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Reviewer: bab1067 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Nov 2012 12:30 AM Title: Comfortably Numb

So what is going on with Amelia and damion? Is she really pregnant?

Reviewer: kkattita Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Nov 2012 11:51 PM Title: Comfortably Numb

oh Dame.. Dame.. he breaks my heart, I hope he find his way soon! can't wait the next chapter!

Reviewer: j-a-m-1978 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Nov 2012 11:18 PM Title: Comfortably Numb

Great chapter... I can never get enough! I'm still worried about Damion. I hope he gets over his obsession with Maggie. Its making me nervous! I wanted to like Amelia, but she is really making things harder for Dame. I'm curios as to if she's really even pregnant. Dame need to find a nice girl and I hope he gets over whatever is going on in his head with Maggie. I missed you're updates and am happy to hear you and you family are same. Being from New Orleans I can understand the shock you are probably in right now. Just don't give up hope and take it one day at a time! Your updates always make my day and I can't wait till the next chapter

Reviewer: gitgit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03 Nov 2012 11:05 PM Title: Comfortably Numb

First of all thank christ that you are okay. Oh man I was so nervous for you I'm like dude I hope she is okay. 

That was really sweet of Damion, to tell maggie's parents that they should trust sonny. And I was glad that we got a whole lot of Damion. He is working through his problems. But I really don't like the way Amelia is forcing Damion. I wonder if she slept with him that night inorder to ensure that she was pregnant. I hope not. 

And I dont like the way he is forcing himself. Edward said to be straight so I do hope that he will be. And awww i loved his interaction with Bella and Edward. Damion also got a Kylie hug I loved that. 

I wish Sonny and Damion can work things out. I really do.

Reviewer: LBD Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03 Nov 2012 10:58 PM Title: Comfortably Numb

Love this story. Outstanding chapter. Glad you and yours made it through Sandy okay. It is always sad and tough what hurricane does. New Orleans is still trying to recover.

Reviewer: Geneva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Nov 2012 2:09 AM Title: Change of Pace Part Two

Aaaahhh remnicent of a young Bella and Edward. Christ that was a hot ending!! It seems this story just keeps getting better with each chapter. The plot never gets boring. I wish you could write this series forever lol

Reviewer: Geneva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31 Oct 2012 3:21 AM Title: Actions Speak Louder

Holy! oh my.. That was ... This was such an intense chapter... I could literally feel the emotions radiating off your words - santino and Katie - wow... Just wow. I was seriously torn... Didn't know who's side to take lol. Santino loves her- Katie loves him... girl quit being so difficult and take the man already!!

I especially loved the last part... I haven't read something so gut wrenching and touching in such a long time...

This chapter was baddass and I'll admit I replayed this on my iphone speak it app more than once just cause ;)

So relieved it's santino's!



Reviewer: Geneva Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Oct 2012 5:49 PM Title: Kylie

Awww Peto and Kylie!!! I'm loving them already :)

Reviewer: Geneva Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Oct 2012 5:42 PM Title: Talk is Cheap

I just want to say that I have grown to love each and every one of the new characters that you have created. I don't mind at all when you do chapters in their pov's :D damion has definitely caught my interest and I personally love Alex. Outtake on her and Carlisle would be awesome. In fact outtakes on the kid couples would be too :) just saying.....


Great work.... Thanks for sharing 

Reviewer: Evelyne-raconte Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Oct 2012 5:09 PM Title: Damion Part Two

Bella with the hose, hilarious ! Damion is a dangerous creature in more than one way.

Reviewer: sonogal Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Oct 2012 7:58 PM Title: Blazing Guns

I hope Damion is on the mend and gets close to Edward again. He is such a good kid who was messed up. Lauren got what she deserved. I feel bad for her kids, but they have Aro, who is the better parent and now won't have to put up with Lauren lying to them. Damion needs to work things out with Amelia. They really do love each other and she understands the craziness of his family. She fits in and is welcomed by Bella, which is a big hurdle for any girl. Bella is so protective of her babies. Only a few people are good enough for them.

Reviewer: almoncla Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Oct 2012 7:31 PM Title: Blazing Guns

loved this chapter, please don't. Let anyone get you down. This is your story. I think its amazing

Reviewer: tff000 Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Oct 2012 6:18 AM Title: Blazing Guns

good chapter. seems like lauren got off easy - wonder if b is going to be pissed she didn't get a shot in ;)

Reviewer: gatorgrl91 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28 Oct 2012 5:13 PM Title: Blazing Guns

Awesome!!!...as always Sexy!! :) So glad Dame's OK & that Skip came to his 'rescue', so to speak!! Looking forward to the reactions from the family of my fav couple tying the knot!! I flove Sonny & Maggie!!!

