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Reviewer: cina24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Sep 2016 7:09 PM Title: Chapter 47

I'm thinking Heathe is really Victoria and she is doing his dirty work. 

Reviewer: cina24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Sep 2016 6:45 PM Title: Chapter 46

Ewwww pinky mouse description was so nasty.  

Reviewer: cina24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Sep 2016 6:23 PM Title: Chapter 45

Ok the only thing I don't like is having Bella suffer in public.  That's just mean. 

Reviewer: cina24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Sep 2016 7:50 PM Title: Chapter 41

Loved it as usual. 

Reviewer: cina24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Sep 2016 4:02 AM Title: Chapter 38

Wow that was so emotional.  Great writing.  

Reviewer: cina24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Sep 2016 8:25 PM Title: Chapter 35


Reviewer: cina24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Sep 2016 3:57 PM Title: Chapter 34

Very sexy having Bella dress Edward.  Where in the hell is Stehan getting his info?  James is lurking around.... Is he the friend Felix wants an application for?  Not sure what Leah's problem is.... Jealousy?  

Reviewer: cina24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Sep 2016 2:46 AM Title: Chapter 31

Too funny "emmie".  Love it. 

Reviewer: cina24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Sep 2016 1:57 AM Title: Chapter 29

Omg that's just crazy.  

Reviewer: cina24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Sep 2016 8:04 PM Title: Chapter 28

Loved it

Reviewer: cina24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Sep 2016 3:11 AM Title: Chapter 26

If feel the Bella does about God....  I know there is a higher being but I come from a bad childhood and have a hard time with "free will".  Why does God let bad things happen to child.   What is with Bella's gym bag????  

Reviewer: cina24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Sep 2016 2:14 PM Title: Chapter 23

Why does Bella not have Seth with her at all times?  He could be a big asset to the center and protect and warn Bella of any harm. 

Reviewer: cina24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Sep 2016 12:54 AM Title: Chapter 16

Oh my that was such a great chapter.  And we finally met Tanya.... The bitch that she is. 

Reviewer: cina24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Sep 2016 4:44 AM Title: Chapter 14

Theat was so good.  I am afraid James and Tanya are going to show their ugly sides. 

Reviewer: cina24 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Sep 2016 3:33 AM Title: Chapter 13

Absolutely love your story. 

Reviewer: Ree155 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04 Sep 2016 2:06 PM Title: Chapter 1

Please oh please continue really really soon. I love this story and wish it was my life and or a movie lol. Can't wait to read more 

Reviewer: Ree155 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04 Sep 2016 2:04 PM Title: Chapter 110

Please oh please continue really soon. I love this story, and wish it was a movie cuz that would be hit if they got it right. Of course with different character names lol. But I look forward to reading more of this fabulous story.

Reviewer: Bcullen1026 Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Aug 2016 1:53 AM Title: Chapter 110

I just re-read this whole thing! Can't wait for more!

Reviewer: Debbi84 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Aug 2016 1:09 PM Title: Chapter 110

Your story quickly became one of my favorites.  I just love a story that makes me both laugh and cry.  I hope one day you will be able to finish the story, I'm anxious to find out who's behind all of their problems.

Reviewer: Useablesub Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Jul 2016 1:19 AM Title: Chapter 109

I love this story. I've reread it 6 times it's amazing. Please update again soon. 

Reviewer: rpobsessed2 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jul 2016 8:51 AM Title: Chapter 1

Just checking in again to ask you to please put us out of our misery and finish this story.... as well as start the next one. LOL. I truly hope you are well. 



Reviewer: Catlover Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10 Jul 2016 12:51 AM Title: Chapter 110

Hi, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your story! I used to read it on the Fan Fiction site but then you disappeared, I was very glad to find you on here! Excellent writing, I hope to see more soon! 

Reviewer: irishwitch Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Jun 2016 2:39 AM Title: Chapter 7

I'm hoping you're ok and I look forward to solving the mystery.

I don't have the address to the blog, but it is buried here in one of the reviews. But there are a couple of more chapters posted there

Reviewer: lockern Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 May 2016 9:29 PM Title: Chapter 110

Amazing story I had started reading it on fanfiction.net and then it disappeared. I really hope you intend on finishing it thanks

Reviewer: BigMac34 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2016 8:33 AM Title: Chapter 110

Please oh please!!! Finish this story. It has taken me months to get this far, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I desperately want to know how it ends. I have loved the relationship between Edward and Bella and I too loved these characters in Twilight and would love for them to have this kind of relationship in real life. But doubtful that will ever happen have throughly engrossed myself in the possibilities that could have happened, your imagination has been really appreciated. I can't believe you haven't finished the last 5 chapters when you have taken the time to write 110. So please oh please I beg you just finish this happy ever after for all your fans. It is a tremendous story and I want to read to the end. Please let me know if you will, I'm sure you just came to a block and needed some time out, but hopefully this will spur you on to finish it. I will be forever grateful. Yours Sally with much admiration..

