



Gabriella was an ordinary girl, who left her past behind to start fresh as a Darthmouth student, everything changed with an accident that made her fall into the hands of Carlisle Cullen.

Will she be able to heal her heart and let Edward in? 



Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings, Alternate Universe
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 77405 Read Count: 6023
[Report This] Published: 18 Feb 2014 Updated: 10 Feb 2023
Summary: Past Featured Story




On an ordinary Friday in an ordinary town an ordinary boy meets an extraordinary girl. 


Third place in the 2017 Twi Fic Fandom Awards Undiscovered Gem Category!!




Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings, Alternate Universe
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Read & Enjoyed
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 152022 Read Count: 4574
[Report This] Published: 21 Jan 2018 Updated: 21 Apr 2018

It is possible to recover from a broken heart.

Anything Goes Contest Entry

Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: Drama
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 3756 Read Count: 101
[Report This] Published: 02 Oct 2016 Updated: 02 Oct 2016

Sometimes your future walks into your office one sunny day.

Fandom For Mental Health Awareness

Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: Drama
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 9549 Read Count: 125
[Report This] Published: 02 Oct 2016 Updated: 02 Oct 2016


Just how did Edward convince Bree to come home with him, from Seattle?  

Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: Drama
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1680 Read Count: 209
[Report This] Published: 17 Jun 2016 Updated: 17 Jun 2016
My Morality by ggf83 Rated: M starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 1]



They both have their issues.

Christine is fighting with herself over her growing attraction to a student, knowing that how she is feeling is completely wrong.

Edward is struggling to forgive himself for his past actions toward Bella.

They both need someone else to lean on and love. But they will need to fight their morals to be together.

Companion fic to 'My Pereche'. Edward/OC

Categories: Twilight, Alternate Universe, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: Angst, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 6563 Read Count: 265
[Report This] Published: 08 Feb 2014 Updated: 24 Jan 2016
Hard Conversations by MarieOne Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 1]


A return to town after things did not go as first planned.

Categories: Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 46815 Read Count: 2311
[Report This] Published: 17 Jun 2014 Updated: 03 Jan 2016

This story is mainly just MC-17 explicit material. Please do not read if you do not like any writings of descriptives or of characters vocalizing during the pleasurable acts of this rating.


Bella isn't Edward's, but who is she with? Who is this female named Lizzy that Edward is hanging with and bringing to the house. Why does Alice have someone by her side who has a death wish when he is up against the major. How many places can they get away with doing it in before they are caught? Rose meets a singer.

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Bella/Jasper, Edward/OC
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Family, Friendship, Humor, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: Ageise02 Bella/Jasper stories
Chapters: 15 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 34249 Read Count: 12951
[Report This] Published: 01 Dec 2013 Updated: 07 Dec 2013


Edward hasn't been with a woman in two years, and is looking for a companion. Edward finds himself at the Lonely Hearts Bar. Will Edward find a companion to share his night with? Or, will it turn into more than he bargained for?

Categories: Canon Pairings, Twilight, Non-Canon Pairings, All Human
Characters: Bella/OC, Bella/Edward, Edward/OC
Genre: Drama, Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 20217 Read Count: 1714
[Report This] Published: 21 Aug 2013 Updated: 21 Aug 2013

Entry for Slash Writers Workshop Christmas In My Home Town - set in Leeds, UK.

Edward hated Christmas with a passion with good reason; this year he wanted things to be different following a chance encounter with a strange who he was attracted to, but fate intervened. Will he get what he wants for Christmas? *Slash*

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Edward/Alice, Edward/OC
Genre: Drama, Hurt/Comfort,, Romance, Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 7964 Read Count: 371
[Report This] Published: 23 Aug 2012 Updated: 23 Aug 2012


This was orginally posted as three separate stories on FF.net. I've decided to combine them into one because they all go together.  What happens when Emmett and Rosalie decide to "wander" and set their sites on the Swan's?  And can Edward learn to make love to a human with a little help from some Vampire pals?  Contains characters from Twilight, Trueblood and Vampire Diaries.

Categories: Southern Vampire Mysteries/True Blood, Twilight, The Vampire Diaries/The Originals, Crossover, Non-Canon Pairings
Characters: Bella/Emmett, Damon/Other Character, Edward/OC, Eric/Other Character
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 8306 Read Count: 1518
[Report This] Published: 07 Jul 2012 Updated: 08 Jul 2012

Jessica, a 24 year old female, is a waitress in a small but semi busy resturant in a small city in New Zealand. On a quite night while at work a man with the most exotic green eyes walks in.

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: Risqué
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1046 Read Count: 160
[Report This] Published: 17 Jun 2012 Updated: 17 Jun 2012
Three's Company by Yulliah Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 3]


Jasper gives Edward a very special present for his 29th birthday. o/s SLASH

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Edward/Jasper (slash), Edward/OC
Genre: Erotica
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5529 Read Count: 986
[Report This] Published: 03 Jun 2012 Updated: 03 Jun 2012
Boys of Summer by amandac3 Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 2]

Swimming and speedo's, diving and dancing, boys and bottle caps. A fable of finding and falling. Edward/James. SLASH.
Entry for the Slash/Backslash 3.0 contest.

