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Reviewer: theladykt Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Jan 2013 6:19 AM Title: Chapter 103

OMG  Daugie is a trip.   Other than pausing to grab claire, how did B not respond right away to D??    Ugh Caius and Skankya in the same chapter. ewwww

Reviewer: Moltz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28 Jan 2013 5:09 AM Title: Chapter 103

Well, Bella helped Claire and Quill a bit more than I think she planned by letting her emotions take over. It never helps when your friend has an uncanny ability to put you in the middle of the hot topic just to watch you trip all over your words. Poker face indeed. Dougie should know Bella by now. She can't lie to save her delicate fleshy ass cheeks!
Uncle Demetri switched gears rather abruptly. All sweet and understanding uncle like then bam, extreme dominant persona. Bella is in big trouble for not responding immediately. I think Caius just freaked her out.
What has Tanya been repeating about Caius' financial history? What information are Tanya and Eleazar hiding? Will Dougie be successful in finding out?
I can't even imagine the upcoming conversation between Dougie and Master Edward! Should be very entertaining!
Claire really seems to be enjoying herself.
Will we get to read the description Dougie gives Claire and Quill of Bella's time spent in the corner?

Reviewer: Littlegurllost Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Jan 2013 3:41 AM Title: Chapter 103

Omg I love the thought of uncle demetri we need to see more of him. He's one of my favorite characters.

Reviewer: rmcrms5 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28 Jan 2013 12:23 AM Title: Chapter 103

I haven't laughed so loud or so much in a while. I love Dougie! Bella needs to lay that shovel down and quit digging her hole deeper. Loved it!

Author's Response:

Heheh...I thought it was funny too...then again I've been known to have a bit of a warphed sense of humor...lol...but I laughed through it too...Some people find Diugie annoying, he cracks me up...thanks for reading...louise

Reviewer: OH MIA MYA Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Jan 2013 3:56 AM Title: Chapter 85

I am really enjoying the story. As far as those that are saying mean things...I say if they don't agree then they don't need to read it.  Well I'm on to the next chapter...

Waiting Patiently, Impatiently


Reviewer: cmg1218 Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jan 2013 12:27 PM Title: Chapter 102

OMG...I've been reading for days and can't believe I've caught up! Its so incredible, love it!

Reviewer: smileya987 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14 Jan 2013 5:11 AM Title: Chapter 102

I am in complete AWE of u leaving me utterly spechless. U truely are an amazingly writer! I Absouly adore this story u have truely captivated me in reading this absolutly breathtaking story. I truely can't believe this is ur first Fan Fic. U truely are very gifted with such an amzing talent. I have never seen a 1st time writer be able to write with such instensity & indepth long chapers!!! Just wondering are u an ENGLISH MAJOR??? just curious. I absolutlt loath James & hope he get what is comming to him!! I can't wait to see what will play out at new moon!! PLEASE UPDAT AGAIN  REAL SOON I hope when this is finished there will be a sequel but I am for this continuin another 100 chapers Thanks for all ur hard work & dedication u writing this truely breathtaking story.

Reviewer: lauz23 Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2013 10:54 PM Title: Chapter 102

absolutely adore this story!! ive been reading it everyday for the last few weeks. but now im so sad that im up to date as i cant read anymore so PLEASE UPDATE SOON!

edward and bella are so perfect and u have developed them so well. love the changing between POV's cos some stories with a dom edward are quite mean but u give us his perspective which turns out to be full of love, care and pride.


i hope there is a future show down between james and edward. they had a brief talk in forks but would love a scene with edward being all protective and getting some things off his chest. 

this story is beautifully written and its been a pleaure to read! keep going please.

Reviewer: Balti K Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2013 5:33 AM Title: Chapter 102

I have to wonder why Bella doesn't find another whole grain, high fiber cereal that actually tastes good. They make mini-wheats in flavors now. She should try some of those. 

I think it's grand that other people want to explore New Moon, but I don't know how I would feel about taking them. In essence it involves vanilla friends in your sex life and can get really awkward. Though I may not object to my friends going, I certainly would not want to hang with them there, at least not anywhere upstairs. But that's just me. And I know Edward has family members in the scene, and friends as well, but I feel it's different when it's someone you know from the scene as opposed to someone who's just "trying it on." 

Just my $0.02

Reviewer: romance4me2 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Jan 2013 12:07 AM Title: Chapter 102

I just finished reading the whole story. I sprained my ankle Christmas Eve, so I have been readig pretty much non-stop. I didn't leave a comment for each chapter because most to the time, the site would log me off before I fiished a chapter and I'd have to login again to post a comment or keep reading, soooo I just kept reading! Anyway, I have really enjoyed the story so far and am looking forward to the rest. I do have to say I was po'd for Bella when she didn't win the contest. Thanks for the great story.

Reviewer: bran Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Jan 2013 10:00 PM Title: Chapter 13

Can we say wet panties lol

Reviewer: famaggiolo Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2013 11:37 PM Title: Chapter 102

I am sure Fiber One is the same as our fiber here in Australia, I used to eat it every morning and I had to add honey to it for me to be able to eat it. Like fucking cardboard. If it was tasty it would not be good for us, that is the way I looked at it.

I think call Bella a sore loser, is a bit harsh. If that had of been me, I would have left him there in the room by himself to gloat to himself.

I don't understand why he had to lie to her about control, and I dont care what you say Louise, he lied, it might me a white one, but he would have called Bella on it, you and I know that he would have.

Yes he had some control but he also had pure luck on his side as well, why not just admit that, why say it was all about his control. You are in the end creating a false sense of security... how did you put it... "The submissive woman in me took solace in the fact she could trust her Master to always come out victorious."

Once again to me it seem like Edward just needs to be in control and have the upper hand, while Bella becomes the doting "Yes Sir"... sometimes this lifestyle confuses the shit out of me. Seems that unless it is going Edwards way, it's no way. Then again as I have always said, unless you do live it, you don't fully understand it. There is only so much a person can explain in a story.

