Penname: Robsblueeyes [Real name: Jane
Member Since: 10 Dec 2010
Membership status: Member


My name is Jane and I'm a 44 year old single mum from Manchester in the UK. I'm a stay at home mum at the moment but I'm looking for a job, need to pay the bills. I discovered Twilight when the film came out and everyone was raving about the books. The books weren't well known in the UK at all, in fact, you may have found it difficult to find them at all, the film fuelled their popularity. Anyway, I bought the books for my daughter who wanted to know what all the fuss was about. That was 4 years ago and she's never read the books, not one word...I can hear you all gasping in disbelief...I however, devoured them. I couldn't get enough, completely absorbed was an understatement it was the best diet I've been on. I was so consumed by these characters the bare minimum of housework was done, my daughter reminded me every day that she was hungry and I needed to feed her, laundry was done at the last possible moment and the ironing got done on a need to wear obsession was born.

I'm Team Edward, always have been and always will be but Jasper owns a place in my heart too. After reading the books countless times I found both FanFiction and Twilighted through Twitter, some ladies on there were rec'ing some fics and my curiosity got the better of me. One of the first fics I read was Master of the Universe and I'm sure you've all read that one too, another one was Clipped Wings and Inked Armour, another amazing story and thus began my second obsession. I can't get enough, I'm on both sites every day unless the 'puter breaks then I go into withdrawal. Twilighted feeds my need for RP Fics mainly Rob and Jackson, some Kellan works it's way in there too but I read all types. I love slash and polyamorous stories and I've found that you find more of those on here. I've started to write a story myself, the characters popped into my head one day and now they won't leave me alone. I'm not sure that I'm a good enough writer that I'd ever put it out there for others to read, at the moment I'm just enjoying writing it for me.

So that's me, feel free to ask my anything you want to know, you can follow me on Twitter @Janeybo send a request and I'll follow you back, I usually drop in there every day at some point, sometimes I just lurk other times I'll spout complete nonsense, I don't think my followers realise that Janeybo and Robsblueeyes are one and the same person. All the Robporn on there keeps me busy and of course there's 100 Monkeys, Kellan and Peter Facinelli. I'm beginning to think this all might be taking over my life slightly...what life I hear you all cry...ah well, you have to have some pleasures don't you? I may even say it's a guilty one, my daughter would die of shame if she knew all this. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Jane x

TWITTER - @Janeybo    

Beta-reader: No
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Reviews by Robsblueeyes


The boys are ready to start their future together, drama free and full of toys. Having said their ‘I do’s’ they are headed to Greece for their 3 week long honeymoon. What antics can they manage to get up to in a foreign country?

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Edward/Jasper (slash)
Genre: Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Romantic Comedy
Series: Can't wait for an update
Chapters: 18 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 28328 Read Count: 34783
[Report This] Published: 30 Jun 2012 Updated: 22 Oct 2012
Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Jasper was so funny at the water park, he thought he'd be torturing Edward in his speedos and it turned out the other way round, lol. 

Will they be doing demonstrations during these seminars?  If so I want to go to one.......or two, bwahahahaha!!  Loved it!

Jane x

Author's Response:

Oh! There'll be plenty of demos coming up hehe

tb & true


Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 15 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17

Oh. My. God!!  Lol, have their families turned up?  Whoever they are they might be about to get an eyeful.

That was too funny at the drag club, those costumes are hilarious. Damn, I  wouldn't want their hangovers in the morning, bwahahahaha!!

I can't wait for next Monday to see who's surprising them.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Oh my God that was so effin funny.  Jasper's mum pulling Edward's pants back up, just like he was a little boy, hahahaha!  I just laughed the whole way through especially when Edward took the sheets and blankets off the bed so Emmett and Rose wouldn't have any.  There's nothing like a surprise family visit on your honeymoon to make you revert back to being a child.

I've really loved this story, you've had me laughing from beginning to end.  Thank you both for sharing it and I look forward to Edward and Jasper popping up in the future. *crosses fingers and toes*

Jane x

Again & Again by texasbella Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 15]


After a lifetime of love, Emmett has to find a way to live on without Edward. With the help of their daughter, he discovers that it is possible to recapture that love...again and again.

**Entry for The Summer It All Began anonymous slash contest

**The beautiful banner is by JA Mash

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Edward/Emmett (slash)
Genre: Drama, Family, One-Shot, Romance, Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3602 Read Count: 538
[Report This] Published: 08 Jul 2012 Updated: 08 Jul 2012
Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 29 Dec 2012 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Awww, so sad and bittersweet.  Emmett loses the love of his life and regains a son who is the image of Edward.  Alice is right, we keep the ones we've lost alive by remembering and loving them still and talking about them, well isn't that one of the best ways.  I have my pitch fork out for Kristen, lol.

Loved it, thanks for sharing.

Jane x





Jasper dreams of finding "the one." Can a combining of summer camps make his hopes reality? 3rd place popular vote and Judge's Pick in The Summer It All Began contest .

Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Carlisle/Emmett
Genre: Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 19380 Read Count: 1985
[Report This] Published: 14 Jul 2012 Updated: 01 Oct 2012
Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 03 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Wow, you had me grinning like a loon and then you dropped me from a great height and let me crash to the floor in 2009 screaming all the way.  I couldn't believe that, after everything that was said, Edward would go and do something stupid, I mean, surely not.  Thank god you picked me back up and sat me down to watch them put this right.  Edward didn't do something stupid, well he did but it wasn't the type of stupid I was thinking about and you know what that was don't you, you little minx you, lol.    All you can really accuse Edward of is losing his confidence after a devastating event, I think everyone can forgive him for that.  I'm so glad they're, ironically, locked in that closet working things out.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 03 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Awww, poor Carlisle.  He definitely needs to concentrate on one thing at once.  Trouble is which one should he concentrate on first, job, somewhere to live or Emmett?  It should be somewhere to live and job but it doesn't always work out like that.

I'm thinking that Emmett never pursued anything with Carlisle for fear of ruining a fantastic friendship.  If things went wrong it could affect them all.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 03 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

So Emmett's thinking he's not worthy, not that they might ruin their friendship.  Didn't he learn anything from Jasper and Edward's situation?  Now what does Jasper have up his sleeve?

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 03 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Well thank god Jasper could get through to Emmett I don't think I could take much more of Emmett and Carlisle's annoying behaviour, lol, but then you always hurt the one you love the most.

Now, why is Carlisle screaming?

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 03 Nov 2012 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Awww, finally they've both confessed what they've been feeling for all these years, better late than never.  I love that Jasper and Edward got to lock them in the cabin after they were locked in a closet all those years ago, lol.  I'm so happy for them all, that they've each found their 'one'.

I really loved this little story of yours and I'm glad that you expanded on that first chapter.  You always write these characters so well, I get lost in their lives.  Thank you for sharing.

Jane x



What happens when you end up stuck in an elevator when leaving work on a Friday night with the man of your lust filled fantasies?

Slash one shot written especially for a great friend, DelphiusFanfic on her birthday.

Nominated for Best Slash in Fandom Choice Awards.

Categories: Twilight, All Human, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Carlisle/Emmett
Genre: Drama, Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 25728 Read Count: 3125
[Report This] Published: 14 Jul 2012 Updated: 19 Aug 2013
Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10 Aug 2013 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

I can't believe she took his phone.  I know I said that Bella should take a step back and I'm still thinking that but I'm now thinking that Emmett needs to be a little bit more assertive with her, lol.  I'm glad Carlisle annoyed her enough for her to give him Emmett's address, that was a good move on her part as nothing is going to get sorted until they talk, which is about to happen.  It feels wrong to say I'm looking forward to what Emmett has to say because it's going to be upsetting, but I am and he needs to face his demons.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 23 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Wow, I really like this.  Carlisle is such a surprise, he seemed so mild to begin with but now he has Emmett in his apartment he's like a man possessed, lol, a wolf in sheeps clothing and Emmett is his lamb to the slaughter.....well not quite, but you get the idea I hope.

I like Rose, she's funny and has no filter.  I've only ever said 'I like Rose' in one other review, she's one of my least favourite characters so it's a nice change to be able to say that.

Jane x

Author's Response:

Hi Jane,

Thanks for reading and reviewing, so glad that you liked this. Carlisle, yeah he is certainly not the gentleman that he appears once behind closed doors with the man that he has lusted after for so long! I mean can you blame him??

Rose is someone that I wanted people to like, outwardly people will see them together and assume, as Emmett did that they are a couple but nope!

I hope you continue to love this, I have more coming up.


Lou x x x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 23 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

You big tease with Emmett's dream, gah!!

Lol, 'I don't kiss on the first date.'  Such a tease.  I'm sure Carlisle wouldn't be judging Emmett on the size of his apartment......the size of something else maybe, bwahahahahaha!!

Jane x

Author's Response:

Oh Jane!

You have made me laugh so much! Yeah the dream... well.... I couldn't get them outta the bedroom and as much as I love that side of things, they needed to be normal. Well as normal as they can be!

Their first date will be interesting that is for sure! And Carlisle, judge size?? *SNORTS*


Lou x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 23 Oct 2012 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Carlisle's certainly gone on Emmett, he's been watcing him for quite some time and now he has him in his clutches, lol.  Carlisle wanted to be more of a gentleman with Emmett but things didn't turn out that way so I hope their date goes to plan.  I hope, as well, that Carlisle turns out to be everything that Emmett's ever wanted and he doesn't go back to all his one night stands.

Lol, Sam thinks he knows something but he really couldn't be wider of the mark.

Jane x

Author's Response:

Hello again!

Carlisle sure is head over heels for this one, I mean who wouldn't be! You are quite right, that night was not how how he wanted it to be for their first night together to be. Their date??? Hmmm I have an evil streak a mile wide in me *GRINS*.