Thank u for updating early! I have yet to find another author as dedicated & sensitive to their readers as U!! :)

To the haters: buzz off!! If u read all of SexyLexi's reviews, u would c the truth...she's an awesome, well loved, respected & talented writer! It's proven in the fact that she has invoked such passionate feelings in all the readers...haters included! It takes a special & talented person to persevere thru difficult times and continue writing-SexyLexi deserves better! She deserves respect at the very least! **Cowards are NOT welcome!!!** Beware b/c she has a very large & loyal following! Muwahahaha!!! :)

Btw, Sexy thx for the rec for CaraNo!!! I luv her stuff & didn't realize she had new stuff b/c it's not listing on FFnet nor here, thus I'm not getting email updates!! But b/c of ur rec, I found her blogspot & am reading all of her stories!!! Wow! Close Yours Eyes was just awesome!!! Reading her stories is a great way for me to keep occupied in between ur updates!!! :)
SO glad ur feeling better!! Ur the best! Don't let the haters get u down! I hope it's obvious how much u r loved AND liked!!!

U da bomb!!! Don't forget it!!! :)

Reviewer: Daisy Crazy Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Oct 2012 2:00 PM Title: Blazing Guns

I really like that Skip was going to let Damian pull the trigger.  Way to go Sonny!!!  The talking was so good for them.  Thanks for the updates! :)

Reviewer: tff000 Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Oct 2012 9:34 AM Title: Titanium


Reviewer: edwardxbellaforever Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28 Oct 2012 4:36 AM Title: Titanium

Sonny is making me mad. Seriously. And I really don't like Maggie either. Poor Damion! Sonny should just move away with the "love of his life" and never call or return again.

Ugh. Good story though. Again, poor Damion. I feel so bad for him, with every scene he's in. And Amelia... What is up with Maggie? Why is she so great? Why are they fighting for her like this?

Well.. Thanks for sharing. I need more Edward and Bella scenes, less Sonny/Maggie and definitely a happy ending for Damion.. Poor Damion.. :(

Reviewer: gitgit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28 Oct 2012 3:06 AM Title: Blazing Guns



i want to sing and dance *ding dong the bitches dead* 

so is The skip ordering for Aro to get clipped? I was confused at that part is he going to die now? 

And Im so glad that Edward and Dame talked that was really important. 

I hope that Sonny and Dame will be able to rebuild there relationship. Until then I am still team Dame unless Sonny does something Crazy and makes me like him loads :P 

Oh man I wated all day to respond to this chapter had such a busy day. But im glad I could finish the chapter before I had to go. I think im in love with Edward more. 

Poor Dame, I think he has a long way to go. I just hope he doesnt think he is alone. I wonder how bella will find out about Sonny being married that would be interesting tosee how she deals with that lol! 

OH man I have to tell you that I loved how bella and edward reacted. MAde me love them even more. I think they are amazing as is and they worked hard to keep there kids safe and Edward prooved that he would do just about anything for their kids. 


And one thing... DING DONG THE BITCHES DEAD@! 


it had to be done :D 

Reviewer: VickiShy Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Oct 2012 1:56 AM Title: Blazing Guns

These last two chapters were amazing Lexi. Great job. 

Reviewer: crystanroten Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 8:43 PM Title: Blazing Guns

What an emotional chapter! Glad lauren is gone. And my poor skip getting sick.....cant wait for more!!

Reviewer: judyblue95 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 7:24 PM Title: Blazing Guns

i'm teary eyed and speechless....the bonding the 3 of them did over getting rid of Lauren in this chapter brought tears to my eyes. I hope Dame can finally start to heal from this....he was stuck at 13 emotionally for all this time because of the rape/abuse that Lauren did to him.....you just hit the nail right fucking on the head with the emotional tone of this chapter....I couldn't stop reading....I hope one day, too, that Sonny and Dame can be real brothers again, but now that Dame won't be in the business, who knows?  The Skip, Edward, loves his boys and has to balance that with his job as family head....I love that he commented on how Sonny would make a good Skip one day....I don't know, Lexi, how can this shit just keep getting better and better.  I truly care about these characters and their lives. I am invested. You did that! Thank you once more.....