Thanks for a good chapter, but I am going nuts about the other side of this story, I am all happy about the baby shower but if I was telling the truth, I could give to fat rats what is going to happen, I want to know who is behind all of this, because it just cant be James, or it can be but he has help. You seem to be opening more cans of worms with the whole Cheyenne, but really what does it have to do with a the whole baby shower, apart from put a damper on their weekend.

Nothing seems to be getting solved... its going to chapter 150 by the time we find out who is behind this and by then I think I am going to be more frustrated then Bella on her Masters whipping bench being denied her release!

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2013 9:14 PM Title: Chapter 102

Seth is awesome. I can see it now. Bella is going to have a whole lot in her hands handling that one at the club. But by then her and Edward will be married and maybe with a baby of their own so who knows what might happen. New Moon would be a great place for Seth to work, Edward could keep a eye on him and also have a person that he could trust wholeheartly. 


James is defently sick and deranged. No jail cell is too good for him. Personal I would rather a small box six feet under be his resting place after a very painful death. I hope that James isn't trying to have babies with these girls so he can create his image of a perfect person. Boys that would be sick masters like him and little girls that he could mold from birth to be subservient slaves. He's just sick enough to try it. But then again he may only want girls. Alright I have to stop I'm making myself sick. 


I can't wait for their night at new moon. 

Reviewer: famaggiolo Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2013 8:21 PM Title: Chapter 101

I had a feeling that you were not going to let Bella win this. It would have been nice to see the cocky ass go down, and then to lie and say control after... I guess there is double standards for Edwards!

Reviewer: sonogal Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jan 2013 6:00 PM Title: Chapter 102

Edward better talk to Charlie about this James situation. I don't care if she walked to his house and begged to be penetrated, she is underage and off limits to adults. Some one has to be brave enough to throw him in jail, so he will stop  preying on young girls. Does Bella not see she is the cause of this continuing? She is allowing him to rape the young girls of her hometown. I hope she is proud of herself. Seth is so funny. I have always liked his character. I can see how Bella does not want her two worlds to meet. She is different with each one.

Reviewer: famaggiolo Signed starhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 03 Jan 2013 12:32 PM Title: Chapter 98

I think Bella was right on the whole tampon thing, some things need to be kept to ones self... this is one of them, that, pee and poop was three thing I did not do in front of my ex-husband. Sometimes a little bit of mystery is okay.

As much as I bitch about not wanting playroom times, I have to read the chapter because you put so much in between. Little tidbits that remind us or inform us a little about them... but I would really like to know who is behind all of this.

As for Alice... I just hope one day no-one speaks about her that way, she might come from money and stature but it can go as fast as well.

Low score only because I want more of the original!

Reviewer: seeker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03 Jan 2013 11:28 AM Title: Chapter 102

Thanks good chapter

Reviewer: Moltz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2013 4:22 PM Title: Chapter 102

Here's hoping your Christmas was Merry and your New Year is filled with Happiness!

The pattern of challenge and counter from E&B is just like imagining a fencing competition. Where the highly skilled champion schools the young challenger at every thrust.
Edward's guidance may seen harsh but he is strengthening her ability to serve and giving her self-worth.

James.......Argh, such a low life. He seems to know where the money is in that town. Then manipulates the young girl convincing her to have his child, for the chance to extort money from her parents. Did be make Karen watch or was that Victoria watching from the wings?

Seth is going to be the death of his sister! What has him so drawn to the world of BDSM? I'm sure his girlfriend is not at all interested in this lifestyle.

Reviewer: famaggiolo Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: 02 Jan 2013 11:58 AM Title: Chapter 97

I know this sounds bad, but the reason I left the story go for so long is I am tired of the playroom, I am tired of the centre, I want to know more about how is behind the attacks. I want to out a bomb under this story and move it along.

I know what horrid words to say, "tired of the playroom" its like the focus of this story has shifted from a good suspense to nothing but sex, sex and more sex. it is ruining your story, the one I loved so much.

Please for the love of God, can we focus on the who is after Bella a bit more.

Reviewer: romance4me2 Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Dec 2012 10:02 PM Title: Chapter 55

Uh oh, Isabella. you may be getting more than you thought.

Reviewer: coulierb Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Dec 2012 11:22 AM Title: Chapter 102

This story is by far one of the best I've read. I love the characters and how you have nurtured them.  i am thoroughly enjoying it and don't want it to end but, can't wait for the next chapter. I so want to see James getting his just reward. 

Reviewer: Thirlestane Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2012 9:02 PM Title: Chapter 102

Thank you again, and a wonderful new year to you and yours when it comes. T

Reviewer: amcullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2012 7:01 PM Title: Chapter 102

Loved it :)

Reviewer: teamswitzerlandmom Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2012 1:04 PM Title: Chapter 102

Loved the chapter. I don't blame Bella at all for trying to shorten her 'eating of sticks' one bit. I had to eat that crap for a while after I had surgery 'to help return my system to normal' and it was just for a month. I actually dreaded breakfast. 

I don't have words to describe how sick James is. He is disgusting and completely psycho. With that said, I have no idea what he is up to other than trying to get money out of Gerandy to give up visitation to his child. Sick. 

Lim looking forward to the fun at New Moon. See ya next chapter. 


Reviewer: debslmac Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2012 10:11 AM Title: Chapter 102


Reviewer: Jdonovan09 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2012 5:41 AM Title: Chapter 102

Wow..love it. Can't believe James..

Reviewer: vickic Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2012 4:01 AM Title: Chapter 102

Someone aged themselves with the Nestea Plunge reference...Course your reviewer aged herself knowing it too! Someone needs to arrest that man...sick bastard. Looking forward to next chapter...Friends faces when they actually see what is happening at the club, I think there might be some giggling coming from my pc the next update.

Reviewer: tlwatkins36 Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2012 3:39 AM Title: Chapter 102

GReat chapter!

Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2012 3:26 AM Title: Chapter 102

I still wanted Bella to win the bet. Glad that whole teen marriage thing is been cleared up. I am dieing to know what is up with James. What in the world is he thinking trying to impregnant teenager girls???? I can not believe that Edward is ok with taking them to the club. Can't wait to find out what his conditions are. Had to laugh at Bella thinking about what Leah is going to do when she finds out that Seth wants to go to the club. lol Thanks for the update. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that you have completely recovered from Sandy. Happy New Year!!!!!

