Favorite Authors
1. A Cullen Wannabe
2. amoredjenaue
3. AngelGoddess1981
4. bannerday
5. Belindella
6. ButterflyBetty
7. clpsuperstar
8. Dishie

hey!  figured i'd give TWCS a shot - ffn is really pissing me off these days (as always lol).  can't wait to see what comes next.

9. Emmamama88
10. eternally addicted
11. FictionFreak

i hope to see all your works here at some point :) jo

12. jaxon 22
13. KitsuShel
14. les16
15. lmlx8
16. Lolo Eighty-Four
17. momma2fan
18. Nolebucgrl

Hi baby!  thought i'd come join you over here - guess i need to get used to this site - dumbasses...



19. prose817

glad to see you here, girl!  FF is going bust and i didn't want to lose you!

20. samekraemer
21. SexylexiCullen
22. SoapyMayhem
23. TrueEnglishRose
24. tufano79

just got all your posts from ffn.  they are freaking idiots to allow themselves to lose an author like you.  i'll follow you here from now on :)