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: Erotica, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 9887 Read Count: 400
[Report This] Published: 03 Jun 2012 Updated: 03 Jun 2012

Mind reading is not only an overwhelming ability but also a sixth sense, and the gift of sensory deprivation might just be a condemning Godsend. VAMP SLASH. Edward/Alec/Caius with a little bit of Demetri. EPOV. Post-BD. Written for the TwiKinkFest.

The anon prompt: Edward/Alec vampy-bondagey thing... Alec uses his gift to cut off Edward's senses, plunging (heh!) him into a stage of sensory deprivation - except for the pleasure Alec wants to give him, of course. Maybe he invites others to participate as well - and it's the writer's choice as to whether Edward can still read the minds of whoever is involved.

** Nominated for "Best One Shot" in the Sunflower Awards **

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: Drama, Erotica, One-Shot, Slash
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4519 Read Count: 683
[Report This] Published: 08 May 2012 Updated: 08 May 2012
Coffee Shop Angel by Jennmc75 Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 4]

This was written for TotallyObsessed82, the winner of my FGB auction. Edward is a broken man new to Atlanta. Will he find happiness with the angel in the coffee shop? Rated M for lemons. No Bella in this o/s.

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: One-Shot, Romance
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5233 Read Count: 537
[Report This] Published: 25 Jan 2010 Updated: 07 Jan 2012
Celebrity Pass by Lori 94 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 4]

Definition of ‘celebrity pass’: an agreement between a couple (married, dating, same sex or ‘normal’) that when a famous person whom you’d like to have sex with comes onto you…you have permission to indulge your desires…and it isn’t to be considered cheating.

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: Romance, Slash
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4090 Read Count: 752
[Report This] Published: 25 Aug 2010 Updated: 25 Aug 2010


What happens behinds closed doors, remains behind closed doors. Edward can only handle unresolved sexual tension for so long. He just needs to get it out of his system, but will he be given the chance?

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5827 Read Count: 177
[Report This] Published: 31 Jul 2010 Updated: 31 Jul 2010

When Edward flees to Volterra after learning of Bella's death, he is coerced into staying as a member of the Volturi guard. When he becomes hopelessly lost, will he allow the person he least expected to find him? Sometimes redemption can be found even when it is not being sought after.  Contains slash and some dark themes.


Thanks to ms_ambrosia at twificpics.com for the banner!

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: Demetri/OC, Edward/OC
Genre: Slash
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 106374 Read Count: 2626
[Report This] Published: 23 Mar 2010 Updated: 19 Jul 2010

I had always loved him and he had always loved me, in his own way. But I was never who he wanted.

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1524 Read Count: 252
[Report This] Published: 20 Jun 2010 Updated: 20 Jun 2010

Edward and Victoria are fighting, Edward to save Bella's life, Victoria to end it. But both of them have a lot of pent up desire and there are consequences. AU, ExV OOC


Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, Alternate Universe
Characters: Edward/Jacob (slash), Edward/OC
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2101 Read Count: 206
[Report This] Published: 07 Jun 2010 Updated: 07 Jun 2010
Border Crossing by LMGoldenEyes Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 1]

Edward is utterly and hopelessly infatuated with his much older and very sexy English teacher. Could she possibly feel the same? My entry for the 'Forbidden Lemon' Contest. OOC

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4339 Read Count: 491
[Report This] Published: 05 May 2010 Updated: 05 May 2010
Entity by birobird93 Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 15]

Three friends. Three guys. In the same body. Blood-thirsty murderers, prowling the streets of Chicago, one at a time. "Evil prowls the shadows in this city at night Miss Swan. You will be wise to avoid it...not ask to see it again.” Edward's quest to find the perfect victim. One-shot. Darkward/Mentalward/Sexual content and extreme violence.

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human, Crackfic
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 8840 Read Count: 545
[Report This] Published: 07 Apr 2010 Updated: 07 Apr 2010

Haiti Relief Compilation contribution. Lost in darkness, she finds herself the only way she feels she can.

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1507 Read Count: 44
[Report This] Published: 02 Apr 2010 Updated: 02 Apr 2010
In The End by AnnikaMalfoy Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 6]

Part 4 of the Without You Series. Fifteen years after the events of Miles. Edward has been the model Volturi guard member. But what happens when Edward is asked to kidnap Melanie Callahan for Aro? Who is she? And why does Edward feel so close to her?

Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight
Characters: Edward/OC
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 86366 Read Count: 2192
[Report This] Published: 07 Mar 2010 Updated: 07 Mar 2010


Miss Lillie runs a male escort service called Naked Cullen Boys, Incorporated. Come watch as they make every girl's dream come true!; AU/AH; Nominated for a Bellie award for Best Multi-Chapter Smut!


Categories: Non-Canon Pairings, Twilight, All Human
Characters: Carlisle/Other or Original Character, Edward/OC, Emmett/OC, Jacob/OC, Jasper/OC
Genre: None
Language: None
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 33425 Read Count: 6550
[Report This] Published: 23 Feb 2010 Updated: 23 Feb 2010