Reviewer: Rgwmnks Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 6:59 PM Title: Blazing Guns

Wow....a LOT happened in this chapter & processing it is difficult. I kinda felt this was where Damion's mind was @ for a few chapters now. He certainly didn't handle this situation well, if @ all but I also think he's been so...detached emotionally for so long that he wasn't equipped to deal with so much coming out @ 1 time.
Regarding Lauren, I'm glad the heifer is dead, & honestly glad it wasn't Damion that pulled the trigger. He needed to see w/his own eyes that his pain is his family's pain.
I know it'll be a long road ahead for him & he certainly should seek counseling, individual, couple (w/Amelia) & family. All of the Cullen's are gonna be pretty messed up about this, but I have no doubt that @ the end of the day they will all be just fine, not normal, but fine.
Don't sweat the haters. If they don't like what they are reading then they can hit the little "X" & move on already. The rest of us are hungry for your words. Trust.
Great chapter!

Reviewer: Lee215 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 6:50 PM Title: Blazing Guns

Loved it.

Reviewer: louanne61 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 6:30 PM Title: Blazing Guns

Go Lexi you have done a great job again.

I'm glad Lauren's out of the picture. Amelia next I think Jersey have an agenda I don't trust them

I can't wait for the next chapter x

Reviewer: Jdonovan09 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 5:28 PM Title: Blazing Guns

Poor dame :( 

Reviewer: Turanga Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 4:41 PM Title: Blazing Guns

To all your haters SexyLexi I say just read the damn story for what it is - A STORY. It's not her life, it's not for real, the Skip and his boys won't be knocking down your door tomorrow cause you gave a hateful review. Although maybe they should...

Enjoying the ride. Keep posting and ill keep reading. 

Reviewer: LBD Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 3:31 PM Title: Blazing Guns

Awesome, amazing and loving chapter. Skip is such a wonderful dad when it comes to protecting and making sure his children survive and have the best life possible. I also hope he and Sonny can rebuild their relationship. Anyway, I am too vested in these characters. I love your stories. I'm praying you are okay doing the storm. If they have shelterscosider one and stock up on batteries, a battery operated radio, tons of water and foods you can eat without heating and refrigerating. In case your wondering, I'm a hurricane vet. I been in the eye of one watched its incredible might. Do as directed and you will be fine. Take care, Lana

Reviewer: akemp17 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 3:17 PM Title: Blazing Guns

You really surprised me with Lauren being in the trunk. Loved it by the way. I can't wait for more.

Reviewer: xxlovexx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 3:06 PM Title: Blazing Guns

:) ahhhhhhhhh!!! Dames ok!! :)

Reviewer: lovingit3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 3:02 PM Title: Blazing Guns

Crazy shit! Very creative idea with Lauren.  Really looking forward to the next chapter! LOVE THIS STORY AND ALL THE CHARACTERS!!!!!!

Reviewer: Cleos Cooper Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 2:58 PM Title: Blazing Guns

Yea!  Lauren's gone.  It's nice when loose ends are tied up, shot and buried.  Blood is thicker than water...I remember Carlisle and Edwards fights.  Time will be a definite healing factor. I so love this story, and the others.  Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

Reviewer: kessafan Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 2:37 PM Title: Blazing Guns

Anothr great chapter!  Poor Damion...  A man who has so many thoughts and emotions running around in his head and was never taught the tools of how to express them.  He was always such a sensitive kid, so to be put in this situation without anyway to let out those feelings, he turned to the one thing that he knew (subconciously or not) that his family wouldn't look down at him for... Killing!  

Every one of those he killed would have represented Lauren, even if he never let himself think that much.  Only, because of his nature, each one he killed took a little more of himself away, making him feel even worse!  

Hopefully, he can start to heal now that it's all out in the open.  

Thanks again for this wonderful trilogy.  I've loved each and every chapter, even the cringe-worthy ones!  :-)

Till next time


Reviewer: neffi1957 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 2:23 PM Title: Blazing Guns

Don't listen to the haters, keep on writing your way.  Love the story.  You rock as a writer.

Reviewer: debslmac Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 2:13 PM Title: Blazing Guns


Reviewer: mimi2006 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 2:02 PM Title: Blazing Guns


Reviewer: farsideomoon Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 1:57 PM Title: Blazing Guns

Ok, wow, I did not see that coming, Lauren dead by the boys up in Platt's. Great ending for her. I'm glad Sonny did it too.  

I can't believe Dame can't quit talking about Maggie, ha ha, what a dope. Very smart observation from Sonny about Amelia. Makes sense and it did need to come out that he'd been molested, things were coming to a head and getting crazier for Dame, now he can move on.

Cant wait for the next update and for this early one, woo hoo.

Reviewer: Southern Belle 18 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 1:33 PM Title: Blazing Guns

Lexi, you are on fire!!!!! Thanks for the post---fabulous as always----I'm so glad that Lauren got what was coming to her, but I hope that Katie doesn't lose her mind--for the baby's sake and everyone else's....Keep on keeping on b/c you are AMAZING and your writing is PHENOMENAL! (Also, I hope the storm isn't too bad....I just headed out of Jersey for Houston today so I won't catch it, but I know that it's supposed to be a crazy one....)