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 20 Apr 2013 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Oh my God!  What happened to Emmett to make him withdraw like this? Whatever it is he needs to talk to someone because he'll never be able to out run it.  The date started so well.  Lol, both of them having first date meltdowns on what to wear and then both of them being late.  I hope Carlisle doesn't give up on Emmett.

I'm so glad you're back.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 Jul 2013 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Emmett really needs to talk to Carlisle.  I'm sure he didn't mean what he said in the message he's hurt, confused and probably a little angry that Emmett's been ignoring him.  I hope Bella doesn't lay into him too much, after all he doesn't know about Emmett's past.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 16 Jul 2013 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

I understand that Bella needed her say and needed to protect Emmett but maybe if she'd made Emmett answer the phone and speak with Carlisle then Carlisle could have apologised and they could be on their way to talking about what happened.  Both Carlisle and Emmett have strong women watching over them and protecting them which is really good and nice but sometimes they're going to have to take a step back and let them get on with it.

Jane x

3 Up...3 Down by samekraemer Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 738]
Summary: Past Featured Story


A baseball pitcher, a catcher, and a fact checker/aspiring writer.  If love is so hard for two people, can three possibly make it work?  Edward Cullen has two problems…First, he’s in a secret relationship with his catcher that’s very contentious at times.  Second, his high school girlfriend, his first everything, is back in town.  Will the three strike out or will it be the ultimate homerun?

This story is a poly/slash story.  If that’s not your cup of tea, then I’d urge you to find something else because it begins with a bang, literally.  Edward and Jasper play semi-pro baseball, so there will be some baseball-related action, but it’s not a full-on sports story.  There will be a bit of violence and talk of domestic violence, but I’ve tried to be sensitive and will post a warning in those chapters.  At its heart, it’s a love story.  It’s just not a conventional one.


E/J/B and the rest of the cast.  Alice gets someone, too.  Very OOC/Sex/Some violence (nothing sexual)/Rated NC-17 for sex/language/ adult situations.


Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/Edward/Jasper
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Risqué
Series: Stories I've Already read
Chapters: 69 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 215194 Read Count: 222611
[Report This] Published: 22 Jul 2012 Updated: 06 Aug 2012
Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - The Starting Line-Up Pt. 3

Big shock for Bella.  Alistair was an abusive dickhead and I can't believe Bella stayed with him for so long, I know some women find it hard to leave their abusive partners but if they hit you once, likelihood is they'll do it again.  Thank God she did eventually get away from him with Alice's help.

I hope Bella thinks about this proposal of Edward's and Jasper's very carefully.  Whatever they decide will take work and patience.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - The Starting Line-Up

Edward's right his and Jasper's relationship isn't the healthiest but it seems, after heir argument, Jasper's willing to try harder.  He's been very selfish so far, now he feels threatened by Bella, he has to do something to keep his man and obviously Edward means more to him than maybe he'd like to, or is ready to admit.

I love poly stories, you'll find no arguments from me, lol I'm such a perv.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - The Starting Line-Up Pt. 2

I'm still going with my thinking that Jasper feels more for Edward than he's saying and hoping that he's not just in this relationship to be 'taken care of'.  He clearly still wants to be with Edward, he has to feel something or else he'd just walk, he wouldn't go to all the trouble of trying to change for nothing.  C'mon Jasper don't be a dickhead all your life.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4 - The Warm Up

Jealousy and possessiveness are going to be their major points of contention in this.  It's all well and good them saying that they'll have to be open and honest with each other but truly, how many people are actually that open and honest with the ones they love?  It's human nature to keep things back so you don't hurt the ones you love too much, it takes a huge amount of guts, trust, faith and love to be completely honest.

I'm looking forward to see how they work this out.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - The Warm Up Pt. 2

Jesus effin Christ!!  Two men going down on you at the same time.....*jumps up and down screaming 'me next'*  I'm lost for words, that was so hot.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6 - The Warm Up Pt. 3

Jealousies are bound to surface as they sort out their relationship but one thing I think they should do is all sleep together at night.  I think if two sleep together at night and one is on their own then jealousy will become more of a problem.  When I say sleep I mean sleep of the snoring, dreaming variety, lol.

By spending each night in bed together it'll give them time to unwind, talk, cuddle and re-affirm their connections to each other without necessarily getting physical.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7 - She's Gone

Jasper not only surprises Edward he surprises himself as well.  Would he now say he's bi-sexual or would he still class himself as a gay man?  Interesting question.

I hope Bella comes back soon.  Edward's right they'll have to drug her to allow them to buy her stuff, especially a car, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - She's Gone Pt. 2

Steam rollered are the words that come to mind, lol.  I think that's possibly one of the best ways to deal with Bella and her uber independent ways.  Isn't it always the case when you have no money everything you have breaks and needs replacing, I know that feeling well.  I'm glad they've come for her.  Will Edward visit his parents whilst he's there?  How's he going to explain their relationship to them?