Reviewer: vampyregurl09 Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 May 2016 8:07 PM Title: Chapter 101

i hope you continue this story cause i love to read it

Reviewer: Ms_T_Switzerland Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13 Apr 2016 5:29 AM Title: Chapter 14

Hey, just wanting to make sure that RL is what's keeping my favorite writer from updates. Been such a long time that even though I'm dying to know what is going to happen in this most amazing story, I'm more concerned about you the fabulous author. Please just shoot us a message to let us know you're doing well and the 411 of this story. Thanks. 💗💖💋

Reviewer: Ms_T_Switzerland Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13 Apr 2016 5:27 AM Title: Chapter 6

Hey, just wanting to make sure that RL is what's keeping my favorite writer from updates. Been such a long time that even though I'm dying to know what is going to happen in this most amazing story, I'm more concerned about you the fabulous author. Please just shoot us a message to let us know you're doing well and the 411 of this story. Thanks. 💗💖💋

Reviewer: Miss G Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2016 1:13 PM Title: Chapter 1

Please please please finish this amazing story. Amen! *wink*

Reviewer: pcirish Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Mar 2016 5:05 AM Title: Chapter 109

love this story, what happened r u going to finish it

Reviewer: 1tinac Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Feb 2016 6:10 PM Title: Chapter 44

Please please continue. This is my all time favourite story. Please. 

Reviewer: Sophi517 Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Feb 2016 6:15 AM Title: Chapter 1

Hope all is well wit you...Just wondering if you are abandoning its story? I check on your blogspot every now and then hoping for an update. I understand how busy life can get...but I truely hope you choose to finish this. Thank you for sharing! 

Reviewer: naru Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2015 6:25 PM Title: Chapter 1


i hope you will come back and finish this story, i love and would like to know the end of it

thank you for sharing it with us

Reviewer: Kreitlow Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Nov 2015 8:29 PM Title: Chapter 1

I know it's been awhile but I hope you come back to finish this story. Please!

Reviewer: carebare1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Nov 2015 5:33 PM Title: Chapter 6

i love this story i just wanted to know if you are going to finish it thank you for time

Reviewer: Vampireaddict16 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Nov 2015 1:59 PM Title: Chapter 1

I hope you are doing well, and are planning to update this amazing story soon. I have read and reread it too many times to count and really would appreciate if its not left unfinished. Please update soon... Or alteast give us some kind of information about its progress.

Reviewer: Dummy Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Oct 2015 3:12 AM Title: Chapter 110

Hi, nice story...I've read all 110 chapters and all 23 chapters of the extras, last summer. I hope that life's going well and that you'll have time to update this story and it won't remain forever incomplete. Best wishes!

Reviewer: adirondackmommi Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Oct 2015 6:27 AM Title: Chapter 1

One of my all time favorites, I hope to see it completed as I am beyond invested in this story. Even if it's been pulled to be published - maybe just a heads up would be nice. I look forward to seeing where this goes, it's been my late night companion for weeks and I hate to just leave it without a resolution. I hope RL is just busy and our author is doing well. Trying my best to be patient - this story is awesome.

Reviewer: marymaureen Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Sep 2015 7:36 AM Title: Chapter 110

are you going to finish this wonderful story?  I have enjoyed it so much it's a shame not to bring it to conclusion.


Reviewer: silver23 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Sep 2015 5:20 AM Title: Chapter 110

Are you going to planing to postanytime in the near time have alway injoy this story 

Reviewer: janelaw Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Aug 2015 4:51 AM Title: Chapter 110

This story is so amazing.  It is definitely one of my favorite fanfics of all time.  I know that you haven't updated recently, but I really hope that you choose to finish. I can't wait to know what happens!

Reviewer: adirondackmommi Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Aug 2015 2:19 AM Title: Chapter 38

What is up Leah's ass?

Reviewer: adirondackmommi Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Aug 2015 3:52 AM Title: Chapter 2

Sounding good so far..... I'm hooked.

Reviewer: Wendyg63 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Jul 2015 11:33 AM Title: Chapter 26

Loved Jane and her wisdom and friendship. 