Reviewer: ced2010 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 12:34 PM Title: Bella

I don't know why someone is trying to get you to change whatever but don't. Your story is awesome and I know that I, like many others, look forward to your updates every week. So just ignore them and keep doing what you're doing.

Anyway, great chapter! I missed Maggie and Sonny's interactions, but I guess they can't always be in the spotlight ;) I absolutely love those two together! I'm glad Dame is starting to see things straight, he had me worried there for a while. Given Bella and Lauren's history it would have been awesome if B had been the one to take care of her but Skip was right, Dame needed to be there. 

Awesome chapter, I can't wait for the next!!

Reviewer: iheartmyblackberry Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 11:17 AM Title: Blazing Guns

I love the way the story is headed, whoever keeps telling you to change the plot is an idiot! AH-mazing as usual!

Reviewer: bri Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 11:00 AM Title: Blazing Guns


Reviewer: bab1067 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 10:10 AM Title: Blazing Guns

WOW....double whammy for you, sick and Sandy. Hope things go well!   I'm sorry you're having such hateful reviewers like I've said in the past..... I love your stories and if people don't like them they shouldn't read and review them!

Ding Dong the bitch is dead:-) I'm sure there will be some backlash over that.  That was a really well done therapuetic Cullen intervention!  I'm sure Dame will be fine. Hopefully he'll forgive Amelia and they will move on and get married.  So what major drama will come ext? Amelia pregnate? Issues with Maggie at school? Do Kylie and Bella know yet?

Reviewer: lilwen Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 8:58 AM Title: Blazing Guns

Beautiful chapter, I just love father and son bonding (mafia style).

Reviewer: jadalils23 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 8:40 AM Title: Blazing Guns

 You are an amazing writer, never stop!! I love all of the storm series!! Sonny and Maggie are deffo my fav couple in this story. (Apart from edward and Bella of course) keep doing what your doing don't let the haters get to you!! You are one of my fav authors!! Can't wait to read more!! 

Reviewer: amcullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 8:29 AM Title: Blazing Guns

Loved it :)

Reviewer: L-Anne Cullen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 8:19 AM Title: Blazing Guns

Glad Sonny iced that bitch!! Maybe now Katie can pull her head outta her ass!!

Loved it!!!!! :-)

Reviewer: Pitje Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 8:18 AM Title: Blazing Guns

Normally I don't review stories, because I'm not so good with writing English. But I just want to say that I really love your story. You have a great imagination and you keep your stories real. Please don’t stop writing because of bad reviews.

Reviewer: Pattybeezy Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 7:39 AM Title: Bella

I love your stories, this one keeps me on the edge, really can't predict where you are taking the characters...  I just hope that Damion gets his HEA...poor guy really deserves a break in life...I hope that Amelia does not turn out to be the next Esme... She seems to love Damion...but what Skip said about her appearance in the hospital worries me :-(.


Reviewer: Sunshine-Sue Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 7:26 AM Title: Blazing Guns

i think this flows well with the family and the story. any parent would want to do thisor do like bella did and take justice upon themselves, most people will never actualy do it though, the cullens? damn straight they would toss a bitch in a truck, pop her in the head and bury her at the family getaway. instant gratification, instant solution. dame needed to  have the closure to move forward, forgive ed, gain strength and move on. nice to see dame felt something and couldn't do it himself, he's never had that before....

time to go home and continue with life....


don't let the haters get to you. i love these stories and will normally drop anything when i get an email you posted. keep up the good work, i love to see where you'll take us next... :)

Reviewer: twilightgrrl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 6:48 AM Title: Blazing Guns

Maybe now Dame can get his head on straight. It's bad Lauren died tho.

Reviewer: kate1991 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 5:56 AM Title: Blazing Guns

I love the fact that your characters a consistant. You HAVE a story to tell and you say it beautifully. 

p.s. I am glad you offed Lauren.

Reviewer: nicole1962 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 5:25 AM Title: Blazing Guns

revenge is no good ...but feel sooo///you know what i mean:)

and for the readers dont like this story go hit a brick.if you dont like it dont read it go read some other places no here.sorry for that but is true

Reviewer: lokitaxrob Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 5:24 AM Title: Blazing Guns

I don't know why people tell you shitty things about the story, I meant if they don't like it, they can just leave the f.... off! 