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9 - She's Gone Pt;. 3

Lol, I think Bella's found a new career, she could take bitch lessons from Rosalie.

I can't believe they've only just got together and now they're going to be split apart.  Lol, it's a good job Jasper's not offended about being called a whore.  I'm so happy that both Edward and Jasper have told each they love one another, awww.  This time apart for them is going to be hard.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10 - Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Lol, I think he can, I'll find out in a bit anyway.  I bet that's the last time that Jasper has a bet with Edward about Bella and her Swan Call, hahahaha!!

I can't believe that Jasper's still admitting that he might stray if he was left to his own devices.  Surely, knowing what he'd be jeapordising would give him the incentive to stay on the straight and narrow.

Edward's going to be so lonely without them.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11 - Take Me Out...Pt. 2

Things are getting hectic for these three.  What will they do now their story has changed?  Thanks to Embry, Bella is now Jasper's girlfriend, not his manager.  Where Edward and Bella seen together as girlfriend and boyfriend, I can't remember?  Will Emby say anything to anyone else especially if Bella reverts back to being Edward's girlfriend.  Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to decieve.  That's the second time I've said that today.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12 - Welcome Home

Bella certainly does have voodoo, she performed a miracle on Jasper and turned him into a different person, I'm surprised Edward didn't go back to the airport to see if he'd left the real Jasper there, lol. 

Does Bella really need therapy?  She seems to be handling what happened to her, she's not jumpy or terrified of men or anything.  In fact the only person she seems to have a problem with is her own brother, Emmett.  Why is she making out that she doesn't need him or his help?

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13 - Welcome Home...Pt. 2 hot.......need to lie down......

Rosalie knows, bwahahahahaha!!

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 02 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14 -Occasions

Awww, Bella's in for such a surprise.  I hope she likes all her gifts.  Rosalie certainly lays down the law doesn't she, I'm glad she's going to try and get the boys back on a team together.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 03 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15 - Occasions Pt. 2

I should thing the green eyed monster will rear its ugly head quite a few more times as well.

I'm wondering who's been following our intrepid trio and what they're after, is if just money or is there more to it?  Does Jasper's old agent have anything to do with this?  Why was he dropped so suddenly, is that normal?  Hmmm, intriguing.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 03 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16 - Date Nights

I hope they weren't followed on their date.  Edward needs to tell them about the photographs before one them finds them in the drawer.

It seems that little jealousies are going to keep surfacing all the time, the trick will be not to let them fester and develop into bigger ones.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 03 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17 - Date Nights Pt. 2

These three really need to talk because each one of them is thinking that they're spoiling things for the others.  It suddenly occurred to me that the stalker might be the reporter that Bella's fact checking for, she might hold a grudge after her last story being pulled.

Jane c

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 03 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 18 - Date Nights Pt. 3

They really do need to have that talk.  Jasper's had all night to think about what Edward said about having kids, being a family.  Things are going to get complicated and if two of them end up getting married there's definitely going to be jealousy, not to mention who gets to father the first child because I think Bella would love to have both their children.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 03 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 19: Chapter 19 - Details

I can't believe that Edward still hasn't told them about the photo's.  Has he had that meeting with the investigator yet?  I'm thinking more and more that L C Waters has something to do with this. 

Another thing I can't believe is that Bella and her dark towel won't sleep with Edward and Jasper during her period.  After everything they've done and continue to do she's embarrassed or unsettled by this?  The fact that a woman has a period be it heavy or light is not a surprise to the guys.  What if she did marry one of them is she going to always sleep in a separate bed at that time?  A lot of men love menstrual sex, she may find one of her kinky boys likes the idea, but then if she's looking for a break from sex it's probably best to dig out those Bridget Jones knickers, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 03 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 20 - Details Pt. 2

Does Jacob have something to do with this as well?  He's always going on about them being a couple.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 04 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 21: Chapter 21 - Details Pt. 3

Oh my God!  Poor Edward.  Why has Leah changed her name?  Is it just for reporting or something else?  Does Seth know this?  I am just assuming that in this story Seth and Leah are still related.

Lol, I love Carlisle and Esme, the fact that they knew about Edward and Bella whilst they were in high school is just a bonus, bwahahahaha, Bella will be so embarrassed when he tells her especially the comment about the bed and matress, lol.  No sex for the three of them at Thanksgiving then, could you imagine the noise they'd make.  Edward's parents would need ear defenders. *snort*

Carlisle and Esme are so understanding and accepting, I love them.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 04 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 22: Chapter 22 - When Panic Sets In

Wow!  So is whoever it is really after Jasper and not Edward?  If Bella's the reason for this attack then it could be both Jasper and Edward that the stalker person's after.  Edward really needs to call that investigator.  Oh, and Bella really needs to knee Jasper in the balls for that leaving shit.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 04 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 23: Chapter 23 - When Panic Sets In Pt. 2