Reviewer: VickiShy Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2012 2:31 AM Title: Chapter 102

L - the whole james thing is freaky weird.  can edwards investigator get a statement from the child to help bring mr. creepo down?  As far as the club, yeah, I don't like this idea.  First I would like to see eDward and Bella in a date situation at places other than the club.  I think it would be good for htem, plus, the way bella will have to be - if I were bella I don't think I would want to share that - especially when her experiences at the club have been roughly 50/50 good and bad.  Welcome back.  Happy New years.

Reviewer: theladykt Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2012 2:13 AM Title: Chapter 102

Fiber one is really nasty.   At least let her have Cheerios.

Hmmm interesting info from Seth and Tracy about James.  At least that sorts out the marriage thing.

ROFL for Seth wanting to go to the club.

Reviewer: tff000 Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2012 12:11 AM Title: Chapter 102

good chapter

happy new year!

Reviewer: aabc Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2012 12:10 AM Title: Chapter 102

What a lovely surprise... An update, I am always so happy when they come.

That James character worries me... He is evil and deranged!  What the heck is he trying to prove?!

I look forward to party night and can't wait to hear the "conditions".

Happy new year to you too.  As always I can't wait for more.

Reviewer: noomom Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2012 12:09 AM Title: Chapter 102

Part of me wishes I had found this story when you were finished...I hate getting to the end of the chapter!

I'm really anxious to see how Edward presents Bella at New Moon with her friends there...and I think it is so funny (and true-to-life) how anxious to get in her brother is!

Reviewer: Snow one Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Dec 2012 11:40 PM Title: Chapter 102

Thanks for the update. Bella needs to put a stop to James. 

Reviewer: teamswitzerlandmom Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28 Dec 2012 9:50 AM Title: Chapter 101

Wonderful chapter!  I loved it. Thanks for writing and sharing your talents with us. I'll keep y'all in my thoughts and prayers as you recover from the hurricane. Being on the gulf coast, I sympathize. 

Thanks again,


Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Dec 2012 2:49 AM Title: Chapter 101

LOVED this chapter. Love Douggie!!!!!!!! I can not believe that Bella did not win the bet. Edward is soooooo LUCKY!!!!!!!!! He was thinking that he was losing. He needs to let her have her fruity Pebbles for the fablous blow job. 

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Dec 2012 1:44 AM Title: Chapter 101

Amazing. And I'm glad Edward won. While Bella is amazing at what she does ;) it's good to see Edward in control. He is her Master and as such I think it may of shown just a little weakness if Bella had won. And while Edward said it was luck there is no way a 'normal' guy would of lasted past 2 minutes if Bella did that to them.


And was it me or did Dougie's call come right at the exact moment Bella needed him to call. Could Bella have asked him to call to help her win the bet?

Author's Response:

Lol...that would make her a very naughty girl...but I guess you'll have to find out in the next chapter...thanks for reading...LouiseLouise

Reviewer: sonogal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17 Dec 2012 5:53 PM Title: Chapter 101

I am so happy that Edward won. Bella was being a little bratty lately. Edward needed to maintain his control of the situation. I will always be team Edward before Bella. He is the Master and she is still the novice. He should have more control.

Reviewer: Canter2205 Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Dec 2012 12:43 PM Title: Chapter 101

I'm so glad I found your story here! Love it

Reviewer: amcullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Dec 2012 2:00 PM Title: Chapter 101

Absolutley loved it can't wait for more :)

Reviewer: tff000 Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2012 4:06 PM Title: Chapter 101


Reviewer: furiousstrength Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2012 11:08 AM Title: Chapter 101

I am SOOOOOO happy Bella didn't win that bet. I would have been mad if she did. She doesn't deserve those stupid Fruity Pebbles. If she hadn't been such a humungous, manipulative brat about them so many times before I might feel different but as it stands, she deserved to lose that bet.

Is there ever going to be some sort of comeuppance with Alice? I'm so beyond angry at her. I would like to see a scene (or an outtake) of her expressing her sentiments to Esme, Carlisle and Rosalie. I really think they need to hear what she believes and then set her straight. I'm sure Esme and Carlisle would be rightly horrified to see what a terrible, shallow bitch their daughter turned out to be. I just really want to see some sort of resolution happen with her where she is put in her place.

I'm glad all seems to be going better for you. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you on the East coast during this time. I'm glad to have you and this story back, but I'm even more glad you are safe.

Reviewer: Moltz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2012 2:18 AM Title: Chapter 101

These two are rather competitive; I'm sure another wager will allow Bella to receive her sugar cereal. Haha
The spanking in front of Bella's new play pal Douglas should be an interesting experience for her. Another boundary to push.

Reviewer: seeker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14 Dec 2012 10:03 AM Title: Chapter 101

Thanks good chapels

Reviewer: cjrich Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 14 Dec 2012 6:53 AM Title: Chapter 101

REALLY wanted her to get her Fruity Pebbles!  Darn, are you sure he set the timer at the beginning?  Ok, he won, but not happy about it!  lol, Cheri

Reviewer: msbull Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Dec 2012 4:43 AM Title: Chapter 101

Welcome back. So glad your are safe from Sandy!! Really really enjoy this story!!

Reviewer: aabc Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Dec 2012 4:05 AM Title: Chapter 101

Damn!  I wanted Bella to win that little contest.  He really does have a lot of control.

I look forward to the spanking that she gets... if for nothing else to see how she likes it.

Glad you are back and settled again.

Reviewer: coulierb Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Dec 2012 3:44 AM Title: Chapter 101

Wow another great one. I hope he gives her a little praise for a job well done. Eager for the next chapt.

Reviewer: Obsessive_Behaviours Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Dec 2012 3:43 AM Title: Chapter 101

No hurricanes in the forcast, but maybe some freezing temps.  Remeber the 3 P's:  Protest your Pets, Pipes and Plants.  Oh, and write the next chapter too.