Me at least I'm grateful for read THIS amazing stories for FREE and and I would totally keep going, so Lex take the things like from who they came, I don't know how this really works, but I can see you ca count with a good handfull of fans, and if each reply can meant something like points to you, or each member who register to read, but at leas you can count on me 3 times, hahaha I don't know why  but I keep loosing my accounts, so in desperation when I can recover a password, I open another email account, another penname and read,  ;) 

mmmm on other things, it was Caius who give the Skip the car? is he the future funeral on the fam?!! well Sonny didn't like hime neither Dame, and many people trought the story, so that's cool... I read some want more Edward and Bella, and I do too (so I'm reading again Quiet Storm) but I'm gidgy to how everyone else are going to react about Sonny and Maggie's wedding :D

You and your story rocks, so don't let anyone bullshit you girl!

lokitaxrob, aka LBCullen, aka LiliyCullen :D

Reviewer: sjdavis84 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 4:57 AM Title: Titanium

Just want to say I love this story, I read the story of us, and instructions not included. Then I found Quiet Storm, which lead me to this story. I lvoe the fact that in your stories we get to see the development of the kids of the main characters as well! I will be adding this so I can get updates as well!

Reviewer: TwilightTucker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 4:32 AM Title: Blazing Guns

Awesome as always, I am so drawn in.  They feel like family.  I get so mad at them and sometimes hate one of them, and then I cry over one of them, and then love them all over again.

Some stories are only good when there is sex going on...and you can hardly stand in between or when characters other than Edward and Bella are featured.  But this has been (as I think I've said before) like this incredibly addicting soap opera where every word that comes out of any one of their mouths has my full attention.

THey are family, you made them that way.  Thanks.

Reviewer: culleniwish Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 4:25 AM Title: Blazing Guns

Great chapter! It was so good to see the boys getting along again. Yay Lauren is gone! Katie won't come crawling back to Sonny now that she doesn't have her mom whispering lies in her ear now will she? Tough luck if she does, he's married now. I really do hope they all stay on this path to healing their relationships. They've had me stressed out for a while poor Dame sure was a mess. 

Reviewer: Siobhan_Whitlock Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 4:25 AM Title: Blazing Guns

I think the Skip handled that well.  Now the Feds just need to stay.  I didn' see nuthin', I didn' hear nuthin', I know nuthin'...


Great chapter SLexi, I loved the bonding, they definitely needed that.  Poor Dame...


I just wanna hug him!

Reviewer: tlwatkins36 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 4:19 AM Title: Blazing Guns

Poor Damion... Lauren really fucked him up badly... I sure hope they can repair their relationship...

Reviewer: Sassy12345 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 4:13 AM Title: Blazing Guns

A skip POV I lovde it thank you

Reviewer: kkattita Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 4:07 AM Title: Blazing Guns

i really love this Santino/skip..  at first I was scared, I thought it was going to be Damon Edward's successor. can't wait next chapter :D

Reviewer: emma217 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 3:50 AM Title: Blazing Guns

Wow what a chapter!!! Love it. How wrong is it for me I was hopeing Lauren would of gotten torture. Lol. Thanks for the update I'm also waiting the storm out in NYC. Lol 

Reviewer: twinmamma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 3:35 AM Title: Blazing Guns

I hope Dame's truely past his feeling for Maggie.  Nothing's sadder than pining away for someone who's unavailable -- especially your siblings spouse...  I will miss Dame's cold killer personna.  I hope he won't go back to being a boring doctor.  And the whole "...stars in the sky" comment just made me smile...  I love that Sonny & Maggie get to experince an Edward/Bella soulmate connection too...  And Kylie & Gio have a sweet connection too.  If Amelia & Dame are meant to be -- I hope their passion gets turned up a notch -- and if not, I can't wait to see how that sytory resolves itself.

I'm almost scared to see what the ramifications are when Lauren's disappearance / death become obvious.  If Katie & AJ don't survive this book, I wouldn't mind -- but that would tear up Aro who I adore - even though he's been a total prick so far in this book (granted, his behavior toward Sonny makes sense...).

You are awesome -- and I'm totally up for the ride - whatever direction this story takes!

Please don't let the anonymous reviews get to you.  there are people who live to flame others.  I don't get how their minds work -- maybe it's some kind of power trip for them to know they screwed with someone's head... Regardless - their comments have absolutely no connection to reality - so don't take them seriously... 

Thanks so much for the frequent updates -- I'd be miserable if I had to wait months for the next chapter :)

Reviewer: Lata525 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 3:21 AM Title: Blazing Guns

Wow this chapter blew me away just as you promised it would!  Lauren got what was coming to her.....no one could save her she did it to herself.  Now that she is gone Katie could grow the fuck up and not be poisoned by her Mom.  Now that Dame has received closure from this nightmare he can grow and mature not just as a man but as a human being.  He needs to go back to square one and learn the basics.....basic human emotions and reactions.  This is where Amelia can prove herself is to stand by him.   No lie I used to love her character Lexi........but the last couple of chapters make me want to bitch slap her.....sorry.  As for Sonny and Maggie, I love them so much but......Sonny needs to get off the baby train for awhile.  He already has a daughter coming any day now but is so desperate to knock Maggie up.  I don't get it.......maybe he is feeling insecure and wants to establish a more permanent connection.  Sonny wake up...she married you and loves you.   Geez give the poor girl a break because she has been through so much.  As always can't wait for the next chapter even though I just finished this one.