You tell him Esme!  I'm glad that Esme said what she did.  As much as Jasper hurt Bella with his leaving crap, I think he needed to actually come to this point for it to finally sink in that he is loved, wanted and accepted.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 04 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 24: Chapter 24 - Unexpected Skills

I'm glad that Jasper's put Bella's mind at rest about not leaving.  Babies, now there's something for Jasper to think about.  I suppose he never really thought about it before not being in a comitted relationship, but now things are different the question is will he be able to imagine a little baby that's half Bella and half Jasper?  I think so.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 04 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 25: Chapter 25 - Unexpected Skills Pt. 2

God I wish I could cut, I think a little role play is in order.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 04 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 26: Chapter 26 - Unexpected Skills Pt. 3

I'm so glad that Edward is on the mend and that Jasper's opening up more about his past and worries.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 04 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 27: Chapter 27 - Road Trip!

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  Loved this chapter, still laughing, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 04 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 28: Chapter 28 - Road Trip! Pt. 2

Oh my God, is Edward completely oblivious to what his parents are up to? Lol.  Carlisle and Esme are priceless and if I was Bella or Jasper I'd want to live there all the time just for the entertainment value.

Jasper might need to pull out his gay card if the cousins get too much, hehe!  They'll be gutted.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 04 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 29: Chapter 29 - Road Trip! Pt. 3

Again Carlisle and Esme are priceless and Edward's embarrassment is so funny, bless him he had no idea about Mistress Esme, lol. 

Okay, so I know, obviously, that our guys are all in a relationship together but at leas they're not related.  The cousins suggesting that Jasper should be with twins......well they're just sick, call me a prude if you like but I wouldn't want to share my sex life with my twin.....if I had one.....twin that is.......and sex life come to that, hahaha!!  They are the twisted twins.

I'd forgotten about Embry.  If the police can't identify the fingerprints then I take it the person they belong to doesn't have a criminal record.  If that's the case then won't Edward need to give them more information about who he thinks might have attacked him?  It still doesn't necessarily have to come out that he's in a poly relationship.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 04 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 30: Chapter 30 - The Price of Good Intentions

Wow!  I wasn't expecting it to be Rosalie who had the photos taken.  Emmett is such a dickhead, I can't believe the way he reacted.  It's quite clear that the only people Emmett and Rosalie care about are themselves.

What else did Alistair do to Bella?  I get the feeling that whatever he did is going to send Edward over the deep end, I'm taking it that Jasper's not told him what Alice said.

At least they don't have to worry about the photos now.......Edward might want to keep his head down about that one though, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 31: Chapter 31 - TPOGI Pt. 2

Ooooh, my head's spinning.  Riley's mum is obviously the woman that Leah was doing the story on and Bella was doing the fact checking for.  I'm taking it that Riley's boyfriend is James and Vic is the 'girlfriend', why doesn't Riley just tell him that Vic took the money?  Too simple?  Yeah, probably.  Anyway as I don't have to wait for the update I'm off to find out more.  I really think Jasper should tell Edward and Bella about this before it comes back to bite him on the arse.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 32 - TPOGI Pt. 3

Oh my God!  This is going to be interesting.  Alice is such a perv keep asking to watch Bella and the guys, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 33: Chapter 33 - TPOGI Pt 4

Well I was way off.  Kind of divine retribution if it's Jacob.  I mean how would he explain to everyone that he has a fiancee and a boyfriend.  Talk about double standards.  He must think that somehow he's untouchable.  I can't believe that he behaved like that in front of Sue but then she seemed frightened, is he intimidating her?

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 34: Chapter 34 - Spring Fling

Lol, they never seem to get any peace do they.  Now they're going to be tip toeing around Kate and Garrett, it's to be hoped that she's not one of those women that just walks through your front door without knocking first, lol, God knows what she'd stumble across if she did.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 35: Chapter 35 - Spring Fling Pt 2

I hope they can get Jacob and prove that it was him that attacked Edward and Bella.

Why does Edward feel the need to ignore Jasper when he's telling him what to pitch?  He knows that Jasper's right, is just ego?  If Jasper can't prove that he gets the best out of Edward he could be off the team and it will be Edward's fault for dicking about, I think Jasper should lay it on the line for him.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 36: Chapter 36 - Spring Fling Pt. 3

Oooooh Garrett knows.  Now you'd think women, being the way we are, would notice more and Kate would have picked up on something by now, but then there's none so blind as those who won't see.  Kate probably isn't going to stop her 'get Jasper fixed up' campaign until someone blows up at her.  I'm so glad that Garrett is okay with everything.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 37: Chapter 37 - WHAT?!

Oh my, is Irina after Bella?  I bet she is.

So now we know Jacob likes his relationships a little more complicated just like our intrepid trio but his girl isn't as broad minded or open as Bella.  Leah must actually have very low self esteem to stay with someone so controlling and abusive to women.