Are we nearing the end of our story?  Things are starting to come together.

Author's Response:

Yup we sure are nearing the end ... Only a handful of chapters left (give or take 1 or 2) and that should bring us to a conclusion ....and yes a lot of peploe seem to think Pa is a mild temp - low storm area ... Hmmm ...I guess they never lived here....lol...it's freezing cold in the winter and can get storms that dump 3 ft of snow and hot in the summer with a humidity level of 95% ....so, yeah I think they are wrong ...lol... Until next time...be well..LouiseLouise

Reviewer: fleur50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14 Dec 2012 3:09 AM Title: Chapter 101


Reviewer: tlwatkins36 Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Dec 2012 11:44 PM Title: Chapter 101

Awesome chapter.... Edward doesn't neet to be so smug about winning.... lol

Reviewer: kalenaa Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Dec 2012 9:29 PM Title: Chapter 101

Wow i missed these 2...it so glad to have you back! Great update i was holding my breath just to see if Edward could hold it. 

Reviewer: Jdonovan09 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13 Dec 2012 9:14 PM Title: Chapter 101

Love it

Reviewer: vickic Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Dec 2012 6:30 PM Title: Chapter 101

Hurricanes suck dick! Not as well as Bella though (see where I went there lol) Been through three of those puppies and had some major damage and 3 weeks of no electricity to be followed by another hurricane right after we got it back. I feel your pain!
Story was great glad you are back and in fighting form! Douglas is such a wonderful character love him. Edward with blue balls is hysterical, and Bella in her tub makes me jealous!

Reviewer: debslmac Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13 Dec 2012 6:04 PM Title: Chapter 101


Reviewer: Balti K Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Dec 2012 4:42 PM Title: Chapter 101

Hilarious! Of course Bella's been intentionally building Edward up all week, but yeah, she needed to use her wiles on him. He should however be made to 'fess up someday, and admit how close he came to losing. Maybe she'll get a rematch sometime.

Reviewer: theladykt Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Dec 2012 4:06 PM Title: Chapter 101

Sweet chapter.  Glad the house work is going well irregardless of the delays.   Dougie is too cute for works.

Aww for bella losing.   

Reviewer: cjrich Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Dec 2012 5:33 AM Title: Chapter 100

It never ceases to amaze me how you have kept this story fresh, exciting and always so intesting even after so many chapters.  Truly I don't think I want it ever to end.  lol, Cheri

Reviewer: smileya987 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20 Nov 2012 12:45 AM Title: Chapter 100

I have truely been intriguied & captivated in reading this story!!! I have loved reading this story but impatiently waiting next update!!! It have been a month since last update PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE could u atleast try to update every 2 weeks If ur stuck please let us know ur readers would be will to to give u any suggestions or ideas any input u need. Please let me know if ur abandoning this story!!!

Reviewer: carebare1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Nov 2012 7:01 AM Title: Chapter 1

i love this story i was judt hopeing you will finish this story soon i have read i 2 time   thank you

Reviewer: grumpie2003 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Nov 2012 10:02 AM Title: Chapter 100

ive read this entire story ina bout a weeks time and ijust wanted you to know its amazing! :) I'm actually sad I'm caught up because now I have to wait like everyone else.. LOL

Reviewer: Alaska88 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Nov 2012 7:41 AM Title: Chapter 100

I Really love this story have been following it for a while,but could u please up- date soon.I've been checking very week or so for the last month and there is nothing new your killing me here!! Looking fotward to your next posting,keep up the great work, you have me on the edge of my seat!! L. Jacox

Reviewer: furiousstrength Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 8:43 PM Title: Chapter 100

I love that you went into Dougies story. It's so beautiful and its the reason a lot of people go into age play. They were forced to grow up to soon and never had a childhood and/or lost a parent and needed it in thier lives. It has nothing to do with wanting to molest children or anything like that. So many people don't understand it. I think you've done a beautiful job in showing what Doubld D and Rileys relationship is about. I hope it will also open Bella up to the idea of a bit more role play in her time with Edward. I can see it benefiting her as well. Hell, she already slides into it a bit. Massive, massive kudos for this chapter. :)


I usually don't like characters that show up that weren't originally in the book, but you've done such a fantastic job with Dougie and fleshed him out so well I almost forgot he wasn't initially in the book. I think he might be my favorite author created character ever. :)

Reviewer: furiousstrength Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 6:46 PM Title: Chapter 99

I'm not a fan of Operation Cock Block. Mainly because I don't like sex ever being used as a weapon, especially for a bet.  But more importantly I just don't want her to have those stupid fucking fruity pebbles. She's acted like such an a child when it comes to them. Purposely trying to sneak them and manipulate her way into getting them. And Edward was right the night before, she wasn't taking him into consideration at all when making the bet. It was a completely selfish motivation about a fucking childrens cereal.

If she never did any of that and just sat down like an adult and talked to Edward about how big of a guilty pleasure Fruity Pebbles are to her and could they come to some sort of an agreement or compromise could she please have some every blue moon for a treat? Once a month? Something? I highly doubt he'd tell her no. But instead she's acted like a fucking brat and I hope she loses the hell out of that bet.

Reviewer: furiousstrength Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2012 5:59 PM Title: Chapter 98

"How about the tampon thing??? What are your thoughts on his wanting to be in there and then his backing down when she said it was a Hard Limit. Now do you see who holds all the power?

It's not the Dom – if she says absolutely no way – then he has to abide."

I always really dislike hearing this because it's disingenuous and plainly not true.  It's rather disrespectful. It's a buzz term thrown around by people who don't really have experience and often said to try to make people, especially people on the outside, feel better.  The sub doesn't hold all the power anymore than the Dom does. It's an equal split. A Dom has hard limits and needs that need to be respected just as a sub does. There are plenty of things I love to do or would love to try that my Dom has as a hard limit. It's not all sexual actions, it certain trigger words as well. It's just as wrong for a sub to try to press this on the Dom as it is for a Dom to push something onto a sub. I've found that while bad Doms try to strong arm these situations, bad subs will do it through whining, guilt and manipulation. So the Dom holds just as much power in the situation as the sub. To say the sub holds all the power is wrong and ignores the very real and just as important needs of the Dom. While in play there is technical inequality in the relationship, unless there is communication and equality as a whole a relationship will not work. No one parties needs are more important that another.  I find nothing more irritating or disrespectful when I see a sub smugly tittering and saying this with her girlfriends. If she really believes this, I feel bad for her Dom.