Reviewer: jamiebaker68 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 3:19 AM Title: Blazing Guns

another great chapter, cant wait to read more. made me cry.......... not for lauren but for dame.

Reviewer: LAM Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 1:37 AM Title: Titanium

Absolutely love it! I've been reading along since the first story and was so happy when you decided to continue - I check nightly to see if a new chapter is up!

Reviewer: Sunshine-Sue Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Oct 2012 5:49 AM Title: Titanium

holy shit! sonny's getting married!!! yay! not too sure how the shit with dame is gonna work out but i have faith in you.

yay sonny and maggie getting married! this is awesome and they will even have the big wedding for the families to make it all good in their eyes. so happy about this!

Reviewer: nicole1962 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Oct 2012 4:30 AM Title: Titanium

so sweet")

Reviewer: cullenetc Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Oct 2012 2:06 AM Title: Titanium

First of all I hope you feel better soon. Screw those people who don't like Sonny and Maggie. It's your story! I think it is sweet how he is with her and every man needs a good woman. He will take good care of her. He is just like Edward. I am sad about Damion. I hope he doesn't lose Amelia. She was good for him. I also would like to see Lauren get hers. Patiently waiting for 27.

Reviewer: tdjpeaches Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 11:34 PM Title: Titanium

Oh HELL YES! They are married!!! I am soooo glad they were able to escape and just do for themselves. It's going to be pure craziness when they get home having to deal with Damion, the family business, then the baby's coming! At least they can be happy they are finally as one and can face "whateva" comes... together.

Awwww, I love Skip and how much he cares for his family. I feel bad that he and Bella weren't able to join Sonny and Maggie and just go away with them. I still really love those special moments he shares with his kids even if it is on the phone. 


Hope you feel better soon! ;)

Reviewer: twinmamma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 11:16 PM Title: Titanium

The wedding was so sweet... And I even liked what Dame had to say. 

Reviewer: Marya1918 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 10:49 PM Title: Titanium

I'm happy for Sonny. He deserves some happiness. And I also hope Dame finally comes to term with what happened to him. Maybe some time with his parents away for everything will help. Thank you.

Reviewer: Bobbysgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 10:25 PM Title: Titanium

absolutely!!!!  totaly !!!!!!!!!! great!!!!!!!!  don't ever doubt your talent of being unable to write great chapters. YOU ARE A M A Z I N G !!!!!!!!

Reviewer: crystanroten Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 10:10 PM Title: Titanium

Loved it so much!! Yay sonny and maggie!!! And loved now you brought in cara nos characters as well!!

Reviewer: ced2010 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 9:58 PM Title: Titanium

They're married! I absolutely loved it!! It was totally them and totally awesome :) I love Dame and all, but he's gotta pull it together and find his happy place. It's a crappy hand he has been dealt with Lauren, but he has got to find help; he's breaking too many hearts acting the way he is now. 

Fantastic chapter, I can't wait for the next one!

Hope you feel better!

Reviewer: LBD Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 9:52 PM Title: Titanium

I'm sad to here you're sick and I hope you feel better soon.
Awesome chapter. Sonny and Maggie were adorable. I do hope Damion gets better soon and gets the help he needs. He is such a sad man.
Anyway, I truely enjoyed it and please don't listen to the nay sayers.

Reviewer: bab1067 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 9:14 PM Title: Titanium

Hope your feeling better!  How could anyone hate on Sonny getting married.  I'm sure Lauren will get Artie worked up about the wedding, but her days are numbered.  Belas going to ge hurt and kylie is going to go crazy when she finds out maggie is her sister-in-law.  I feel terrible for Dame, he sure is messed up right now.  Hopefully he lets Amelia back into his life. 

Reviewer: amcullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 9:12 PM Title: Titanium

I didn't hate it all I loved it like always your awesome. Finally Sonny gets some happiness!!!!!

Reviewer: farsideomoon Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 8:44 PM Title: Titanium

Great chapter, with my limited knowledge of stocks it worked perfect for me:-)

I can't help feeling bad for Dame but really happy for Sonny and kinda keep wondering if something is gonna happen between Dame & Maggie.  I hope Dame is wrong about his prediction about how things will go for Maggie. What is going on with Lauren?  I'm guessing they're keeping her pedophille activities a secret to protect Dame but its crap that she gets to influence Kate and run interference for Dame and his relationship with his unborn child.  I can't believe Kate would keep him out of the delivery room.

