enjoy putting Emmett in his place. I get the feeling the red panties will be a part of it. It was good that Jasper and Edward got to talk, but I am not sure he gets it yet. Edward did a great job of keeping his cool and explaining himself, but I think Bella could probably explain what she gets from the whole relationship in a way that he understands. Most people believe the dom gets all of the benefits, and I think hearing it from her perspective, he might start to see what she gets out of it.

Reviewer: kalenaa Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Jul 2011 3:14 PM Title: Chapter 71

Great update. The Edward Jasper conversation was perfect. The last line of this update was epic....I cracked up.

Reviewer: ageise02 Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Jul 2011 8:23 AM Title: Chapter 71

any babies coming along? ...Or might that be a topic for a sequel?

Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Jul 2011 2:18 AM Title: Chapter 71

I am glad that Edward set Jasper straight. I want to know why Bella was talking to Jane. What is gong on???? Does it have some thing to do with the club? Can't wait to find out. LOVE that Alice and Rose are going to take out Emmett.!!!!!!

Reviewer: artri Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2011 5:44 PM Title: Chapter 71

Ha,ha,ha children and what they hear, learn and repeat, love it.

Reviewer: clair61213 Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2011 5:17 PM Title: Chapter 71

great chapter. i agree that edward did a good job with jasper, i'm so glad they had that talk & that edward let carlisle know where he stands on his future with bella & his career.
can't wait to find out what alice & rose do to emmett & even more anxious to know about the call to jane.
don't worry, you'll never lose me by writing too many chapters, i could read about these two forever! lol =)

Reviewer: vickic Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2011 1:20 PM Title: Chapter 71

poor Bella better start checking to see if anyone else is in the room before she makes her way outta the bedroom.  Looking forward to the revenge on Emmett.  Edward did a great job, never in my life would I have equated BDsM with Civil War reinactments, but that really worked.


Reviewer: farsideomoon Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2011 1:18 PM Title: Chapter 71

Great chapter. Yes, what was going on with Jane?

I liked how you had E relate their relationship or play time to Jasper.

Reviewer: Flgirl7678 Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2011 12:39 PM Title: Chapter 71

Oh Louise!!!! I don't want the story to ever end!!!! There could never be enough chapters. I love this Bella and Edward. I love reading about them and the adventures. You are an amazing writer. I wish I had that talent. Thank you so much for sharing. -Monique

Reviewer: Nona Cuddles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2011 9:02 AM Title: Chapter 71

okay you just made me sad saying this story is almost done.  even if there are outtakes.  that not funny..  Love this story.. 

and yes bella was funny about the underwear..  Somtimes  I wonder what makes her do stuff..   hahah.. 

I don't think anyone she be upset with Edward on his decion not to become a doctor..  It his life not theirs..  he has a great job he likes so leave him a lone.. 

and for Jasper.  he has a little understanding..  But unless your in that life style you can't even imagin..    I know I 'm not.  I like to read it and stuff.  I have a like kink side.  but the pain stuff.  not sure.  Ochy.. 

awesome chapter..  :)Leona

Ps.  have a great trip and be safe. Please.. 

Reviewer: lanigirl96003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2011 6:45 AM Title: Chapter 71

well im glad taht everyone is getting along im excited for the next chapter 

Reviewer: LetRobstenLuv4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2011 4:06 AM Title: Chapter 66

I agree with Sue I think Bella needs to let her father read the whole file on what James did to her, even though it is very embarrassing for her, he needs to know.

Reviewer: dwright Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2011 3:04 AM Title: Chapter 71

I absolutely looove Vinnie! I hope Emmett keeps teaching him new words! I cant' wait for the next chapter. Thanks for writing.

Reviewer: LetRobstenLuv4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2011 3:02 AM Title: Chapter 65

If I were Edward I would worry about Jacob's relationship with Bella too.  They are too cozy. Its just weird. 

Reviewer: sophdrea Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2011 2:46 AM Title: Chapter 71

You would never lose me because of too many chapters...I would love it if you just made this story like a soap opera and just kept it going forever!!! This is absolutely one of my favorite stories of all time, and when it is finished, I will probably start reading it all over again.  I loved the way you had Edward explain the submissive mindset to Jasper. It made a lot of sense. This was a great chapter. You are just awesome. Hope you enjoy your vacation.


Reviewer: theladykt Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2011 2:01 AM Title: Chapter 71

Great chapter.  The underwear thing was funny.   Can't wait to see what the girls do to Emmett.   Glad E straightened J out.  He was getting annoying.

Reviewer: Maria11 Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2011 12:46 AM Title: Chapter 71

thanks for the update ed did do a great job!!  i am glad he stood up to his dad too, but i really thought he was being rude!!! any way enjoy your vacay!!

Reviewer: bella71 Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2011 12:27 AM Title: Chapter 71

oh my I hope she doesnt get in trouble for her talk with Jane .... Love toe rings and I cant wait till the next chapter ....

Reviewer: KeyeCullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jul 2011 11:15 PM Title: Chapter 71

Amen sister...couldn't agree with you more:

At that time I rationalized my points about how the establishment has forgotten the care of the individual to make room for what I consider to be socialized medicine. The insurance and drug companies have more to do with patient care then the physician who is treating them. I saw very quickly how persons other than the patient and their doctor call the shots with what is happening in the care of the individual. How certain treatments or pharmaceuticals are denied because they are not cost effective. It’s become a system of bartering for time and resources; we have exchanged quality of care for quantity, all in the name of making money for big businesses.

OMG...glad Bella had clothes one when she walked out and saw all the Cullen men..well, Jasper too, but you knew what I meant.

I adore Emmett and Jasper for very different reasons.

Edward using Jasper's "hobby" to set him straight on he and Bella's relations was PERFECT!

Why on earth would you lose anyone of the length of this story?  It has flown by!

Can't wait to see what happens next.  Have fun on your trip and be safe!


Reviewer: LetRobstenLuv4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jul 2011 10:23 PM Title: Chapter 64

Wow Bella sure did get pissed about Seth. lol.  I am glad that Edward was able to tell her NO about the belt.  As for Leah, well I think she needed a lot more talk from Edward to put her in her place.  But for now it was a good talk.

Reviewer: RAH07890 Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jul 2011 10:12 PM Title: Chapter 1

I loved this chapter!  So happy to see Edward and Carlisle talk :)  I cannot wait for more between Edward and Bella!  Also, my family just recently went to DC too :)  Have fun!

Reviewer: LetRobstenLuv4ever Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jul 2011 9:42 PM Title: Chapter 63

I must apologize I slacked off of this story NOT because it is boring its just there are so many wonderful stories out there its so hard to keep up.  I am following I think over 170 on this site alone. lol.  I missed talking to you and I am so happy that I am sticking to this thing til I am caught up. As for Bella's maintenance well..... I think she needed it or she would have slipped into a deep depression. So I think he helped her to admit how she was feeling. 

Reviewer: cullenetc Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jul 2011 6:53 PM Title: Chapter 71

I can't imagine that people would stop reading this because of the length. Each new chapter is exciting and funny, I am never disappointed. Since this will be wrapping up in the near future, any plans for a new story. I would follow you anywhere. I love that Bella keeps getting caught in bad situations. At least Edwards brothers see what keeps him in for breakfast every morning.

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