I wasn't a fan of Bella calling a hard limit on him being in the bathroom with her. Personally, it took some getting used to but nothing makes me feel more loved than when my boyfriend takes care of me that way. He does it with reverence and makes me feel cared for because it shows that he'll love me and take care of me no matter what situation. Even the seemingly grosser ones. However if Bella doesn't feel the same, that doesn't bother me but the way she went about it did. She just shut down and called it a hard limit without even thinking about it or talking about it. She's going with a emotional reaction before having even thought it through or hearing Edwards side of it and Edward should have called her on that. The mature way it should have gone was for her to call 'yellow' or 'red' even and say that she's not comfortable with this right now and that being in the middle of the situation when they aren't on equal footing with heighten emotions wasn't the time to talk about it. Edward should have respected her choice, walked away and then during their after care/conversation talked about it then so they could both air their feelings on it. Edward can explain why he wants to do it and Bella can explain why it bothers her. If at the end of that she wants to hard limit it, no problem. Not wanting to do it isn't the problem. It could be a huge trigger for her due to what James did in her past and she's totally right to not do it, but the way she went about it cuts off communication and that's never a good thing. What if Edward has a need that doing this for her would fulfill. She needs to be attuned to his needs just as much as he is to hers. While she shouldn't do something she doesn't want to fulfill his need she still needs to find out what that need is and talk about other means of taking care if it. Granted, it's probably not that big of a deal to Edward but she'll have no way of knowing that by cutting off communication as she did.


I'm so disgusted with Alice, I don't know if I'll be able to forgive her. At least not without her getting totally knocked out of her ivory tower. The things she said, especially regarding Bella's old marriage, is unforgivable. I hope Esme gets to see it first hand so she understand how her hate, bigotry and snobbery toward Jane has affected her daughter. Alice being pregnant is NO excuse, Edward was 100% right. I also hope Edward puts Esme in her place and doesn't let her run rough shod over Bella and her wedding desires.

And wow...fuck James. Will we find out more about that? I don't want to know, but I also do. I'm sure Bella doesn't want to remember it but if there is someone else out there that's harmed her she should be aware of that. Even he used other means to violate her rather than another person I think it's important to know what's happened so she can work on healing it. Repressed memories have a tendency to come up at horrible times. It's good if you can prepare for them.

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2012 4:30 AM Title: Chapter 100

I absolutely adored this chapter. Sure it didn't move forward, but the relationship that Bella and Dougie formed today is remarkable. Dougie let down his walls and let Bella see the real man. I'm hoping that with this new relationship Bella will be able to draw strength from it and open up to him as well. Bella deserves all the happiness in the world and Dougie is now a big part of that. 


I don't know what happened but I had never gotten the alert that this story posted. I was sad that I could of read it sooner. Lol

Reviewer: sonogal Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Oct 2012 4:18 PM Title: Chapter 100

I loved the chapter, but I bet Bella felt a little weird being treated scolded like a child. She may be a submissive, but she is still an adult to Edward. Yes, she was rude to cuss in someones house. My teenage children know better as well as my husband. If one of them slipped up, I would treat the situation differently. Double D sees Bella as a child like he sees Douglas. It would feel weird as an adult being spoken to as a child all of a sudden. It has been years since this has occured for me. I would probably feel so ashamed because I haven't been scolded in so long. I feel so bad for Douglas. As a wife of a Marine, I would never picture him as one, It was a shock, but I am glad that he found someone to love him. He had a tough life and very little childhood until he was an adult. I guess that is why he doesn't want to be an adult, but at some point he will have to live in society as an adult again. I hope he will be ok.

Reviewer: nlhuff Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Oct 2012 9:41 PM Title: Chapter 100

Great. Loved it

Reviewer: jalee1118 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Oct 2012 4:38 PM Title: Chapter 100

I LOVE ME SOME DOUGIE!!!!  A sweet sweet man and I want a best friend like him!  He had a hard life but is happy now and that is all that matters is now!  He is like a breath of fresh air and his honesty and personality is wonderful.  I can see he and Bella becoming besties.  Will Edward find out about Bella's little outburst of fowl language?  I can't wait till the next update.


Reviewer: Cockerspanmom Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Oct 2012 1:23 PM Title: Chapter 100

Love Dougie. Very touching. I'm still looking for someone like Dougie and I'm 48. oh I have acquaintances and a loving husband and a daughter who is turning 12 next Saturday and is my shopping buddy and I drag her and her friend along with my obsession with all things Twlight and Rob. What will I do after Nov 16th? It all ends than.

Reviewer: VickiShy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Oct 2012 7:08 AM Title: Chapter 100

L - great chapter. I am still a bit squirmy when it comes to Doug and double d. I don't like the fact that she is in their house where someone else can punish her or she is in her submissive role not around Edward. Great chapter. 