Cant wait to read what's next. Thanks for mentioning the GIANTS, woohoo, love them Giants!

Reviewer: emma217 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 7:30 PM Title: Titanium

Love the chapter!!!!! Can't wait for more. I feel better knowing that sonny married his shakey. Just like Edward and his bebella

Reviewer: gitgit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 7:02 PM Title: Titanium

So i had to delete my original review as At that moment I was really angry with Sonny. Actually i have to say that I am still upset with Sonny. I still think that no matter what he should have gone back . He should have. His brother was in the hospital. 

I always love what you write. I loved every story that I have read of yours and you may know this. But this chapter was not my favourite, but i didn't hate it, just didn't like it very much. And it has nothing to do with you. Becuase YOu are an awesme writer thats why you got all these emotions in me erupting. So keep it up you are awesome don't let my anger at sonny make you think otherwise. 

I think im going to have to go back and re read quiet storm because everyone relates maggie to bella and For some reason I am not seeing it. So i have to back and read that. 

I found my self skipping parts of where sonny was being all lovey dovey with maggie because i was upset that he would think that its a ploy for his brother to gain attention. 

It was a cry for help! 

And he has been asking for help for the past how long? And didn't sonny get asked by Bella to find him and bring him home? 

I agree you are allowed to be selfish. But now was not the time. Although he had Skips blessings doesn't mean that Bella wont tear him anew one.

And with the baby on the way will this not screw him over? Especially with Lauren the dick still out there. Does he feel that his child is safe with Lauren? Why has he not thought about his baby? Dame hit rock bottom. But hopfully that Edward will be able to help him work through those emotions. 

I guess I should congratulate sonny and maggie on the wedding. Even if i am pissed at him. I hope Maggie grows a back bone and tells him off when shes upset after all shes only 18? 19?. 

Sorry about the long review. I just wanted to get my feelings out there. And that I still think you are an awesome writer. 

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading and reviewing! I love detailed feedback. 

I was nervous about this chapter, knowing some of you would hate it. And as someone who knows ALL TOO well what it's like to take care of a sibling most of her life . . . Sometimes, you have to do things for yourself. I know from personal experience that you can't save everyone. Just like you can't please everyone. If you live your life FOR someone else, put yourself/your happiness on hold to hold someone's hand through life . . . you're not really living, are you?

Oh well . . . I don't expect everyone to see Sonny's side of things. In the beginning, he does express that he can't understand Dame's mindset, and . . . Whatever. No matter what I say I find it interesting that you all take someting different away from my words. Some of you get it, while others see/read into what they want, and that's great - the beauty of an individual mind

Reviewer: xxlovexx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 3:55 PM Title: Titanium

Awesome as always!!!!

:( get better soon

Reviewer: mmanning Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 3:52 PM Title: Titanium

I love this story and psychologically your heading Dame in the right direction. He doesn't love maggie. She is his symbol of who he feels he would have been if he hadn't been raped. Sonny is the symbol of her corruption, as was Edward the symbol of his own with Lauren. Can't wait until next time!  

Reviewer: Siobhan_Whitlock Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 2:11 PM Title: Titanium

Dont be nervous about this chapter, doll.  It was perfect.

Sonny has the patience of his father  LOL


Loved this chapter, SLexi!  I cant wait to see what happens to Dame, anjd maybe whats goin through his mind.


Reviewer: jennchris821 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 1:21 PM Title: Titanium

Wow.....love it!

Reviewer: kessafan Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 12:59 PM Title: Titanium

No, no, no.... I loved this chapter!  I love Sonny too... I think he's a good mix between his two parents and I'm glad he's married to Maggie, I think they're good together and I think their two personalities will make for an interesting life together.... much like another couple we all know and love....

Excellent chapter and as usual, I can't wait to read the next installment.


Reviewer: Rgwmnks Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 12:49 PM Title: Titanium

I for one loved this chapter. I'm happy for them. I really feel for Damion though. I want to see him happy & healthy as well.

Reviewer: lovingit3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 12:15 PM Title: Titanium

Wonderful chapter! I am happy they got married. She reminds me of Bella with her ring Look at my ring bitches" so great!

Reviewer: Lee215 Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 9:46 AM Title: Titanium

Youre a good writer and I love this series but Im sorry to say that I'm sick of these freakin kids. Id love to read more Bella & Edward! Less of the kids and other POV. E/B all the way. Thanks for posting even though you are sick. Hope you get better soon.