Reviewer: BOBBYSGIRL76 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Jul 2015 5:49 AM Title: Chapter 1

After all this time with no update I'm worried about you PLEASE let us know that all is well and that RL or writers block is the reason you've been away but as much as I would love an update I'd much rather know your OK.    READ YOU SOON ♥

Reviewer: Wendyg63 Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2015 8:29 AM Title: Chapter 23

I like Edward's punishments.  Very fitting. 


Liking your story.  Beta is doing a great job. 

Reviewer: carebare1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2015 5:42 AM Title: Chapter 2

i love this story i just want to know if you are going to finish it thank you for your time :0)

Reviewer: Wendyg63 Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jul 2015 10:59 AM Title: Chapter 19

I love the tattoo shop name.  Good choice to use it.  May even bring them business. Lol.


bravo to you and your beta foe such fine work. 

Author's Response:

I debated about using a Real Live Shop, and then I spoke with a friend who is a business owner and he said the same thing you did ... Maybe it will bring them some more business and Hey who would turn down FREE advertising ...anyway, thanks for reading and I am hoping to get the last few chapters done to put this story to rest, soon ...

Reviewer: Wendyg63 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 15 Jul 2015 11:59 AM Title: Chapter 18

Wow...tough crowd.  And these are Edward's friends?

Reviewer: Wendyg63 Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jul 2015 3:51 AM Title: Chapter 16

Lots of fun with the Cullen's.  I enjoyed their day together. 


As for Bella's emotions.... A bit of an anomaly.  It's hard to figure out.  She seems so strong and confident and then weepy and scared.  


Van outside of Bella's -- is it James or just a red herring?  

Reviewer: Wendyg63 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Jul 2015 1:46 PM Title: Chapter 14

Love it.  Bravo

Reviewer: Wendyg63 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Jul 2015 2:32 AM Title: Chapter 13

I love the intensity that you bring to Edward's character.  Love the lemons.  

Reviewer: Wendyg63 Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jul 2015 11:10 AM Title: Chapter 11

Wow...he really left her in a bad way.  Smug bastard. ;)

Reviewer: Wendyg63 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jul 2015 12:29 PM Title: Chapter 7

Getting hot now....awesome

Reviewer: Wendyg63 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jul 2015 12:28 PM Title: Chapter 6

You give us such long, full chapters. Thank you.  Can't wait for more. 

Reviewer: Wendyg63 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jul 2015 6:16 AM Title: Chapter 1

Love the different pov's.  Your first chapter was very good. I can't wait to read more. 

Reviewer: melkap12 Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Jul 2015 6:38 PM Title: Chapter 110

are you going to update soon? I want to see what happens next!

Reviewer: HerGreenEyesSee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28 Jun 2015 10:45 AM Title: Chapter 110

I know you hasn't posted in quite some time here or on your blog,   just wanted to let you know your fans are still really supportive of this story and have hopes you finish it because it is a remarkable story.  I know I would also love to see it published.  :)  hope all is well.   

Reviewer: EmmaSydneyCullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Jun 2015 6:12 AM Title: Chapter 1

I love your story. I have read it several time. I hope you have a chance to update soon and finish the story. Thank you for your work

Reviewer: AngelicFront5 Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Jun 2015 10:03 PM Title: Chapter 110

I love this story so much and have re-read what you have many times. I was wondering if you will be working on it again? I hope so :-)

Reviewer: jamiesmummy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17 May 2015 1:55 PM Title: Chapter 110

Hi I really love this story I hope you will be able to update soon

Reviewer: vampirenites Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11 May 2015 3:25 PM Title: Chapter 110

I am waiting for the next chapter i am dying here of suspense when is next update 5/10/2015

Reviewer: Sukiethree Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 May 2015 7:23 PM Title: Chapter 1

I'm reading this story for the third time before I read chapter 112 on your blog. Waiting for the ending so I can read yet again from beginnning to end.

Absolutely love the story, one  that sits in my mind for ages after I have read it.

Keep at it


Reviewer: Miss G Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 May 2015 12:18 PM Title: Chapter 26

I cannot believe this is your first fic! It is so detailed and well written and erotic with depth. I love this Edward and Bella...thank you! 