Author's Response:

Ummm... Riley (Double D) was just giving her a fair warning, much like Dougie did in Daddy's bedroom "Stay out of that room- Or Else" ...Bella said 'OK" ...Riley was doing the same thing "Don't talk like that, Or Else" and Bella said "OK" ...DD had no intention of avtually putting Bella in the corner, it was a scare tactic and it worked. DD would never punish another's sub without permission. NOw he might call Edward and tell him what happened and then recieve permission that way, but in this instance it was a just a warning ... however i'm very sure DD called E to tell him about it...thanks for reading ,,,louise

Reviewer: Belighted Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Oct 2012 4:53 AM Title: Chapter 100

Poor Dougie! I grew up an hour away from Gatlinburg actually, in Johnson City, and boy is it hard to be different than what is felt to be "normal". I don't think I'll ever see/hear more secret personal lives in the most self-righteously normal folk than what's hidden in the people of the Appalachain region. You either conform or get away as quickly as possible, though those that take the path of conformity, always have crazy scandals and tales that come to light at some future time with a cliche bang! Though I'm not in a lifestyle that garners public discrimination, I like the fact I'm a touch freaky, and openly admit to it. I wish everyone could just BE, and let be without being fake for fear of what others think!! Having kids in elementary school is my latest education on the lengths parents, teachers, people in general will go to in order to be perfect and acceptable to others who are just as imperfect as themselves. It's my soapbox issue at the moment, so forgive my rambling preaching to the choir. All in all this chapter may have been filler, but it laid great groundwork for Bella's revelation that you foreshadowed with her unease. I like the blossoming friendship! Too bad all friends can't be the type Dougie hopes to have with her. DD freaked me out a bit, but I was waiting for Eleazar to pop up in some way or either Dom to do something to offend Edward through Bella's treatment while there. Big thumbs up all around!!

Annie B

Reviewer: amcullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Oct 2012 1:49 AM Title: Chapter 100

Loved it as always can't wait for the next one.

Reviewer: 22amazing Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Oct 2012 12:42 AM Title: Chapter 100

i love this story and even though you said that bella would not get pregnant,,, it just seems that after all the shit that she has been through, she and edward deserve to have at least one little one. pllzzz.   it just seems right , but it is your story and it will be great without the child but,,,,,,,,,,, it would also leave some of your reader's sayin'  what if.        

Reviewer: tlwatkins36 Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Oct 2012 11:56 PM Title: Chapter 100

I was touching to read about Dougie... with that said I believe it wil help Bella in a way too.  It is kinda similar to what she went through also.  I'm excited to read about Edwards birthday, especially to to see how he reacts to the pics.  can't wait for more chapters!  please hurry with more updates..

Reviewer: debslmac Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18 Oct 2012 11:15 PM Title: Chapter 100


Reviewer: jamiebaker68 Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Oct 2012 10:53 PM Title: Chapter 100

I loved it, i love dougie, can't wait to read more

Reviewer: Twifan1228 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18 Oct 2012 10:48 PM Title: Chapter 100

That was awesome!!!!  TY Louise! Loved this look into Double D and Dougie's relationship and learning more about Isabella's new "MG Bestie!"  Wow, Ex-Marine, hum wouldn't have thought of Dougie as a Fighting machine, see pre conceived ideas... shame on me! But now we know what a great companion Dougie is for Bella 

Reviewer: smileya987 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13 Oct 2012 2:15 AM Title: Chapter 1

I have truely loved reading this amazingly beautifully written story!!! when will u be udating???Please let me know!!!

Author's Response:

New Chapter should be up tomorrow (Sat) -- Sunday morning at the latest...thanks for reading ...louise

Reviewer: nanlovestwilight Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Sep 2012 4:52 AM Title: Chapter 98

I thought Edward was a little too rough and it seems like he isn't being careful with her anymore with regard to her past abuse. I thought he agreed to never use corporal punishment for punishment. I could understand Bella's desire to be a submissive, but don't understand her desire for pain and punishment after being so badly abused. I think it would trigger more bad memories and emotions. I love everything else about the story and Edwards strictness and dominent side, just not the physical and emotional abuse. This is the first time the "usual" bothered me. I also wouldn't be able to stand for any sharing or threesomes so I hope you never go there.  Can't wait til the mystery is solved and they have their HEA!

Reviewer: BE1965 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29 Sep 2012 4:11 AM Title: Chapter 99

Well I am on the ball tonight!!! I actually sat down, read and I'm reviewing now!! I was very pleased with their talk after the play time.  I am hoping Edward doesn't up the "pain" threshold too much more.  I only say that because it seems to be bringing out certain feelings in Bella, first in her dreams and then in her thinking afterwards. 

Something is hiding in her and she isn't doing it on purpose, but in due time I have a feeling it's going to come out and it's not going to be pleasant.  James is one sicko and he did/shared Bella without her consent.  Just something more for her to hate herself about.  Thank you for building that part of her up.  And I do feel that it is Dougie that will be spending time with her.  One bad thing though, is how she is avoiding Edward and sort of plotting a scheme against him and not giving in to him and his "urges"...lol...Thank you for this wonderful chapter!!

Reviewer: rmcrms5 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29 Sep 2012 3:31 AM Title: Chapter 99

I'm really nervous about Edward & Bella figuring out her repressed memory of James and some other creep double=teaming her. The only culprits are Mike or Cauis (in the story so far), but I don't see them being the one- they would have brought it up.

Is Dougie her babysitter? or Emmett? I think Dougie would be a fun date.

I really want to get to both families being together for Edward's birthday and see if Alice's "bitch" comes out and how Bella and/or family handle it. Who knows maybe Esme will set her daughter straight since Dydemi has pointed out her shortcomings with Jane over the years.

(I just finished rereading DitR from the first chapter. It took all month & I finished at lunch today)

Take care!


Reviewer: Sailiwon Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Sep 2012 10:25 PM Title: Chapter 63

The old man is leaving.


Reviewer: Sailiwon Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Sep 2012 11:06 PM Title: Chapter 11

Haven't read this chapter yet, but your first assumption was wrong/

I'm just an old man who likes to read.

Aaaaannnd learning something new today, I am going to have to snoop

in my friends' freezers.


Reviewer: fleur50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Sep 2012 3:59 AM Title: Chapter 98

je suis déçu de ne pouvoir être capable de lire la fin de votre chapitre, il est trop long. Je suis à la moitié.




Reviewer: SouthernBelle Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20 Sep 2012 6:44 PM Title: Chapter 2

You have me hooked...line and sinker. LOVING IT. 

