Favorite Authors
1. ADAdancer

my bad boy 

2. AlicecullensBFF

one where bella's mum kills someone

3. ammNI

eating problem

4. Anadabyel

greese gang

5. aricullen1134

bella a menchanic

6. ayngyl22


7. Balti K


8. beatlerosie

rose and alice

9. Breath-of-twilight

naughty skool girl

10. chartwilightmom
11. chickson34


12. citizencullen25


13. EternallyCullen


14. Fates-Love-Queen

bella + alice


15. FictionFreak

love it lots

16. Footroza

love it

17. Frogie48
18. funkydiva1978

one where bella comes home and thinks edward has cheated opn her

19. IrishLove

brillent love

20. Jennmc75

jasper and bella

21. Jonesn
22. katmom

woulda coulda shoulda

23. KitsuShel

bella finds a child on the street

24. Kris Salvador

meet on a train

25. lambcullen


26. lionlovesthelamb17

edward is malifal- cnt spell it 

27. marcie21


28. MissKingAtYourService

multipable personality

29. MrsEdwardCullenP

police - edward

bella - doctor

30. smmiskimen

stockholm sydrome

31. SnarkySnarky

relly good

32. teambella23

got to read


33. Thaigher Lillie

not so avergage

34. TheSpoiltOne

Daddy's little girl

35. tinaababy

edward single dad

36. twilight03

life is hard


37. ugbad25


38. vbfb1

jasper and edward

39. VictoriaRyan26


40. xEdwardsBellax4ever

weired  but good