Series by ForeverLove15

Charlie and Sue want to go out for the night, When up pops Renee with her girl's. Isabella, Katilyn, Jess and Baby Micha. She says she's done being a "mother" while Charlie gets to go out and have a life. She drops the girls and their baggage with him leaving just as quickly as she came. Both adults are stumped as to what to do about it but for now they call up Billy Black to baby sit, Keeping an eye on four girls is hard enough but four girls and a group of teenage wolves is just asking for trouble.




Join the Swan girls and the rest of the gang in this wonderful series of love, trouble pain and our favorite ROMANTICAL WOLVES! 

Parent Series: None
Categories: Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: None
Genre: None
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Happily Ever After
Challenges: None
Stories: 0
Open: Closed [Report This]