Reviewer: sonogal Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Sep 2012 1:18 PM Title: Chapter 98

I agree with Bella about the tampon and the bathroom situation. That is the last place of privacy for a woman. It is hard to get that with children, but it was one of the first things I taught my children. I did not want them to invade my privacy, but I also did not want them to think it was ok for other people to invade their privacy. It all goes back to you are incharge of your private parts. Between Edward and Bella, women just feel gross on our periods and we don't want to share that with anyone. We would stop that whole bleeding situation if we could. It is the biggest downfall of being a woman. It is the price we pay to have the privaledge to have children. I just with it would stop after we have the children we want. On Vinny and the van, I found that part somewhat funny in that my daughter calls them molester vans. She won't let me park, drive, or be anywhere near one. She is scared to death of them and she has never been molested or kidnaped. I don't know if it is from all of the stranger danger classed at school or the news, but she freaks out if she sees one. She is now 17 and she hasn't gotten any better. Her bestfriend since the 1st grade father is a plumber and his new vehicle was a van. He had always had a truck. She saw it and came back home and called her friend and said she could not come over to her house anymore because of that van. Her dad felt so bad and didn't like being thought of that way that he traded it in. Edward needs to listen to Vinny. Someone is hanging around in a white van watching the family. Little eyes notice more than we realize because they don't worry about so many things at one time. Alice needs someone to talk to about her life. She seems overwelmed with life. She doesn't seem happy with her life. She is attacking Bella because is happy and so is Edward. Alice needs to find her peace before this new baby gets here or she will only get worse. It will so sad if the family splits because of Alice's tantrum. She needs help and I hope Jasper sees it before it is too late.

Reviewer: Belighted Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 12 Sep 2012 4:51 AM Title: Chapter 98

I'm worn out after that chapter. For some reason, I felt really irritated with Edward during the entire usual time. I get that it's a part to play, but I felt like telling him to screw off the whole time. I love D/s stuff, but it seemed like he really had it out for her this time. Maybe I just haven't read a hardcore scene lately, but it just rubbed me wrong, and I'm frustrated that I don't know exactly why!!
I was glad that she yellowed and he adhered to his responsibilities, then kinda shot himself in the foot by bringing up the foot stomping thing, again, after doling out the required punishment. Maybe I'm just hormonal too?! But I almost felt like crying with Bella when he finally gave her an ounce of caring vs indifference. It seems an odd time with so much outside in their lives going on that he would push her harder in playtime, in multiple ways/limit areas and not expect any frustration. I'm not a Dom though, so it's hard to see things from that perspective. I am hopeful that we will get more puzzle pieces regarding the utility van soon. Seriously though, I adore this story and you are a fantastic writer. I really think the chapter may have hit a subconscious trigger for me or something and it skewed my perception, however, that does not make it a bad chapter!!! I'm anxious to see if other readers give similar feedback, or heck, maybe that was your purpose for plot progress? I love ya either way, and it was pretty stinking hot when he wasn't being a jerk.
Annie B

Reviewer: theladykt Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11 Sep 2012 7:10 PM Title: Chapter 98

1- anyone else wanna punch Alice in her snooty, turned up nose.

2- yummy middle and end

3- Omb what else did he do to her that she doesn't remember!?!?!?

Reviewer: mahitabelle Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10 Sep 2012 6:02 AM Title: Chapter 98

I totally get Bella's issue with the tampon.
Alice is such an elite boor.
James = benzodiazapine
nipple clamps=necrosis
Anal sex without condom, not advised. E-coli doesnt like bladders.

Reviewer: artri Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Sep 2012 6:56 PM Title: Chapter 98

Always thought there would be more to her story...great  chapter.

Reviewer: Irish_charm Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Sep 2012 10:40 PM Title: Chapter 98

See Edwards mind went to James doing that to Bella when she wouldn't remember it, like he drugged her or he did it after she was passes out. But he said Bella enjoyed it, if she was drugged her body may enjoy it but she still was afraid of James so even with the drugs I don't think her body would have a positive response. If she was unconscious there would only be so much response. I'm wondering if James has watched them together. Did he somehow get a look in the playroom or other places they may of been together. Someone was following her who's to say the pictures were all the person saw.

I wonder what will happen with Alice. I know Edward is a man of his word but Alice is stubborn. I can't imagine how that will end. I adore Vinnie and Mia I would hate to not see them as often. 


Rose is so strong and glad Edward was able to calm Emmett down. Rose didn't need to see him lose control like that. Her strength is what will get her through that and she needs everyone to believe in her. 

Reviewer: Obsessive_Behaviours Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Sep 2012 1:04 PM Title: Chapter 98

The playroom experience was a little over the top for me.  I still don't understand why many of the precursory activities seem to be so abusive (at least psychologically). 

The tampon thing is definitely a "yellow" or "red", although I don't believe Edward will respect her wishes.  He even said so internally that that issue was not over.  In a prior chapter he was plotting to put an end to her privacy in that aspect.

Bella has definitely been abused by James, most likely drugged, when she experience a 3 way (or more).  This will likely come out under hypnosis, which I'm certain Edward wants to learn the truth.  Then, what will he do with the knowledge?

Maybe I'm confused as to why Bella’s would allow Edward to abuse her body - after she experienced such abuse at the hands of a man who clearly did not love her.  How does she step into the Clinic for abused and battered women and look them in the face, knowing she is allowing a man to do the same for the sake of pleasure?  Sore nipples should be the least of her worries.

Edward continues to push Bella’s limits to what end?  Does this make her a better more secure person to be humiliated and embarrassed?  Is the plan to desensitize her through repetition of what make her uncomfortable? 

You’re right Bella could have said “yellow” or “red” at any time – but the thought of disappointing her Master (and lover) I believe are too great for her to risk the issue.  I think she sucks it up and take the abuse – because love of any kind (kink) is better than none at all.

Writing, when done well, should evoke emotion and opinion – honey, you have it in spades.

Reviewer: cjrich Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Sep 2012 6:56 AM Title: Chapter 98

Whew, that was quite a chapter.  Not quite sure where you were headed there at the end but can't wait to find out!

Reviewer: VickiShy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08 Sep 2012 5:10 AM Title: Chapter 98

L - way to bring my high down.  Wow, what a way  to end this amazing chapter.  Frankly I liked this chpater - it shows how they are still working on thier Ds relationship. 