I am reading this very slowly because I see it isn't complete and while you have over 100 chapters, I am a very voracious reader. Seeing all the little clues such as almost being run down in the alley, light shining in her living room window, utility van on her street (as seen by Edward) and Seth's collar, it is my most profound wish that your Bella not suffer anymore pain and abuse outside of flashbacks, dreams and sharing. How much can she take. Even I want to shield her from that. Please...😉 Finally, the way you wrote Edward's punishments for the phone, food and sleep were creative and not cruel due to the fact that an impact instrument would have normally been used.

I look forward to journeying through the pages. Please complete this. Thank you for you creativity and hard work. 


Miss G


Reviewer: SarahCullenxxx Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2015 11:44 PM Title: Chapter 110

Hmm, Victor Salvatore... Caius Salvatore... Look forward to more! X

Reviewer: SarahCullenxxx Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2015 9:49 PM Title: Chapter 108

That woman with the stroller, is that karen? There were pictures in that envelope of Bella and Edward jogging and I'm sure that there was also a woman running with a stroller that day in the park... Love to see how this all links up! 

Reviewer: fullmoon77 Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Mar 2015 8:05 PM Title: Chapter 110

Louise . . . pl . . plea. . . .please . . . .please finish this wonderful story. . .

Reviewer: fullmoon77 Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Mar 2015 1:20 AM Title: Chapter 53

What a FANTASTIC chapter!!!  I'm not going to want this story to end.

Reviewer: fullmoon77 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Mar 2015 1:01 AM Title: Chapter 10

I'm reading the beginning for the second time, and I am understanding the story on a much deeper level.  I have read through chapter 34, and I'm "all in" for sure!  I really love how you write, and find myself thinking of the story throughout my work day.  Thank you for your efforts.  I'm really, really tied up in your words at this point.

Reviewer: GSRgirlforever Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Mar 2015 12:40 AM Title: Chapter 110

I'm reading this story again and really look forward to seeing some more of it.

Reviewer: EmmettRose Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Mar 2015 6:55 AM Title: Chapter 11

She has a thing for anal sex after being raped there and for sure never experiancing anything good with James? This completely confuses me.

Reviewer: marycullenblack Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Mar 2015 6:44 PM Title: Chapter 110

Saw on your blog that you posted up to chapter 114 over there, and wondering if you´ll ever update here...I understand RL can get in the way...

Reviewer: rpobsessed2 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2015 5:57 AM Title: Chapter 110

Found you at TWCS. I know you have a real life but still hope you will finish this unique story. Will read it again (4th time) and hope life will allow you the desire and time to send another chapter our way. Thank you again.


Reviewer: Hijinks Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01 Feb 2015 6:53 PM Title: Chapter 1

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE finish this fic!!!

Reviewer: lia01 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Dec 2014 10:26 PM Title: Chapter 23

Your words are both awe inspiring and heart breaking.


Reviewer: leeses Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Dec 2014 10:13 PM Title: Chapter 110

this is the second time i have read this story you are very talented. can not wait to see what happens next. alice is really annoying . thanks for all the time and effort you put in to this story and the characters.

Reviewer: Eeffle_Luna Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Sep 2014 9:28 PM Title: Chapter 110


I started to read this fic on Fanfiction.net and then I couldn't find it again so am ecstatic to have found it on twcs. I love everything I have read and am just wondering when the next chapter is going to be posted? I can't wait!!!!!!

Hugs and Kisses



Reviewer: Ms_T_Switzerland Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Sep 2014 6:52 PM Title: Chapter 1

She's updated on her blog.  It's up to chapter 112.  :)

Reviewer: Mustang Sally Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04 Sep 2014 3:09 AM Title: Chapter 109

Please update soon. I have missed them so much. What happens next?

Reviewer: ocdcullen01 Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Sep 2014 3:06 AM Title: Chapter 109

Ty for today's update on your blog!! Can't wait til they get to the basement. I have a feeling bellas butt will be sore

Reviewer: katiejean Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28 Aug 2014 7:00 AM Title: Chapter 110

PlEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEase this is the one story i HAVE to end. MY FAVORITE STORY EVER.....please finish..

Reviewer: Tami101 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Aug 2014 3:10 AM Title: Chapter 47

Who the hell is Helen?? Is she in on this? I cant see Tanyas crazy ass doing shit but yeah, I freaking love your story and i cant wait to read the rest :)


Reviewer: Hijinks Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Jul 2014 8:44 AM Title: Chapter 110

I've just had an opportunity to read this, you are an amazing writer. I noticed that you haven't updated in a while,please update soon!!

