Favorite Authors
2. Missus T
3. rbsschess
4. rmcrms5

I first found you on fanfiction, but am so happy to have found you here! I have been pulled right in with The Perfect Wife. I absolutely love that story. Though it at times makes me sick, there is something so terrifyingly tantalizing with tPW that you just need to keep reading. Thank you for your courage to write something that some may not approve of. Loved re-reading tPW, and am looking forward to catching up on your other works.

Please keep on entertaining and intriguing us!


5. Robshandmonkey

Hell what's to say but that I fuckin' love your pervy mind and the writings that come from it! Can't believe I waited this long to "favorite" you. ~drops eyes in shame, as she pushes her toe through the dirt while her hands are clasped behind her back~ Sorry!

Love you!


6. Shadow Masen

Pulled me in with your first fic, now I am hooked with your second one!

7. WeeKittyAndTAT