Penname: Balti K [Real name: karina
Member Since: 25 Jan 2010
Membership status: Member

Hmmm... what do you want to know about me? Let's see,

I'm 31 years old and live in Baltimore MD, aka MobTown, aka Charm City. I moved here 5 years ago for a job and have really grown to love this dirty blue collar town. The only downsides are the high crime rate, the lack of state parks within 20 minutes drive from my house, and oh yeah, Johns Hopkins University undergrads who live in my neighborhood and make my life difficult. (Great place for graduate studies, or if you are going into music at Peabody Conservatory, but for the general undergrad experience, I prefer my small liberal arts school where we were expected to Think Independently and apply knowledge, not regurgitate bullshit for an exam.)

I work in molecular biology, doing research. My lab focuses on Retinoblastoma, a pediatric eye cancer. I really am a mad scientista!

I got turned onto this site and I adore reading all the stuff out there. Some of the writers here are really talented. However, it is my personal pet peeve that people don't use proper english and constantly misuse "your and you're; there, their, and they're; affect and effect," among many others. I'm more than happy to read for people and help work out the typos anytime. Just message me and we'll work it out.

I recently started writing my own story with a co-writer, Pheonix1855, and a side shot to the original story: Obsessed and Victims of Rage. Come check us out, I'm now totally addicted to reviews and it's made me review so much more than I ever used to.

I'm in an 9 year LTR with a great guy who puts up with all my shit, as well as all the hours I spend reading other people's work. I have a completely cracked sense of humor and absolutely no filter. It gets me in trouble but seems to amuse people.

Anything else? Guess you'll just have to ask yourself if you're that curious.

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