Reviewer: Kirb Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jun 2014 6:15 PM Title: Chapter 1

Holy smokes- I found a new chapter on your blog!  WOOHOO!!!!  I didn't even know you updated.  (I come here every once in a while, thinking perhaps I've missed something along the way, and I saw a reviewer mention  the new chapter 111 update.)  Thank you, thank for not giving up on this story.  Perhaps you dont think it true, but I'm certain you have a great following, and huge masses of people have not only not forgotten, but crave this story's completion.  You surely have made many happy with your continuation. This is hands down one of my favorites - ever.  It's so nice to see the pieces starting to come together.  Thanks again... - K

Reviewer: elke Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Jun 2014 10:43 PM Title: Chapter 1

I found the link to chapter 111 (at your blog) from an earlier review.  Thanks so much for updating. Some of the answers are falling in place.  I can hardly wait to see what the next chapter holds. Are you not going to continue with updating on TWCS?   Thanks for your wonderful writing.  This is one of my very favorites---and I've been reading fanfiction for four years (many, many stories).

Reviewer: dax Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Jun 2014 1:16 AM Title: Chapter 110


Thank you thank you thank you. I founfd your story last week and have been deligently reading it ever since. I am sorry I didn't comment on each chapter I just couldnt stop reading. I love this story. It is amazingly well written and ties in so many subplot so well it is fantastic. I play at being a submissive somewhat like Roselie in your story and it was amazing and very moving to see someon who had gone through a sexual trama still want to act submissive. I hav overcome my old feeling of wondering is I was a freak but it was very empwering to see that in a story. I am amazed at how well you are pulling everything together. I hope yor life slows down so you can keep working on the story. For now I think I will go back and reread it to make sure i didn't miss anything in my zest to keep reading. I also love how you are providing so many exapmles and ideas about D/S lifestles. It is an amzing piece of work. Thank you.


Reviewer: tmk74 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Jun 2014 3:36 AM Title: Chapter 110

i really hope you finish this story really looking forward to it i love it i have read and reread it at least 4 times just waiting for the rest of it 

Reviewer: Mustang Sally Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Jun 2014 8:05 PM Title: Chapter 110

Very well written.

Reviewer: mrsvixter Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Jun 2014 1:51 AM Title: Chapter 110

have just seen your update on your blog

very good glad you updated love this story

chap 111

Reviewer: AnaNymm Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2014 4:36 AM Title: Chapter 110

This story rocks!  I followed the link to your website and found chapter 111, which you posted in May 2014, and I was pleasantly surprised.  



Reviewer: Sukiethree Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30 May 2014 12:08 AM Title: Chapter 110

I am reading this for the second time now and it's so beautifully involved its like a new story. 

I am so looking forward to seeing where this goes and watching their relationship get better and can't wait for you to update. 

I hope you are still writing and can't wait for another update. 

I'm sure that I'll read it yet again when it's finished. 

Reviewer: Shandi1234 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 May 2014 1:27 AM Title: Chapter 110

I just got to the last page and went..."WHAT"...where's the rest. I'm lost without the ending. Please finish your work.  It's wonderful and I truly love it. Thank you!

Reviewer: ocdcullen01 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 May 2014 5:56 PM Title: Chapter 110

for some reason i wasnt able to comment on your blog, and had to get a new account due to pw problems on here. but since u have updated i just wanted to say TYTYTY!! i am glad u didnt give up on us and leave us hanging :) love ur story reading it a 2nd time since its been so long between updates. ty for sharing!!!

Reviewer: Oldove Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 May 2014 11:06 PM Title: Chapter 110

I have read this story a few times and will continue until it comes to a fitting end. The characters in this story deserve to have a finish to their story, it is a wonderful story of perserverence and love. Could you please let us, your many many fans know if and when you plan to finish it? Waiting until then..................

Reviewer: lumilacra Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Apr 2014 11:43 AM Title: Chapter 1

just finished all chapters so far and i have to say that it's a such a good story. can't wait to see more of it :)

Reviewer: Loopylisa Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Apr 2014 10:43 PM Title: Chapter 110

Please finish, I am waiting with bated breath and will pass out soon x

Reviewer: joshuasmom131 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Apr 2014 9:57 PM Title: Chapter 110

Are you going to be finishing this story I just finished an need more lol it's a very well written story please I hope you finish it

Reviewer: firebird125 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14 Apr 2014 8:57 AM Title: Chapter 3

Another great chapter

Reviewer: firebird125 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14 Apr 2014 8:47 AM Title: Chapter 2

Great story.I love Edward"s confidence.

Reviewer: firebird125 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14 Apr 2014 8:30 AM Title: Chapter 1

I love this story.

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