Coffee with Kate could be interesting, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 38: Chapter 38 - WHAT?! Pt. 2

Lol, Irina was after Bella, I was right.  I'm glad that Bella gave her that information on Leah and Jacob but now I'm wondering if Jacob's in Florida and our intrepid trio are all on their way there, will he be rearing his ugly head again?  Oh, and where's Riley?

I'm glad that Edward got Jasper thinking about a future because he probably would just stick with staying the way they are and deep down he wants more, he wants it all just like Edward and Bella do.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 39: Chapter 39 - Complete Insanity

Oh you.  You keep throwing us those curve balls don't you and this one's in the shape of Renee, woohoo, not. Lol.  I bet Bella's really happy about this.  Will they tell her about their relationship?  She's crazy anyway so maybe she'll be okay with it, then again she could go completely the other way.  Is Emmett going to be gracious and re-build his relationship, such as it was, with Bella?

I think the guys should give real consideration to having kids but they should remember there's no great rush and they could afford to wait a couple of years yet, by which time they might be more settled anyway.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 40: Chapter 40 - Complete Insanity Pt. 2

Oh my God!  I can't believe Renee.  Does that woman have no morals whatsoever?  I'm glad Phil stood up to her and told her he wouldn't do it.  That woman needs her head testing.  I can't wait for Jacob to get his comeuppance, he's been getting away with shit for far too long.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 05 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 41: Chapter 41 - The Keys to Happiness

Well that sorts Irina and Alice out.  I would have thought that Alice would have thought about being with Seth and what that might mean for their future a bit more, especially as she'd been in a lesbian relationship prior to going out with Seth.  I'm glad she's finally happy and I hope this doesn't add Alice to Jacob's shit list or Leah's come to that.

Life for the guys seems to be settling down a little more.  Doesn't Jasper miss playing baseball at all?  I bet Edward misses him like mad.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 42: Chapter 42 - The Keys to Happiness Pt. 2

I think they're either proposing or having something like a committment ceremony.

Edward was a bit slow on the uptake about his parents and the attic, lol, bless him I suppose his mind was trying to protect him, bwahahahaha!!

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 43: Chapter 43 - The Keys to Happiness Pt 3

Awww, that was so sweet, lovely and perfect.  I love how they're oblivious of everything and and everyone around them when they're together, lol, at least they got a little of their own back on Carlisle and Esme.  Seeing as though Edward has been calling Bella Mrs Cullen will any of them change their names?  They could change it to Whitlock-Cullen or Cullen-Whitlock, I think incorporating Swan would be going too far, lol.  If they did change their names then their kids would all have the same surname and, though it's sad to say, it might help them be more accepted in society.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 44: Chapter 44 - Mystically Yours

Awww, poor Jasper.  Things are tough for them all at the moment but it will all be worth it in the end.  It's just so sad that he's being left behind, I want to wrap him in my arms and give him a great big cuddle, lol, maybe some other things as well, bwahahaha!!

Things seem to be picking up for Bella.  Her pen name's funny.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 45: Chapter 45 - Mystically Yours Pt. 2

Is Bella pregnant?  I think she is.  She has all the signs of a pre-menstrual woman who's period's late.

I think they'll all be a lot happier once they can all be together and stop running around the country, it's so draining.

I'm looking forward to Carlisle and Esme coming to stay, hehe!!

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 46: Chapter 46 - Mystically Yours Pt 3

Well it's fifty fifty but I'm going to put my money on Edward.

What's going on with him?  Has Jacob reared his ugly head again or is something else going on?  I'm glad Bella and Emmett are trying to get along.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 06 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 47: Chapter 47 - Fallout

There has to be more to this outburst from Edward.  He surely wouldn't have done this just because Bella's been a bit moody and he hasn't been getting any.  Does he think that Bella doesn't love him anymore and wants out of their relationship?  Or does he think that Bella just wants to be with Jasper and not him?  That's all I can think of.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 48: Chapter 48 - Fallout Pt. 2

I'm glad that Edward's going to fight for his family.  I don't really agree with the way Jasper's handled all of this.  I'm all for a short sharp shock and making someone realise what they're about to lose which I think leaving the house served to do.  To go further and say that he'd marry Bella properly and they'd bring up the baby together is a step too far.

Couples do stupid things and threesomes are no different.  Edward has done a really stupid thing, or two, but they need to listen to Edward tell them what he did and why before they try and convict him.  They all promised to be honest and talk about things and now Jasper is denying them the opportunity because he's angry.  They all have their own part to play in this meltdown that's going on because they didn't talk about what was going on and what they were feeling.  At this point I feel really sorry for Edward, he's the one that stands to lose everything because the three of them haven't been open and honest.  I hope he can force Jasper and Bella to listen to him.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 49: Chapter 49 - Fallout Pt. 3

Well, I'm certainly glad that Bella was prepared to listen and managed to keep her snark under control with the help of the baby in her head, lol.