Now, Alice, I am proud of Edward.  He did a good thing and he offered Alice plenty of opportunities.  Honestly, in this story, I am not sure I want you to redeem Alice or not.  From the beginning she has been standoffish.  And I don't know if you can redeem her well enough to justify it in my mind to make it real.  I loved that you described Edwards feelings in this part too, great job.

Great job.  The wait was made up for due to the quality chapter you wrote.  See you again soon babe.  Take care.

Reviewer: twilightobession Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Sep 2012 2:14 PM Title: Chapter 98

Ok, something is up with the internet. I am typing this review for the third time. 

I am glad that Edward had it out with Alice. I had never thought of Esme/Alice and Bella/Jane connection before. DUAH!!!!!!! LOVED LOVED LOVED their playtime. I did think that Edward some a little hard at time. Sometimes he seemed very controling. I did not like that he brought up their bet. That was done on Edward/Bella time. That was done in fun. That is something a couple does when they are dating. The tampon issue would not have been an issue for me, I have been married 25 years, so anything goes. lol. I really hope that James did not share Bella with someone and her not know it. I hope he did not drug her and let that happen. That would be awful. Can't wait for your next update. Loving this story. 

Reviewer: Twifan1228 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07 Sep 2012 8:14 AM Title: Chapter 98

Wow Louise!  I'm speechless! Humm.... Give me a second to find my voice....  Okay, Vinny, what a Precious curious little mind**giggles**

The Van, well I think I need to revisit the chapter at the Park, when they had the fund raiser for "The Center".... seems to me there was a Van..... So I will revisit those earlier chapters.... Yay! Sequel!!!!  Yippee!  Alice and Edward, well I am reeling from that conversation and Alice's TRUE feelings about Bella, but it really doesn't surprise me.  **I say that in all honesty**  Esme spent years of treating Jane poorly and Alice was front row and center for that example.... so it does stand to reason that Spoilt Rotten Alice doesn't have the maturity to see, as Esme now is seeing, that it was a narrow minded and Highly inappropriate view to take on her Sister-in-law... How judgmental can a person be Alice…. I am still in shock in awe mode over that portion of the chapter.

Master Edward has definitely been established as an Highly respected Firm and Strict as well as an insightful Dominate with his current submissive, I say current, and Not submissive’s of the past because I don’t think he had the connection with those women he does with Bella.  I had the feeling or the sense that he was in need of relieving some pent up frustration he was very much left with from his recent  conversation with his Sister, therefore I felt he was a little sterner than he generally is during there "Usual" time.. I'm not sure if I am expressing myself right here, what I mean is that Master seemed to be in a very Intense Dom Mode.  I was so very proud of Bella for using "Yellow" not once but twice ... first over the tampon/cup issue and then when she was on the brink of failing his instruction to not cum. 

Feminine Hygiene during that time of the month was something that Master shouldn’t have considered pushing her on, Especially given Bella's history, considering where and what James would cruelly do to Bella,  Master is just not consistently putting her history front and center when he is giving her directions such as he did in this chapter regarding the tampon.... Putting MYSELF in her place in this chapter, I fear I would have said "RED" and not yellow. Now that I think about it, she did essentially say RED when she told him that anything dealing with the Toilet was a Hard Limit now.  Well done Bella!  I slowly worked through the HIS STRONGER DOMINATE side through most of the time, until we came to the end and he doubted her being truthful with him about the double penetration and James.... Ummmm.. Master.... why would it matter what she did in her past? Dear Lord how many submissive’s have you had? .... and why on earth are you doubting what she said?  That hurt me that you doubted her....   Knowing what a sick individual that EX of hers was I could honestly see him drugging her and doing things to her that she has blocked out, but not that she would deceive or lie to you about.... Okay I'm through talking with Master.   


Now you my dear Louise and the wonderful M - You both rock, Louise you my dear one for writing this Huge chapter 20K+ words  killer.... and you M for the wonderful feedback and Mad Beta Skills you use..... You both Rock.... have a wonderful one!  Much FF Love, Kathy

Reviewer: Sabs Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Sep 2012 5:52 AM Title: Chapter 98

Hi Louise,
as usual, I was giddily waiting for the new chapter. Although I think he was a bit too hard on Bella, I realised thtat it was necessary for both of them, in order to compensate the situation thei are going through, with all the things out of their control.
As for Alice...I really don't like her at the moment! In most of the stories, she is just an annoying person, trying to walk over people (esp. Bella), but with a good intention behind it. But after her conversation with her brother in this chapter, I even ask myself how Jasper can stand her attitude, or did she never show it to him? I am wondering, if Edward told him how he would react? Angry? Surprised? Or even ashamed for his wifes behaviour? Well, we'll see - you'll without a doubt, let us know. :-)
So to end my (longest ever) review I wanted to thank you for your story and for sharing it with us. Usually I tend to not read WIP, as I do not like waiting on following chapters, but I surely wait (im-)patiently for yours!

Reviewer: Balti K Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Sep 2012 4:45 AM Title: Chapter 98

Love their evening, and Edward was pretty awesome through it all, but the last few lines really change the lasting impression of the chapter. We're taken from their joint joy in what they done together back into the intrigue and wondering if Bella was drugged and raped by more than just James. I have to hope that's not the case and that James is just talking out of his ass, but I'm left wondering.

I'm really glad Edward confronted Alice, and that he's taking a stand to support Bella and not have her treated the same way Jane has been all these years by Esme. Even though it seems Esme is having a change of heart recently, it's good of Edward to protect Bella from what could turn into 3 decades of treatment as a sub-human by his sister. Truthfully, Alice seems like such a judgemental person in this fic, even as she profits off the people she judges. I have to wonder if she's just one of those people who's always done as she was told she should by society but it's not made her happy. She just seems to me a lot like the judgemental folks who constantly question my own decisions to live outside the constraints of marriage and kids, but are on their second or third marriage with multiple kids, but they aren't happy. Just my own impressions. (BTW, I bear no ill will for marriage or people having kids, I just think they should really want to take those steps with their partner, for a reason other than "this is what you do when you get to be this age...")

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