Author's Response:

I'm sorry you're disappointed in the direction I am going with this story. As I've said before, with having told E/B's story with Quiet Storm and then Weather the Storm, this story is mainly to showcase their family/how the legacy of the Cullen family continues. Alas, I know I cannot please everyone. But I apologize that you are unhappy. However, I'm not sorry for what I've written. 

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. There's still plenty of E/B to come, and their kids are a vital/important part of their lives. 



Reviewer: L-Anne Cullen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 8:21 AM Title: Titanium

Loved it!! Sonny needs some happiness and so does Maggie!

 I hope Damion asks for help and realizes he needs to talk

 about what happened. Feel better soon! :-)

Reviewer: debslmac Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 8:20 AM Title: Titanium


Reviewer: Sassy12345 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 7:58 AM Title: Titanium

OMG that was great, you always make me want more!!!!!!!!!!!!


Reviewer: twilightgrrl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 6:32 AM Title: Titanium

I Loved it, but I really hope things w/ Sonny & Maggie stay the same & not change bc they are married now & I feel so bad 4 Dame & I really hope he finds happiness w/ Amelia & give up his fixation on Maggie. ~Babs~

Reviewer: kneon Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 5:52 AM Title: Titanium

I feel Sonny needed to do this for himself.  I see Sonny & Maggie being the Edward & Bella of the next generations.  There are many similarities between what Sonny does to what Edward did.

I love Carano's Grand Tale & so can't wait for Grand Vendetta.  I have a great love for all mobwards.

Reviewer: mirrorlight31 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 5:44 AM Title: Titanium

I love this story! I really really love Sonny and Maggie. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't like them together. Can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: judyblue95 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 5:44 AM Title: Titanium

Thank you for getting this out to us even though you were sick!  I truly didn't expect a chapter until you felt better.  I love Sonny and Maggie together!  Fuck the haters!  I love how she makes him feel, how in love with her he is!  It's a wonderful thing to see!  I feel badly, however, for Dame!  He is really messed up. The speech about being young and innocent once just like Maggie, and having that taken away from him......that was about what Lauren did to him, I know it was.  I hope very much that he recovers from his alcohol poisoning, but  his liver might be in trouble if he keep this up.  Ah, I just fucking love this story and was very happy to see this chapter in my inbox tonight! feel better soon!!

Reviewer: lokitaxrob Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 5:43 AM Title: Titanium

YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!  hahahaha I was like stalking this chapter since this morning :D I love it! 

Reviewer: tlwatkins36 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 5:05 AM Title: Titanium

I feel for Dame... I know what Lauren did to him messed him up bad.. I guess he see's maggie in himself...innocent and pure until Lauren raped him.. lets hope he can start to heal now

Reviewer: Southern Belle 18 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 4:59 AM Title: Titanium

OHMYGOD!!!! I'd been waiting for this post all day! I've had a rather stressful week and knowing this upsdate was coming was the only thing that got me through. This is such a good chapter! I really love Sonny and Maggie--and as Edward would say f**k those who don't! I hope they stay strong! The story is moving along amazingly....You have a formidable talent and never let anyone convince you othewise....and I hope that you get well soon!!!

Reviewer: sonogal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Oct 2012 5:39 PM Title: A Hard Place

I understand Bella loosing it. Just about every momma would, but once Edward got there she should have returned to sanity a little bit. It could have turned out real bad. That hot lemon got out some of the stress and frustration, but unfortunately it is still waiting for them. We still don't know where Damion is. Is he in a safe place? Is he in a sane state of mind? I worry about him since it has been many hours without any word about him. I hope he didn't do anything stupid.

Reviewer: Daisy Crazy Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Oct 2012 3:46 PM Title: A Hard Place

Wow, what a chapter!!!!  I hope that Lauren dies a horrible death.  I hope they get to have their fun killing her because that bitch has deserves it for a while.  But with what she did to Damian, I want it to be awful!!!!!  

Speaking of Damian, I hope he is ok & that he doesn't do anything stupid & that he & Amelia can work everything out.  I can't wait for Wednesday!!!!

Reviewer: niux Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Oct 2012 11:20 PM Title: A Hard Place

O My Fucking God! I love this chapter. I'd like squeeze the shit out of her by myself. Damn cunt Lauren. Go MC :)) She did good but I would be more happy if she pulled the trigger.

I can wait to see what Skip will do to her. I hope it'll be painful. I'm sorry but I am a mother, too. I understand...

And a second half... Hmmm, I'd like my sex life to be like this in next 20 years :))

And FuckStupid - priceless.

Thanx Lexi - once again - good luck and hugs from central Europe :)

Monika :))


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