Jasper's going to be a tough customer but he better pull his head out of his arse and listen because, just like I said, this has all happened because none of them were being honest and talking properly. *raises eyebrow*

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 50: Chapter 50 - Working out the Kinks

Thank God for that, all is right with the world once more, lol.  I must admit I thought Jasper was going to be a tougher cookie than that but he missed Edward and, after everything, he still loved him.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 51: Chapter 51 - WotK Pt. 2

Awwww, so cute.  I was very lucky during my pregnancy, no morning sickness, no mood swings, no weird cravings and horny as hell all the way through, lol.  Only three things got me down, that all consuming tiredness in the first few months, permanent heartburn and, strangely, itchy nipples for about a week now that shit was embarrassing, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 52: Chapter 52 - He Loves Me...He Loves Me Not

Being pregnant is a scary time.  All those different things happening to your body and then the baby growing inside you becoming it's own little person.  The thought and then realisation that you will be totally responsible for all of that babys needs and wants without it being able to tell you, that's really scary.  What Bella's thinking and feeling at the moment is completely natural and I would say, at some point in every woman's pregnancy, we all have these thoughts and doubts.  The only way to get through is by one day at a time and then before you know it you're fifteen years down the line and by some miracle you survived only to be thrown into another kind of hell......don't do it Bella, don't do it!!  Lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 53: Chapter 53 - He Loves Me...He Loves Me Not Pt. 2

Esme's really suffering, bless her.  I can't believe she's sat their with a fan on and fanning herself further with a file, she must be on fire.

Renee was really a piece of work and this type of neglect is going to take Bella a long time to come to terms with.  I hope the boys can help her but there's only so much they can do, the rest will have to come from Bella and learning to change her own thought processes and actions.  It'll be a long road.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 54: Chapter 54 - He Loves Me...He Loves Me Not Pt. 3

I feel a little sad for Edward finishing his baseball career early but there was no way he could go on with the separations from both Bella and Jasper and when the baby comes along things will be a little more difficult until everything settles down.  He's made the right decision, I think he'll miss it but I hope he doesn't regret going early.

I hope that Bella's beginning to feel better about herself.  Edward was right to say the she needs to tell them what she needs, I mean, after all they are just boys and they can be pretty useless at spotting things, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 55: Chapter 55 - Who's Your Daddy?

Awwww, I'm still sticking with Edward.  Despite Bella's threats it'll be Jasper's turn next time, lol, or the other way round if I've got it wrong.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 56: Chapter 56 - Who's Your Daddy Pt. 2

Awww, Ben's such a good baby for them.  They're all anxious to get their lives back to how they were with a slight difference, lol. 

Yeah, why does it always happen that you get glamorous looking visitors when you're not at your best, it's always the way, lol.  It was so good of Alice and Irina to offer to babysit for them all so they could go out.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 57: Chapter 57 - Who's Your Daddy? Pt. 3

Doh!  I got it wrong so I'm really hoping that this new little baby's Edwards.

Lol, how very.........perceptive of Edward to think of Bella's period when she was pissed off at Jasper and not being very reasonable.  I tried very hard there not to use the word, stereotypical. *snort*

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 58: Chapter 58 - Life's Lessons

I'm so glad that Jasper and his dad made their peace.  It's so sad that it came at the end of his life.  His dad knows what he's missed out on and he likely regrets his decision to keep Jasper out of his life.  It's such a shame that Ben Sr couldn't offer an olive branch to his son all those years ago instead of just watching him on tv.  Now I hope that his mum doesn't let this go on any longer and is willing to rebuild her relationship with Jasper, that's as long as Jasper's willing also.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 59: Chapter 59 - Life's Lessons Pt. 2

Wow!  Caroline's friends have some.......issues.  I'm so glad that she stood up them to all her friends, I have no doubt that they'll all be the talk of the town for a while and Caroline will have lost some of them but then who needs narrow minded bigots for friends anyway, the true ones will stick by her.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 60: Chapter 60 - Life's Lessons Pt. 3

Jasper's like a little Boy Scout, 'always be prepared'.  Lol, ever forward thinking he'd cleared the attic so he and Edward could just jump each others bones until his mum comes back.  They'd better open a window or the whole house will reak of sex, bwahahahaha!!

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 61: Chapter 61 - Uncomfortable Conversations

Bwahahahahaha!!  Jasper was so mortified, it was hilarious.  Poor, poor Caroline still thinking of sex as chore.  She needs a man who knows what he's doing so he can take her to heaven and see the stars.  Lol, so funny that Bella's turned this back on Jasper, more awkward sex ed lessons in reverse, hahaha!

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 62: Chapter 62 - Ch...Ch...Changes

I'm sticking my neck out here, I think the baby will be a girl.  My daughter was always very active before she was born but when she heard her daddy's voice she'd go crazy.  So from Bella's bumps reactions to it's daddies touches and voices I'm saying me be wrong now, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 63: Chapter 63 - Ch...Ch...Changes Part 2

Woohoo!  I got it right.....and no I didn't peep at any reviews, I don't want to spoil the story.  Now what are they going to call her?  If they're going to name her after someone I think it should be Elizabeth after Edward's grandma.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 64: Chapter 64 - Ch...Ch...Changes Pt. 3

I hope he does this, he's clearly not happy with his job right now.  He took the job to be at home with his family but he's still had to go away a lot.  Bella and Jasper can do their jobs anywhere.  The only tricky time will be when Ben has to start full time school.  I don't know how old your kids are when they start school but here it's age 4, bless 'em.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 65: Chapter 65 - Bottom of the Ninth

Lol, I'm sorry but I had to laugh at Jasper's knees popping when he stood up and then limping to Edward, ahhh age, it comes to us all.

I'm so happy that Edward is getting live his dream.  I'm still laughing at Jasper though, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 66: Chapter 66 - Bottom of the Ninth Pt. 2

Wow!  That was time jump.

Ahhh, the joys of teenagers, especially teenage girls, grrrr!  It's only fitting that they each have a child that looks like them, it's only fair.  I like that all the kids are a real mix of all of them.  Lol, Edward and Bella laughing at Jasper and Lex going on their battlefield tour, they're like big kids laughing at the nerds, hahahaha!!

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 67: Chapter 67 - Epilogue

Awww, see it just goes to show that with a little bit of love and work any type of relationship can last.  Why does nobody like the ass that Lex is supposed to be marrying?  Has she changed her mind?  I think they'll just lover her more if she does, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 68: Chapter 68 - Epilogue Pt. 2

Lol, their lives just keep throwing them those curve balls don't they, hahaha!!

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 08 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 69: Chapter 69 - Epilogue Pt. 3

Awww, I've really loved this story and I'm really glad that you continued with it even though you were unsure.  Thank you so much for sharing it.

Edward, Bella and Jasper had such a deep connection and despite conventional society they weren't willing to let it go and lose it.  If something's right for you then it's right and it's nobody elses business but your own.  They brought up three healthy, well adjusted, more than normal *snort* kids, taught them right from wrong and all the other important values in life.  Their 'unconventional' relationship was a complete success and better than most 'normal' marriages but most of all they just loved each other to bits.

I'm sad to say goodbye to them.

Jane x

Last To Know by TBandJelly Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 214]

Summary:  One day, three missent texts and four couples... secrets spilled and relationships kindled but who will be the last to know? A soap opera of fanfic proportions. Rated M for language and slashy lemons. Written for the Drabble Wars DYAC Prompt challenge.

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Other Misc Char or Pairings(nc)
Genre: Family, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: G8or Favor8s Read
Chapters: 27 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 12626 Read Count: 13126
[Report This] Published: 27 Jul 2012 Updated: 28 Jul 2012
Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

How on earth do you lose four phones?  Scatterbrained isn't in it, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Lol, Alice has Emmett wrapped around her little finger.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Oh my God that has to be one of worst texts you could mis-send, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

'Surprise!!'  Lol, will it be a 'surprise' or a giant 'shock' for Carlisle and Esme, not only are they going to become grandparents but their son is gay and their youngest daughter could be about to start dating a 21 year old boy and I use the word 'boy' loosely, bwahahahaha!!

Hope you've got the ambulance on standby.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Oh my, Jasper the Charmer.  I have to wonder though why a 21 year old would be interested in a 16 year old.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Say it all Jake, say it all, lol.  I never thought I'd be saying (writing) this but Jake and Emmett are effin hot, lol.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Sorry, did I miss something?  Does Esme already know about Emmett or is this something else?

Awww, Bella's getting married and having a baby, big changes for her then.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Jasper the Charmer sure is a fast worker, lol.  I think Alice might need to keep herserlf buckled in for this ride.

God, it's all happening to the Cullen kids. *snort*

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Oh this just gets better and better.  Sarah's her best friend and Jake's mum, lol, enough said.  The boys aren't as stealthy as they'd like to think, bwahahahaha!!

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Ahh, don't sweat it boys they already know.  Lol, how evil is Esme?  I bet she loved doing that, I know I'd be killing myself laughing on my way back downstairs.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Ok so I take it that Sarah owns the horses as well.  Oh there's going to be some fun and games.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Wow, Jake certainly didn't hang around.  I think he's spot on though with Esme's reaction.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Lololololololololololol!! Oh my God I think I just wet myself laughing, *snort* poor Emmett.  On the bright side all he has to do now is tell Esme what she already knows.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14

God I love these two, best parent in the world.  Their family is like a comedy show.

Jane x

Reviewer: Robsblueeyes Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 25 Aug 2012 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Lol, how could he not notice the love bites.  It's only natural to be worried that Jake might not be as serious about this with him only having girlfriends before.  I suppose that time will only convince those that have doubts.

Will Sarah be telling Esme about the horses, will she know that one is for Alice?  Esme's had quite a day of it today, lol.

Jane x